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Anchor: Chioma  Chukwulotam

So, briefly we’ll be ‘gisting’ about reaching goals against all odds and learning from past mistakes.

I had a hard time knowing which aspect to focus on because, kai! I’ve made several mistakes in the past but God in His graciousness has helped and is still helping me to stay on course. Let’s trust God to do what he alone can do. Let’s see how brief we can be with this.

Father, we trust in what You alone can do in us. Thanks for this privilege of gleaning again at your feet; please address the issues of our hearts, answer our questions and give us wings to soar into that glorious future You have for us in Jesus name. At the end of our gist Father, may our lives be positively impacted to show forth your glory in Jesus name we pray, Amen.

I trust that the Lord will speak to someone today even if it’s just one person!

Hmmmm! I had wanted to be a pilot or medical doctor as a child because then, there were only about 4 or 5 courses; if you don’t do any of them, I wonder what you went to do in school, so every child wanted to be either a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer, a pilot or others which weren’t given so much mention. I choose doctor, yeah, it sounds really prestigious to be a medical doctor. My first jamb, I put in for medicine and surgery.

When results were released, they sent my jamb result slip and said no admission yet; I think I scored about 158 then, can’t remember what the cut off was again. Jamb was supposed to post my admission slip but no one really followed up so the following year, immediately after SSCE results were released, some of my friends then who had left for campus earlier saw my result and said I had a very good result that I should come to Offa for admission.

Where on Earth is Offa? I’ve never heard of it before let alone know in which state it is. But they persuaded me so much that I also started putting pressure on my parents to let me go there and obtain the form against their wish. They weren’t happy but I really wasn’t listening to them so they let me go. Ase, my friends were in a polytechnic and doing a 1year certificate program because they didn’t have a good result so, they simply felt mine was way better than theirs and sure it was.

They made just 2 papers, I made 7 excluding Maths and Physics and instead of them just giving me the right counsel of resiting because, they were older and I sure would have listened, they said I had a very good result, what more? I believed them and refused to listen to my parents’ counsel. They said I could do Science Lab Tech then later cross to Medical school; they actually meant well sha, they wanted to help me fast track my schooling!

I also had a good intention but went about it really badly. My siblings were pretty young then so I wanted to quickly finish school, get a job and be able to support them when the time comes but alas, my approach was the ‘wrongest’ approach. When admission lists were released the following year, I discovered my name wasn’t there on the admission list because of the deficiency in Maths and Physics but again, against my parents’ wish, I stayed back in school there instead of going back home. I was told to try again, that year, I bought another form for admission, this time, I changed course.

Again, my name didn’t come out!

That is like the third session now. Meanwhile, I refused to go back home. I was very ashamed of myself and pride won’t let me obey my parents who were still insisting that I come back home, settle down to rewrite SSCE then go to a university. Now my issue was; me? Go back to secondary school? After how many years? God forbid! I was writing GCE those years o yet, no maths and physics.

As the third session was about to start and I was still without admission, I decided to swallow my pride and go back home. I mean, I can’t just be wasting away in a strange land doing nothing and enduring all the hunger; ma ka why? I will arise and go to my parents! I refused to join the Campus fellowship workforce despite their persuasion but at this time, they saw I was resolute to go back home; the excos started running upandan. No, you can’t leave this campus empty handed, bla bla bla! You know all those spirikoko excos!

Lemme not bore you with the details of everything that transpired; their efforts saw me in Accounting department!

How on earth will I cope from science to commercial? Without any commercial background? But here was a challenge and I was desperate at this point so, I got to it. By the third week I was in accounting, I was already explaining to others, by God’s grace. Did I mention I had to start from Prelim? That is, I started from prelim the year I was supposed to be rounding off ND. But I finished with an Upper credit to the glory of God.

Proceeded to ND then some years later to HND. I also did a professional course in strategic management. I’m not interested in ICAN if not, I’d have done it too but along the line, my passion evolved so, I stated pursuing that with everything in me.

Some years back, I told a father in the ministry that I wanted to be an Editor and he said, ‘oo le se!’ Meaning, ‘you can’t do it’ It is a field for men but I’m glad he later added, ‘well, sha, to ba wa determined sha’ that is, well, may be if you’re determined, it could be possible.

It’s over 10 years he told me that but today, not for pride; I not only edit, I do graphics. When I was talking to him about editing, I didn’t even know the editing software then, later, I knew about adobe premiere but today, I can edit on Premiere pro, final cut, davinci resolve. I can do a bit of colour grading, after effects, and other things to the glory of God alone.

I work in the audit department of a company and to the glory of God, I told my boss I wanted to leave, she is very unwilling to let me go because, God has been helping me.

Dear friends, you are who God says you are not what circumstances of life make of you. You can ride to your safe haven on whatever storm is threatening to drown you; it all depends on your disposition. There are distractions o, very tempting alternatives but the choice of whether you reach your goal or not rests solely on your shoulders.

How can this be possible?

First, it is of utmost importance that you surrender yourself completely to God. Without him, we can do nothing. Yes, I had years of delay but those years didn’t see me just wetting my pillows with tears, regretting what could have been; they were years when God helped me to develop my spiritual life. I listened to messages, spent time to pray, studied, read, a lot of foundation laying that I didn’t even realise then. Those where the years I also got into the ministry and even though at the beginning all I wanted was to act but as the years rolled by, God began to form my vision according and I’m still running with the vision till today with no remote regret whatsoever.

Find yourself first in God then, other things will be easier to deal with. Matt. 6:33 – Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God. All other things are simply ‘jara’ which will be added; they ain’t the real package but a lot of young ones to have reversed the other. They want to seek other things and expect the Kingdom to be added, nah, it doesn’t work that way! Reverse the order! Set priorities right and see God work wonders in your life!

Another thing is, be careful of the friends you keep. It you want to be successful, don’t be in the company of people who don’t see any need to challenge the status quo; they’ll soon rob off on you and before you know it, you’ll drop your quest for the top too. If you wanna soar, associate with eagles! Men of like passion in the pursuit of excellence. Prayerfully choose your friends and God will direct you to the right kind of people.

Diligence can never be substituted for anything! Seest thou a man diligent in his business, he shall stand before kings and not mean men. Proverbs 22:29. Give it your best! Don’t listen to distractors, let distracting factors be the fuel that propels the engine of your passion and if you don’t give up, those discouraging and distracting you today will congratulate you soon. Be determined to succeed. If no one encouraged you, you encourage yourself!

Take responsibility for your success, even if there’s no encouraging factor; be determined to reach your zenith!

Our parents are very important figures in our lives. Yes, they may not understand our every decision yet as much as possible, get their blessing even if they don’t support what you’re doing, keep at it while still maintaining a good relationship with them; before long, God will cause you to obtain favour before them. Understand that, one day, you too will become a parent and whatever you do today is a seed and when you plant a seed, you usally won’t get back just that single seed, you’ll have abundance so, in proving that you are big enough to make your own decisions, honour them as God instructs.

My parents didn’t approve of my drama calling at the initial time, it was quite tough! Story for another day but today, to the glory of God, I’m a good daughter. So, yes don’t give up on your dreams but don’t dishonour your parents; there’s a law of karma!

What else? Have an open heart to learn from anybody no matter how little.

Don’t be afraid or too ashamed to start all over if you fail.

Failure is not that you failed but that you failed and refused to pick up from that point.

You are not a failure! You are glorious destiny going somewhere to happen.

Yes, you can achieve that glorious dream you want to achieve.

You can pioneer a cause.

You can reach your zenith.

You can be whatever you want to be as long as you don’t reverse the equation or leave God completely out of the equation! 

His Will alone will be done in your life and His desire is to give you that expected end.

Arise and soar, you have what it takes, what more?

God has given us all things that pertains to life and godliness so, it’s time to SOARRRRRR!!!!!

So, sisters; you can be whatever you want to be under God!


Yeah you mentioned God but who else triggered this fire in you?

Well, in terms of academics, I’ll say God helped me to just keep holding on, then He surrounded me with wonderful brethren.

In the ministry, my inspiration was and is still Mummy Gloria Bamiloye. I just love what God is doing through her.



Like I said, my parents vehemently opposed drama when I told them this is what I wanted to do but I just knew I had discovered myself and though they didn’t see it just yet, they’ll eventually do so.

It wasn’t easy really because sometimes, they’ll stop me from going for a rehearsal or participating in anything, I’ll obey but deep down I was about to give it up; my morale was higher.

Later they said, ok, just achieve something with your life first then you can so what you want but me, I kept telling them drama was my life.

Sometimes, I’ll trek long distances to attend a program because no money and though they have grudgingly released me to go, they won’t give me money. So, I trekked! The fire just must not die!

So, handle them with honour. I won’t say I did that 100% because sometimes, the fire is burning in you and all you can see is what you want to do so you’ll refuse every other voice that is not agreeing with what you what to do but then again sometimes, God uses our parents to check our excesses so, obey them in the Lord while still humbly making them see reasons.

The story has changed today! If I say, I’m going to Zamfara today; their concern would be my welfare not about what I am going to do.



Best role? I’m yet to play it.

I have wasted quite a number of years trying to do things my way and be successful in life. I later got closer to God and realized it has to be the way He wants. I decided to take a fresh start but each time I remember the number of wasted years it pulls down my morale. How can I overcome this? What should I do?

People who were in pry school when I left school, still graduated and served before me. In fact, some already did their masters

What I’m I saying? Look, if you keep looking back, you’ll never make progress.

For anyone to accelerate speed, you must look forward! If you keep looking back, anything can happen. You could miss your step and stumble then you not only have to start all over, you’ll start with pain! So, this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, I press forward!

I’m not saying there won’t be a remembrance of what is lost but excuse me, yesterday is exactly what it is past! You don’t have power over that anymore but you have today, you have tomorrow! Don’t import the woes of yesterday and dump it on the glorious to say and wonderful tomorrow, forget it!


Remember ye not the former things neither consider the things of old; BEHOLD, I WILL DO A NEW THING! That is God’s word to somebody!




Maybe I haven’t sat down to carefully craft out a philosophy but my life can be summarized as – stay focused. Stay Pure.

With God, we are a team and there’s nothing stopping us!  




Lemme end by saying this; we have a very paramount goal as Christians. There are several distracting factors on the way. There are odds everywhere not in our favour but you and I must decide under God that come what may, you will not miss it.

Heaven is our goal. It is a goal that supersedes any earthly goal, don’t allow anything, I mean, anything to distract you from that goal.

If you achieve all earthly goals and miss this friend, you are a loser!

Let’s keep our focus on the author and finisher of our faith as we run towards that goal.

The trumpet can sound at anytime so, no matter the odds or distraction.



We shall not miss our goal both here and ultimately in Jesus name, God bless you.

Father, all we can say is thank you. Help us to be doers not only hearers of your word in Jesus Name.



  1. Ruth Egwuda says:

    Hmmm…. Inspiring
    Thanks. ….. I pray God enabled us to stay focused on the Will/Purpose he has for us.

  2. DOMINION says:

    I’m deeply blessed by this. God bless you NGOZI bobo

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