Written: February 17th 2016 (Now modified)
Bibles read without prayer
Sermons heard without prayer
Engagements into marriage without prayer
Travels undertaken without prayer
Homes chosen without prayer
Friendships formed without prayer
Decisions made without prayer
Conflicts resolved without prayer
Children raised without prayer
Jobs accepted without prayer
Opportunities seized without prayer
Ministries started without prayer
Battles fought without prayer
Dreams pursued without prayer
Health challenges faced without prayer
All these are the kinds of downward steps by which many a Christian descends to a condition of spiritual paralysis or reaches the point of a tremendous fall! These actions, though seemingly ordinary, reveal the subtle ways in which self-reliance and neglect of God’s involvement can creep into our lives and lead to spiritual paralysis.
This is one of the reasons why the Bible commands us to ‘pray without ceasing‘ (1 Thessalonians 5:17). You might have wondered how possible it is for you to pray without stopping when you probably aren’t even able to sustain a one hour prayer activity. However, this is simply a divine invitation to carry God along in everything—even the minutest details of life like ‘God, should I take this bus or the other?’ or ‘Deliver me, oh Lord, I suddenly envied that lady’ etc.
Prayer is more than just a spiritual exercise of shaking your head and speaking in tongues; it is a posture of dependence, trust, and intimacy with the Lord. God doesn’t want to be a part of your life only in emergencies or major events. He desires to walk with you in every step, decision, and moment, from the seemingly insignificant to the monumental.
When we neglect prayer, we disconnect from the very source of wisdom, strength, and direction. But when we cultivate a life saturated with prayer, we ensure that no step is taken without His guidance and no action is devoid of His blessing.
PRAYER: Lord, teach me to live a life of constant prayer. Help me to involve You in everything, no matter how small it may seem. May my every thought, word, and action reflect my dependence on You. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen!
Amen and Amen 🔥🔥🔥