Risen from the Ashes- The BUD Family Prayers









Welcome to December, sisters!!! I use this opportunity to say Happy New Month, season’s greetings and Happy New Year in advance to you and your family. I’m so excited we’re at this point and ending the year revived, refreshed, renewed, and as new-generation BUD members. I tell you, sisters, it’s a great privilege, and I’m glad I’m a part of it. What about you? I hope your answer is the same as mine. I hope we’re digging deep and feasting on the fat blessings of December so far! The Lord is set to do newer things! Amen!


In His faithfulness, the Lord has laid an excellent theme before us—


It’s the excellent December when our Lord Jesus was born to deliver us from the grave. Hallelujah! Through His birth, death, and resurrection, death could not hold Him, nor could the grave; likewise, no form of ashes can hold you down in Jesus’ name! Amen!


What does this statement, ‘Risen from the Ashes’ mean?

Ashes come from wood, perhaps something that burns to the point that what is left has little value. Burning to the point of ashes is to deplete whatever is of quality and usefulness in a material. When something burns out, mostly, the ashes are discarded as useless. Ashes, in other words, produce a burnout. 

Many people experience burnout, leaving them in a state where nothing is significant. Countless times, believers have been pushed to the brink of troubles and woes, and all that seems to remain for them is their lives. Sometimes, the world looks like it could collapse on them and crush them. Some may wonder if there is anything good that can ever happen to them. 

Ashes could mean anything that could have kept you tied in a spot and under it in captivity. It could be sin, the flesh, sickness, prayerlessness, family patterns, problems giving you sleepless nights, discouragement, problems you’ve given up on and maybe stopped praying about and have accepted to be your reality. 

To rise from all of this means a powerful comeback! Rising from the ashes is a tremendous, unbelievable turnaround where it seemed impossible! It’s like someone battered, shattered, and scattered, suddenly rising to seemingly impossible greatness! It’s a shocking and unbelievable turnaround! 

The Lord is bringing a drastic turnaround today to your lives in Jesus’ name! Amen!


A biblical example of a man who rose from the ashes

Job! He’s one of my favorite characters in the Bible. Sisters, that man rose from the ashes powerfully. How can the wealthiest man in a place become the actual definition of grace to grass? His reality changed in the blink of an eye. He went from prosperity to pauperhood, healthiness to illness, fatherhood to childlessness. The world crumbled on Job and crushed him indeed. Even his wife, his other half, got to that point where all she saw was ashes and death, and she waited for it. What a life!

There are moments of sickness where to die and end it all would have been a better option or of debt, and all that is wished for, prayed for is to come up from the drowning, perspiring for a fresh breath of relief. Family matters can be so choking that you would opt for it if family relations can be changed. Different friends have gone to their husbands’ houses, even siblings, and there seems to be no hope that you will go to yours soon. Others are having kids, but you haven’t even experienced pregnancy at any point in time. Your Job frustrates you; you have lost investments, opportunities, and so much more, and all seems like a dark tunnel with no hint of light. Life unbearable is life turned to ashes. 

But did you see his later end? When God showed up in his situation, he got double! Double cattle! Double the number of children he had! Double farmlands! It was just an overflow of doubles! This will be our portion in Jesus’ name! Amen! 

I know many neighbors he had that mocked him; look at his friends who knew his righteousness, telling him to repent of something that could have caused his predicament. All those he must have helped with his wealth turned their back on him and showed him no help. I couldn’t see where he got so much physical encouragement from anyone, but he trusted in the Lord, his God. The one thing the enemy could not turn to ashes was his faith. His faith in God was all God needed to raise him from ashes. 

And that’s the major highlight: faith and trust, which changes everything. If you read this with doubt in your heart, nothing will change! If you say, “But we always pray about this, and it seems to be the same thing always with me, nothing changes,” nothing will keep changing, sisters!  

Also Read: Beware of Spiritual Paralysis

How do we rise above the ashes? 

Like any deliverance, rising from any ashes starts by acknowledging the ashes! 

Most times, what burns breeds ashes; fire burns anything and everything in its way or around it to breed more ashes. If the fire is not quenched, it breeds more and more ashes. Prepare for more ashes until the source of the fire that burns things to ashes in your life is quenched. The source of the fire-causing ashes could be sinful living, flesh-led life, demonic influences (family line, spiritual attacks, sinfulness), and other related forms. 

You just have to look into your life and see the trends and underlying problems causing the tears you cry privately, family worries that overwhelm you, children’s issues that are so discouraging, and every other thing you know yourself. Then you must acknowledge that these are ashes from which I must rise.

Therefore, today, we must cry to God, the only Restorer who makes new things out of non-existent things. Today, we can call out to Him as blind Bartimaeus did to Jesus, to take away every ash and full-blown ashes from our lives, and He will in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

Why should the ashes be removed, and why should we rise above them? 

Ashes are shameful, bothering, tiring, and frustrating, whatever they may be. Ash of lack of marital favor makes you lose your joy and sleep, thinking, what if I’m not married and I reach menopause, single? This won’t be the portion of any of us in Jesus’ name!! Amen! 

Ash of repeated miscarriages or infertility makes you sad, depressed, fearful, and worried, and sometimes you become a shadow of yourself! Ash of repeated academic failures might get you doubting your identity in Christ, comparing yourself to “successful” unbelievers, and endless self-pity. But I tell you, sisters, the blood of Jesus speaks far better and louder than any ash/ashes, and today, it’ll speak and not fail in your life in Jesus’ name! Amen! 

Today, through fasting to open up our spirit man to the Spirit of God, prayer, and absolute faith in the Lord and His power to save completely, we’ll battle against all the ashes with the powerful blood and name of Jesus! May the Lord wrought a great deliverance in our lives in Jesus’ name!! Amen! 

1 Samuel 17:29 KJV says:

“And David said, What have I now done? Is there not a cause?” 

Why should an uncircumcised philistine (the ashes) keep speaking louder than God’s promises for us? Why should bareness speak louder than fruitfulness? Why should death speak louder than life? Why should sickness and ill health speak louder than his promised good health? Why should tears speak louder than joy? Why should fear speak louder than faith? Why should debt speak louder than his provision? Why should failures speak louder than success? 

Sisters, you must tackle whatever ashes you have identified after looking inside with anger! Is there not a cause? There is a great cause. Your peace has been destroyed, your joy has turned to sadness, and some can’t remember the last time they were genuinely happy from the inside!

These ashes must not go with us into 2025! Amen! 

Isaiah 61:7 KJV says, “For your shame, ye shall have double; and for confusion, they shall rejoice in their portion: therefore in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them”!! 


Isaiah 61:7 NIV says, “Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.”


In His great mercy, the Lord has promised us a double portion for every shame, tear, and sorrow. But before this, we need to indeed come to Him. Open up to Him in true repentance! Sometimes, our sins, or those you have tried so hard to cover up over the years, will keep building more and more ashes! Surrender to the Lord! Confess your faults one to another, and the Lord is ever merciful to pardon and touch the hearts of those offended to forgive you. The shame of today is far less than the joy of true repentance and a free heart, I promise! Only a clean and pure heart can receive from the Lord!

Next, the Bible says in James 1:8 KJV: 

“A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.”



If you keep doubting that the Lord has the power to deliver you, you’ll certainly not be delivered. If you’re trusting God, but you trust that “expert endocrinologist” more because he has cured 50 million women with a condition, the Lord will not share His glory! 

Until you are ready to let go of your gaze from those who may want a part in God’s glory, looking fixedly on God alone, He won’t rise to help you. You need absolute trust in the Lord! We need to come to the point of total surrender where we can cry boldly – “Lord, if you don’t help me, where else can I go?” Our spirit and soul bear witness that the answer is NOWHERE. This is the point where the Lord comes in mightily! You have to come to an end with yourself, your efforts, your knowledge, and your expertise.

At this point, we can start dealing with the ashes. We will utilize our most powerful tool, the blood of Jesus, to cleanse and defeat the powerful ashes. Don’t worry if there are any long-standing problems; they come to an end one day, and today is that day! Amen! 


Declare loudly: 



  • I rise from every ashes of sin and self.
  • I rise from the ashes of lost glory and always bask in the former glory.
  • I rise from the ashes of demonic oppression.
  • I rise from the ashes of marine and demonic manipulation.
  • I rise from the ashes of academic setbacks and failures.
  • I rise from the ashes of everyday problems without solutions.
  • I rise from every ashes of sickness and emotional instability.
  • I rise from the ashes of lost peace and joy in every aspect of life; mention yours!
  • I rise from the ashes of satanic bullying and fear.
  • I rise from the ashes of generation curses and death. I shall not die!
  • I rise from every ashes of spiritual bondage and captivity. 
  • I rise from the ashes of repeated failures.
  • I rise from the ashes of falling and growing spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.
  • I rise from the ashes of prayerlessness and spiritual apathy.
  • I rise from the ashes of almost there but never there.
  • I rise for the ashes of long-standing prayer points and battles that never seem to be answered or go away.
  • I rise from the ashes of evil family patterns.
  • I rise from the ashes of faithlessness and disappointments.
  • I rise from the ashes of repeated cycles through the years; 2025 must shine differently and favor me especially.
  • I rise from the ashes of financial problems, debts, and stagnation.  
  • I rise from the ashes of delays in conception, miscarriages, PCOS, blighted ovum, low progesterone, and all the problems of infertility (pray even if you’re not married).
  • I rise from the ashes of marital delay. In 2025, none ripe and ready for marriage shall lack her mate. Amen.
  • I rise from the ashes of ungodly parenting (pray even if you’re not married).
  • I rise from the ashes of unfruitful pursuits and endeavors. No more wasting time and resources on that which profiteth nothing in the coming year. Amen.

Using yourself as a point of contact, gather your family and friends from every ashes list here as the Lord leads you.




  • Sing any worship song you’re led to and adore him for who he is. Bless his name for this opportunity to fast, pray, and seek his face. 
  • Thank the Lord for the gift of life, health, and wellness. Thank him for bringing you to the end of December 2024. Thank him because you and all those associated with you will also see December 2025 in health, satisfaction, and joy.
  • Thank the Lord for the New generation of the BUD family in Africa. Ask him for the grace to make you a vision carrier and executor in the family. 

Mercy and Forgiveness

  • If you have not surrendered your life to Jesus, now is that moment of salvation. The absence of salvation in your life is a gateway for the enemy to turn the goodness of your life into ashes. Begin to ask the Lord for forgiveness for all your sins. The Bible says the prayer of a sinner will never be heard. Ask him for mercy and thorough cleansing; promise him that you’ll never return to them again. Welcome to the family of God!
  • Now, with clean hands and pure hearts, ask for forgiveness from doubts and double-mindedness. Tell Him to please give you a heart of faith, trust, and belief in His name and blood to cleanse you from all the ashes thoroughly.

Cleansing and Restoration

  • Every fire that is not holy and pure, burning in my life and turning the goodness of my life to ashes, I quench you now with the Living Water of Jesus. 
  • Every smoke, slowly burning away the blessings of God in my life into ashes, turning my strenuous work efforts and opportunities into waste, I expose you now by the power of the Holy Spirit. I kill you with the Living Water in Jesus’ name.
  • I repent of every fire in me that is being fueled by sin and causing my life’s issues to turn to ashes, and I receive grace to desist from it all in Jesus’ name.
  • Every fire in me, fueled by my flesh, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, pride of life, to make ashes out of my life, I receive grace to deny you through the help of the Holy Spirit, and I live a Spirit-influenced life in Jesus name.
  • Every fire in me, fueled by demonic influences due to ignorance, family lineage, unrighteous living, environment, and whatever else, I refuse your influence over me at this very moment in Jesus’ name. I take power over you and hide my life in Christ. Your fire in me is quenched this very moment in Jesus’ name.  
  • Begin to plead the blood of Jesus against every ashes of your life. Name them one by one. In the name of Jesus, I come against the ashes of debts! I sweep them out of my life and cleanse them permanently with the blood of Jesus. With the authority vested in me by being a child of God, I cannot be bound by any ash/ashes; however strong they are, the Lord is stronger.
  • Command the long-standing ashes that have kept you on a spot to be shaken off by fire. Shake them off as a physical gesture. Call their names one after the other. Ashes of delay, I shake you off. Ashes of stagnancy, I shake you off. Go on, sisters, call them out. Shake them off. 
  • Command the ashes you have identified to begin to dry up from their root. Curse each of them and command them to go away, never to return. 
  • Set an unbreakable seal over the buried ashes. Declare this will never be a prayer point anymore. They are buried, and I have risen far above them.
  • In the upcoming years, none of the ashes swept away today will come back. Declare that I will never pray the same prayer points over and over again! They are ended permanently in Jesus’ Name!

(Continue to pray  as led, targeting the key issues, until you are relieved in your spirit)


  • Ask the Lord to give you a special gift this season and in the New Year. Tell him what you desire, and it will be given to you in Jesus’ name.
  • Thank Him for answered prayers and His precious promises that have and will come to pass. Thank Him for 2024, and ask for his mercy to grace you powerfully into 2025. Bless his name and adore him with a song of worship. Declare, “I am free” (7x), and believe you’re free indeed in Jesus’ name.


As we round off, sing this song repeatedly until you memorize the lyrics. It’s a song of belonging and affirming your identity in Christ. The devil has got nothing and will never have a hold on you again, in Jesus’ name! Amen.



Now before we start,

Say I belong to Jesus,

Hundred percent,

Satan has no right,

He has no share,

Say he has no stake in this life,



Ndum bu nke Chineke (My life belongs to God),

Ihe nile nkem nwere (Everything that I have),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise),

Ekwensu enwegi ike n’ebemno (The devil does not have power over me),

Abum nwa nke Chukwu (I am a Child of God),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise).


Ndum bu nke Chineke (My life belongs to God),

Ihe nile nkem nwere (Everything that I have),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise),

Ekwensu enwegi ike n’ebemno (The devil does not have power over me),

Abum nwa nke Chukwu (I am a Child of God),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise).


Ndum bu nke Chineke (My life belongs to God),

Ihe nile nkem nwere (Everything that I have),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise),

Ekwensu enwegi ike n’ebemno (The devil does not have power over me,

Abum nwa nke Chukwu (I am a Child of God),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise).


Onyinyeakam, Chinwendum (The One who helps me, the God who owns my life),

Onye nwem, Eze (The One that owns me, King),

Jesus bu isi ike ndum o (The Strength of my life) (2X)


Ndum bu nke Chineke (My life belongs to God),

Ihe nile nkem nwere (Everything that I have),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise),

Ndum bu nke nmou ka nmou (My life belongs to a spirit greater than spirits),

Eze ndi nmou (King of all spirits),

Nmuo di amuma (Spirit of the prophet),

Nmou nelu nmuo (Spirit above all spirits),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise),

Okwa gi bu Eze ndi Eze nechi Eze (it is you who is king of kings that makes kings),

Oke ikukwo ikukwu Naha netuegbu (Great wind that is feared by all),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise).


Onyinyeakam, Chinwendum (The One who helps me, the God who owns my life),

Onye nwem, Eze (The One that owns me, King),

Jesus bu isi ike ndum o (The Strength of my life),

Onyinyeakam, Chinwendum (The One who helps me, the God who owns my life),

Onye nwem, Eze (The One that owns me, King),

Jesus bu isi ike ndum o (The Strength of my life),


Ndum bu nke Chineke (My life belongs to God),

Ihe nile nkem nwere (Everything that I have),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise),

Agam eburu halleluya eburu (I will carry Halleluyah),

Agam akpara Halleluya Eze (I will carry Halleluyah),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise),

You deserve the praise and the glory,

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise).


Halleluyah, lay your hands on your head,

Say my life belongs to Jesus,

Every plant which your heavenly father has not planted Is illegal (Every ashes is illegal),

That’s called trespass of property!!


Ekwensu enwegi ike n’ebemno (The devil does not have power over me),

Abum nwa nke Chukwu (I am a Child of God),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise),

Ndum bu nke Chineke (My life belongs to God),

Ihe nile nkem nwere (Everything that I have),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise),

Ekwensu enwegi ike n’ebemno (The devil does not have power over me),

Abum nwa nke Chukwu (I am a Child of God),

Jesus nani gi ri nw’otuto (Jesus only you deserve the praise).


Give him praise,

Give him praise,

Give him praise now,

Give him praise now,

Give him praise.


I pray for each one of us that the Lord will surprise us with the 11th hour miracles more than we imagine in Jesus’ name. Amen!! Remember the ashes you’ve risen from and never let the devil try to pull you with guilt and fear of falling back into them. You’ve risen permanently in Jesus name!! Amen!!

God bless you, sisters. I hope to see you in the evening at 8pm as we discuss the Bible passage above (Luke 2) together. Come believing and expecting to be blessed of the Lord. I love you all and may the everlasting love of the Lord abide with you all. Amen.


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