How to Finally Stick to Your Bible Reading Plan in 2025

How to Finally Stick to Your Bible Reading Plan in 2025

Every year, millions of people welcome January with ambitious New Year’s resolutions. Gym memberships skyrocket for people who plan to shed off some weight; habit trackers fly off the shelves for some people who desire to beat one habit or take on another; planners are meticulously filled out, and people resolve to make this year the one where they truly do something better. Among Christians, a particularly popular resolution is to read the entire Bible in a year.

Amazing resolve! Armed with Bibles, pens, highlighters, and determination, they dive in, ready to engage with God’s Word like never before, but….

Bible Reading Plan 2025

Frankly speaking, many of us don’t make it far. The excitement of Genesis and the dramatic events of Exodus keep us engaged through January. But by the time February rolls around and we’re knee-deep in Leviticus and Numbers, our enthusiasm tends to wane. Yes, that’s exactly how the January gym crowds dwindle back to regular members by the end of February. Hahaha. Resolutions are easy to make but hard to maintain—and Bible reading plans are no exception.

Why We Fall Off the Bible Reading Train

Reading the entire Bible in a year is definitely a worthy goal. However, tight, huge resolutions like reading the whole Bible can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if we’ve never tried it before. When the excitement fades; life gets busy, and the plan feels too daunting, many of us stop altogether, hanging our heads, quite disappointed.

But wait! What if instead of aiming to read the entire Bible this year, you focused on a goal that’s more attainable and impactful?

A Smarter Way to Approach Bible Reading

If you’ve never read the Bible all the way through, why not start with the New Testament? It’s about one-third of the size of the Old Testament and focuses on the New Covenant, which is especially relevant to our lives today. Concentrating on these 27 books can provide clarity, encouragement, and spiritual growth—all without the pressure of tackling the entire Bible at once.

That’s why The BUD Family Africa has created a plan to help you through this- The Woman in His Steps (WIHS) 365 Days New Testament Reading Plan. The plan covers the New Testament in 260 days, which translates to reading just five days a week. Saturdays and Sundays are left intentionally open for you to have time to rest or catch up if you miss a day.

Why This Approach Works

  1. It’s Manageable: Five days a week is much easier to commit to than a daily plan.
  2. Catch-Up Days: Things can happen, so, the built-in breaks ensure you won’t feel defeated if you miss a day.
  3. Focused Reading: Concentrating on the New Testament allow you to have a deeper engagement with teachings that directly impact your walk with Christ.

Tips for Daily Bible Reading Success

To make this year the one where you truly fall in love with God’s Word, here are some practical tips:

  1. Set Aside a Specific Time: Choose a time that works best for you and stick to it. It could be in the quiet of the morning or in a reflective evening moment. Just stay consistent.
  2. Read to Learn, Not to Check a Box: Don’t rush through the day’s passage just to mark it as done. Let the Word speak to your heart. Sit on the verses as a lover soaks in the words of her lover’s letter, you know?
  3. Pray Before You Begin: Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you as you read. A short prayer for wisdom and understanding can transform your time in the Word.
  4. Journal Your Journey: Keep a notebook handy to jot down thoughts, insights, and verses that resonate with you. Oh, how journalling makes the Word sink even deeper!
  5. Enjoy the Process: Remember, Bible reading is not a chore. Do not make it feel as one! It’s an opportunity to connect with God, grow spiritually, and be refreshed by Him.
  6. Share what you gain with someone: If you are a member of The BUD Family Africa, you can even join the dedicated Bible Reading group where you can discuss each reading with fellow sisters. If you are not a member, you can do this with a friend or two at work, church, online etc. Or you can simply share with your siblings or spouse. Just make sure you share what you have received. Remember, it is more blessed to give than to receive. 

Make This Year Different

This year, let’s set goals that will really help us to enjoy walking with the Lord without us getting overwhelmed. The Bible is not a novel! It is not a prose. It is God’s Word! His special Notes to us. Let us take it that way and revere this process. We believe so strongly that if you’re new to Bible reading plans or have tried and failed before, a manageable plan like the WIHS 365 Days New Testament reading challenge can help you finally push through to victory.

Are you ready? Grab your Bible, a notebook, a pen, maybe some colour pencils, your printable Bible Reading Plan and allow the Word of God to pull you in and transform your life this new year.

Also Read: Why you should memorize the Scriptures in 2025 (Plus a Free PDF Plan to Help You)

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