Oh Lord, we come to You
We lay our lives before You
You know our needs before we asked
So we come not for ourselves
But we’re crying out for the nations
Oh Lord, we pray
Give us beauty for ashes
Strength for our weakness
Oh Lord, we pray
Give us faith to believe
Hearts that we seek
Oh Lord, we pray
As Your church, we arise
Jesus, please hear our cry and have mercy
Do I have a room full of intercessors tonight?
Who will begin to lift up your voice?
Some of you may even want to run to the altar
And begin to lift up your voice
Not on behalf of yourself
But on behalf of the nations
Is there anyone that would join me
In praying for the nations of the earth
That the government will be upon His shoulders
That the Lord of glory will intervene
And hear the affairs of man?
Where are the intercessors?
Where are those who will cry out?
Where are those who will believe God?
Who will say
“Oh God, hear Your people
Oh God, hear the cries of Your people”
As we lift up our voices tonight
As we lift up our voices tonight
If we’ve ever needed You
Right now is the time
Right now is the time
To change the nations, Lord
Change the nations, Lord
Change the nations, Lord
Reveal Your glory
And let Your church rise
Oh God, reveal Your glory
And let the church rise
Oh God, let the government be on your shoulders
Intervene on the behalf of every leader
Every nation, we cry out, we cry out, we cry out, we cry out ohhh
We need You
Have mercy on us, Lord
Have mercy on us, Lord
Have mercy on us, Lord
And turn our hearts back to You
Turn our hearts back to You
Turn our hearts back to You
Turn our hearts back to You, oh God
Reveal Your Son, release miracles
Signs of wonders, oh God, release miracles
Signs of wonders, that You will be glorified
High and lifted up, and the nations will tremble
The nations will come in fear and say
“Jesus Christ is Lord! ”
“Jesus Christ is Lord! ”
You are Lord!
Let the church rise
Let the church rise
Let the church rise
Come on, lift up your voices
Let a sound be heard
Let a sound be heard
Through the nations of the earth
The change I want to see
Must first begin in me
I surrender, so your world can be changed
The change I want to see
Must first begin in me
I surrender, so your world can be changed
The change I want to see
Must first begin in me (right now)
I surrender, so your world can be changed (so your world can be changed)
The change I want to see
Must first begin in me
I surrender, so your world can be changed
The change I want to see
Must first begin in me
I surrender, so your world can be changed (I surrender, so your world can be changed)
The change I want to see
Must first begin in me (must first, in must first begin)
I surrender (in must first begin, I surrender)
I surrender (Lord, I surrender)
I surrender (Lord, I surrender)
I surrender (Lord, I lay it off down today)
I surrender (I lay it off down today)
I surrender (It’s You can use it exist, Lord)
I surrender (It’s You can use it exist, Lord)
I surrender (You can use it, use it, use it, Jesus)
I surrender (surrender)
So your world can be changed
Oh, Jesus
Oh, Jesus
You are the light of the world
Cities set on a hill cannot be hidden
Whether you know it or not
The world is looking at you
Because the answer that they seek
Is on the inside of You
So I say
If they’re looking for You
Let them find You in me
If they’re looking for You
Let them find You in me
If they’re looking for You, Jesus
Let them find You in me
If they’re looking for You, Jesus
Let them find You in me
That’s what we said
The change I want to see
Must first begin in me
I surrender all



It is important for us to pray for others because Jesus Christ has commanded us to do so.

Jesus commands that we pray, not only for our family, friends, and fellow believers, but even for our enemies (Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:28).

By praying for others we are imitating Jesus Christ, who intercedes with God the Father on our behalf (Romans 8:34; John 17:9), as well as the Spirit of God who intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words (Romans 8:26).

Like, did you get that?

We are not just people who ask and ask and concentrate on ourselves. But we take eyes off ourselves like our Lord Jesus would, just for the sake of others!!

The New Testament epistles are replete with examples of praying for others as well as calls to do so.

1 Timothy 2:1–4 says, “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

Obedience to God’s Word is one reason to pray for others.

We also see in these verses that praying for others involves asking God for things on their behalf, interceding for them, and thanking God for them.

It is important to pray for others because by doing so we are participating with God in the ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18–20).

Although God is sovereign over all things, He has chosen to allow us the unspeakable privilege of being part of the outworking of His plan.

He has chosen to include our prayers and our sharing of the gospel as a means to bring others to repentance and salvation in Jesus Christ (Matthew 9:37–38; 2 Thessalonians 3:1; 2 Timothy 2:24–25).

As children of God, we are spiritual weapons in God’s mighty hand. When we pray for others, we also enjoy the privilege of rejoicing in God’s work in their lives.

Because of a truth, when you pray, God will answer. When you see the answers, you’d rejoice and be glad.

By praying for others, we actively participate in God’s plan for the world, both in our lives and in the lives of others.

Praying for our fellow sisters in Christ is one means by which we share one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2).

We pray for things such as their spiritual growth, physical needs, and encouragement.

Prayer is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:18). Paul requested prayer for his work in ministry (Ephesians 6:18–20).

James recommended praying when people are sick and connected it to confession of sins to one another (James 5:14–16).

Praying for others indicates love for others. If we do not love, it indicates that we do not know God (1 John 3:10; 4:20–21).

On the contrary, love for sisters in Christ indicates that we have passed from spiritual death to spiritual life (1 John 3:14)—that we know God.

We ought to love everyone, but there is a special love that we have for fellow believers and as such we ought to pray for them fervently (1 John 3:14; Galatians 6:10).

We see this frequently among the apostles and early believers. They are always asking each other to pray for them and remembering each other in their prayers (Ephesians 1:16; 6:18–19; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Philemon 1:4;). Why?

Because they know that it is God and God alone who can strengthen them, uphold them, and cause them to rejoice even amid the sorest trials and stand against the most enticing temptations (Luke 22:32; Ephesians 3:20; Romans 16:25; 2 Peter 2:9; Matthew 6:13).

We pray—for ourselves and others—because we know it is God who holds the power.

Prayer is our means of communication with God.

It is the way we access His power and participate in His plans for this world.

In prayer, we give God praise and seek His face that we might become more like Him.

We pray for God to soften the hearts of people and draw them to salvation.

We pray for Him to encourage and grow His children.

Ultimately, we pray for God’s will to be done in our lives and the lives of others.

As the writer of Hebrews said, “Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession….

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:14–16).

This is why during any of our prayer programmes, I love us to get personal prayer requests of our sisters so that we can raise our voices together to God on their behalves.

It is time for us to bear other people’s burdens by praying for them.

It is time to forget all our issues and focus on other people’s problems, knowing fully well that when we leave our problems to carry other people’s issues, God will face our own issues squarely and make a way for us.

Are you ready???

Let’s take this song very quickly, sisters :

Title: A Sister’s Prayer

As I ask the Lord for guidance in my daily prayers,

He will lead me to the one whose burden I may share.

When my heart is tuned to hear the still, small voice each day.

Heaven then can bless me with the things for which I pray.

Bless my eyes to see with understanding

When someone needs help that I can give

Help me Lord, to feel my soul expanding

To be more like thee each day I live.

Bless my heart to act in true compassion,

Sharing love that fills another’s need

Help me feel the Spirit’s inspiration

And be more like thee in word and deed.

Heav’nly Father loves us all and guides us from above.

But we’re the caring hands through which His children feel His love.

When I’m feeling weak, and pray for strength beyond my own,

He will prompt my willing heart, I never walk alone.

Bless my hands to reach in consolation

To the one who has a heavy heart

Lord, please hear my humble supplication:

Help me learn the gentle healer’s art.

Bless my voice in every conversation

Let me speak with peaceful, loving words

Help me serve with quiet consecration

That through me, thine own voice may heard

That through me, thine own voice may heard













It is going to be great today
Jesua Christ is already here
The Holy Ghost is already here


-Please  I want the Bud  family to join me in prayer. Ma, I told you about my miscarriage last year December but I have taken in now. I want God to help me deliver safely .

-I also want God to grant my sister the fruit of the womb. She had a still birth last year and since then she has not taken in.

-I also want God to provide for me and my husband financially.

-I have been having this recurrent dream about doing back to my secondary school, writing exams and it usually come when I am about to breakthrough.  I want the family to pray for me that an end comes to such dreams and all powers manipulating my season are destroyed! I possess my possessions. Also, yesterday night I had a dream, it was while praying with the bulletin this morning it started becoming clear to me. In the dream, I saw some women taking the seat I am meant to occupy with the person God showed me is the one for me. Though I eventually sat at the front but they were claiming their right even though the seat isn’t theirs. And the man was in a situation that he needed to carry people with his car to survive. I want the house to pray that my place will not be changed maritally and every power waging war against my marital settlement is destroyed because I saw a crown that is mine not given.

And also, my partner will not lose all the Lord has given him just because he associates with me. My coming into his life opens him up to abundance.

– I have a prayer request especially after this 26th day of Juicy July, that God should remove everything hindering the brother he has revealed to me not to come forth. I have written down my desired marriage date. I want God to do it so that I can share my own testimony here too.

– I just finished my final exams, I want God to design my result with straight As, either by mercy, miracle or mistake, anyhow, but, I desire all As.

– My aunty is having problem in her marriage. Her husband suddenly started following another woman and everyone in the village do say that she is diabolical, she goes about snatching people’s husband and thereafter, kill them. I want God to have mercy on my uncle and divinely save him.

– I want every marital delay in my family to be cancelled and destroyed and I want every marital confusion and manipulation in my life to be destroyed.

– My mum has fibroid. I want it to shrink and disappear and let her be free.

– I want God to divinely protect my dad and give him promotion in his workplace

– God should divinely take charge of my NYSC posting

– I need a well paying job while waiting for NYSC, God should connect me and anywhere I submit my CV according to His Will, I should be selected and given the job

– I desire salvation for my family members that are not yet saved

-I have an issue at work with my boss.. I want sisters to join me in prayers that I will receive favour from God and not query. I also ask that God should settle me mariatally and bring to fulfillment of his promises upon my life.

– Please pray for me, I need God’s divine provision for my brother’s school fee. The Government increased their school fee to #100,000 from about twenty to thirty thousand they pay before. My mum is a retiree with nothing paid to her since she retired and daddy’s salary isn’t much. I also want God to touch the heart of the government to release her entitlements.
My marriage is also really giving me some concerns, though I’ve prayed and I believe God has answered, yet sometimes I tend to feel like it’s taking long. Pls pray for me that God will put my mind to rest and He will hasten to also perform it.

-Sisters pls pray for me. One of my legs is shorter than the other and it is so painful that the last time I visited the hospital, they’ve told me the solution is to replace the hip. I don’t want that because I can’t be going around with plastic hip. I can’t be changing hip every five years as well. I am young and I know God has great plans for me, I don’t want my body to be tampered with in any way. I know that this is the work of the devil, please pray for me that everything the devil has done should be destroyed and the hip should be back to how it was created. I trust God to do it and I will come to this house to testify to His goodness. I know it is done for me. Thanks for praying with me.

-As I type right now, it just seems like my hope seems to dwindle, and I’m tempted to feel all the days of my prayers are in vain. But I refuse to accept the lie of the devil! The family is passing through serious financial constraint. My sister was to write exams today, and we were just able to pay half of her fees just for the sake of the exams. I want BUD family to join me in prayers. I really don’t know how God will do it, but I want financial breakthrough for my family at this point. I will come back to testify to the glory of God.

– I want God to conclude all He has started in my life, His dealings with me since this prayers started has been dynamic. I want God to bring to perfection all He has started.

-I also want BUD family to raise up their voices on my behalf. I seem to have lost passion and motivation for my academics. It’s a serious point of concern to me at the moment. I trust God to hear us as we call, because there’s power in a prayer of unity!

-My dad has been writing the same promotion exams for about 9 years now, he passes, even gets to the stage of interview but after the interview, he doesn’t get selected, he is told, he has to bribe his way to get promoted.. the same process all over, year by year😭, it’s tiring. I want God to intervene, break protocols for his sake, something must be done. And also, alot of things that are his entitlement at work are still be held.. I want God to intervene and everything given to him.

-I desire good health for my mum, different attacks on her health, I want God to Grant her healing and health and defeat the enemies for her sake.

– Financial breakthrough for my family, at times there is no even money to buy food, things are just somehow, debts, to pay my siblings school fees, we have been mocked and shamed enough, God must do something😭😭 I want a change.

– I want God’s favour and connections, I am looking for good and well paying jobs and contracts too.

– I want God to reveal to me, ways and methods to go about fulfilling what He wants me to do. I need empowerment in all areas and connection to the right people, the gift of men of like passion and purpose.

– I desire marital breakthrough for me.

– I’ve been home since I finished serving, no job, though I’ve been applying, done interview but I was never called, it’s becoming tired and frustrating. So my request is that God should favor me that as I’m applying, I’ll be called, interviewed and given the job

– The situation in the family is frustrating, sometimes to eat is a problem, i want God to intervene in the situation of my family

-I lent someone money and the person’s  line is not reachable and the money is needed now. Help me pray that God should touch his heart wherever he is and he should pay me back my money

– Help me pray for marital breakthrough for my sister and I. My sister is 30+ any form of delay should be taken away.

-I want to be fully settled this very year,I dont want this to be a prayer point again next year, God should make me have total peace of mind.

– I want the Lord to open the eyes of my sister who is 38yrs and single that keeps saying NO to all proposals coming her way.

– Mama I clocked 27 this month oo and no green light of any man. The brother I told you about before I had to quit because the brother does not have direction and plan for himself not to talk of me. Help me to pray that wherever my real man is, God should bring him out in Jesus Name. AMEN.

– I want divine provision for my finals and exhibition work in school.

– I want breakthrough in all aspects of my life this year

– Please I want the house to pray for me. God has been Faithful, I want the BUD Family to help me pray for my exam. No carryover. I want God to come through and help me in my academics no Carry over on any course till I stop schooling. I always want prayers for my room mates. God’s will should be done.

– About my spiritual life, I really need the help of God the more I try to get closer to God the farther I get. I have tried so many times and it seems so impossible to abide in Christ and have an intimate relationship. I need prayers from my sisters

– Secondly, my whole life is like at a stand still and not working, I need a breakthrough. Let every closed doors begin to open spiritually, academically, career wise and marital. The will of God be done in my life.

– I want to enroll for a baking class and I am believing God for provision of the tuition fee so I can  start next month by God’s grace.

-Please I want the house to join me in prayer concerning my brother, he is about to go for service, and his life style hasn’t been all pleasing. So I want the house to please join in prayer that God will meet him there, that he will encounter Christ, God will keep him safe.

-My little cousin was involved in an accident, still in the hospital, she is yet to start walking. That God will please quicken her recovery

-I also want the house to join me in prayer for my home, that the peace of God will reign, every anti-peace  spirit should be rendered powerless.

– I also want the house to please pray for me that the program and business I just started will be successful in Jesus name amen.

– Mama I don’t know what is going on. I have been active for the past weeks but you see this last week…. Devil is a liar. I have lost vibes and all. I covet your prayers. I will soon launch my business. I want the lord in his power to publisize it for me.

– That God should lay His hands on the children in my care with evidence of speaking in tongues.

– In the course of the fasting, a brother came to propose to me, please my heart cry is that God will sharpen my spirit to hear and discern what He saying to me, as I desire nothing but His will.

– I have prayer request ma’am. I want the house to join me in prayers concerning my final results and my CGPA that the lord would work wonders and cancel any extra year because the devil keeps reminding of extra year and I reject them.

– I want the lord to give me the grace to live a consistent Christian life even after this prayer program.

-I also want the lord to give me financial breakthrough so that I can settle my debts and that the lord will deliver me from devourer because most times whenever I receive salary, before I know it one thing or the other would arise that requires me to use the money.

– I want the BUD to join me in prayer. I want financial breakthrough in my business. My family also is struggling financially since our family house got burnt, let God send helper to us. Also I’m planning my marriage, but financially it has been challenging, since our courtship has ended By Faith we are proposing November, i pray before then the Lord will FAVOUR I and my fiance financially.

– Please I want the children of God to pray for the salvation of my siblings, the healing for my mum from sicknesses (ulcer,HBp,diabetes). My immediate younger applied for the ongoing  Lagos govt teachers recruitment, I want God to favor her. I want to be promoted at my workplace, and also marital breakthrough. I also want God to help and guide in the project I want to embark on. Amen

–  I have been married for 3months and I haven’t taken in. I need God to bless me with the fruit of the womb.

– Good evening ma,I want you to help pray for financial and academic breakthrough, since last week I have run paid advert to teach people graphics so as to support my parents but there hasnt been massive turnout. The last one before this that was also a paid advert, I was at loss, nobody paid 😭,I need financial breakthrough. I want you to please pray that God should impress it upon people’s heart to join ,I even had to reduce the amount. And please my sister hasnt for once seen her menstruation and she is long overdue…

-I want my sisters to join me in prayers concerning my result, it was released of recent, not officially though and lo and behold I was told I have 2Fs, a 14F and 39F which I believe it can’t be. There were mistakes in people’s results and some have been able to rectify theirs but I was just be tossed from here to there, I want divine help, mercy and favor of God as I will be meeting those lecturers again. I want to testify to the glory of God that this Fa got cleared.

– My mother cannot walk well and have pains in her thighs bone joints. The doctors called it a name I don’t even know, and she will be needing artificial bone joints as the bone in that joint is decaying. I want God’s princesses to join us in prayers that we won’t do surgery, we want heavenly surgery and a testimony should come forth.

– I want to be on the deans list till my graduation.

– I want the BUD members to help me pray that the Lord God should give me marital breakthrough. I have waited,  that the Lord should let His will be done in my life maritally.

– I have finished university since 2019 although I had issues with some results I did the exam last semester that the Lord should give me success that this would be the last time of writing the exams and that Lord should favour me concerning my NYSC.

– The Lord should restore back to me all my wasted years and that the Lord should give me Grace and Power to love him more and that the Lord should protect and provide for my family.

– I’ve been having this terrible pain on my left side for some time now. It’s sharper at a particular spot on the left side of my lower back. I’ve used medications and I’ve have prayed but it still persists. I want God to heal me in a miraculous way.

– My parents are on drugs to control their blood pressure. It’s stable with drugs but I don’t want them to use drugs anymore.

– I desire that before this year runs out, according to the will of the Lord, He will give me a good job and bring the man He has for me my way.

– I want God to chip off all the weaknesses in my life so that I can be perfectly moulded into what He wants me to be.

– I want the BUD family to intercede concerning my family members for the salvation of their souls, to be precise, my elder brother , my dad and one of my younger sisters.

– It was brought to our notice with evidence that one of my younger sisters in the list above has been commiting secret sins for a very long time which was difficult to believe because she pretends to be saved 😢, but the evidences exposed her with the help of the holy Spirit. Since then we have been encouraging her to come back to the Lord, but with her pretentious lifestyle, we are not convinced about her salvation and it is only God that can do it 🙏

– Also I need prayers concerning my Job, I have suffered enough in private sector, let God do wonders in my life concerning that area 🙏 I have applied in different government sectors, I even went for an interview recently but later heard that they are using politics, Let God show me mercy and give me a government job 🙏

– I wrote my 400l 1st semester exams in the beginning of this year and when the results came out, I saw an F, which implies an extra year😣. I want God to turn it around for my favour. Nothing will delay me in this school any longer.

– I have started writing my 2nd semester exams as we speak, I want God to release His excellent spirit upon me to read and write successfully and to record outstanding results that will rule out my past failures.

– I pray for divine encounter for my sister. She wants to be a child of God but she is not willing to be committed, as she also wants to enjoy the benefits of the world.😞

– My parents are facing some financial struggles due to some responsibilities that arose suddenly as a result of some unpleasant circumstances. I want God clear away these circumstances and rescue them from financial restraint🙏🏼

– Please ma’am I want the Bud family to pray for me pertaining my Cgpa, I want God to use the three semesters am left with to take my Cgpa back to the point even higher than my expectation and I need divine encounter that will last through my lifetime in every areas of my life and family

– I have a prayer request. I have been having little little pain and some strange sensations on my right breast. It comes and goes. I do not want to think about what it might be, I just know that when the children of God lift their voice up to God in prayers on my behalf, He will not turn His back on us.                          I need my BUD family to help me pray that the pain and strange feelings on my right breast will disappear and never come back again.

– I’m an extra year student and I just finished an exam and I didn’t write anything like my papers were literally blank.I want divine favour

– I want the family to pray for my marital life. When I was growing up I told the Lord I want to get married at 28years and when I clock 28 nothing happen instead I had disappointment. Then I decided to start afresh with the Lord in prayer for divine partner so the Lord revealed His dear son(husband to be) and since the Lord has revealed him, I have been waiting for him. Am in my 30s but nothing is forth coming. I prayed the prayer of breakthrough and every prayer I was led to pray, I even by faith told  God when I wanted to get married which was last month but nothing has happened ooooooo. I want God to hasten His word to perform in my marital life( according to Jeremiah 1:12). I know He answers prayer in bud and He will definitely answer mine.

– I want BUD Family should pray with me. I  checked my results  there is a lower course I have done twice, Now the same courses was recorded F again 😭 God should change the results for me.
Secondly, one course also was recorded F. I reject it 😭😭 Though I have written letters for retification, Mercy should speak for me protocol should be broken on my behalf and Senate will be meeting on Wednesday for final  approval
God should change my results😭🙏Enough of Satan’s manipulation over my life. ENOUGH. I want to come back with testimony

– My wedding is in few months time and it seems as though his finances have gone dry, no money to pay the dowry,please I need my sisters to help me pray for financial breakthrough at this time.

– I really need BUD sisters to join me in prayers as regards an issue my brother is in right now. It’s really sapping our strength in the family.  He got into a money issue with some customers and the money is huge. So, now they are threatening to take him cos he is the link between them. We want God to miraculously intervene, that anywhere the money is hanging, it will be released to the owners. And everyone will be free.

– I want God to wipe my tears away and connect me with my husband.😭 I am tired of waiting sincerely😭😭😭😭
I don’t want my life to be a reproach Lord😭 All other areas I could see his hand but this is a BUT in my life that I want God to settle. Since last year I’ve been having a lot of people on my neck but I didn’t get any go ahead from God concerning any. I want to be celebrated too. I want God to be glorified in my life too

– I have one major prayer request. It’s my birthday today and God has been opening my eyes to all He will require of me this new year. I want God to give me grace to do all effectively without getting tired in Jesus name!

– Also, I want God to help me that the highest success of my life would be my spiritual growth.

– Please BUD sisters should pray for me…I need God’s mercy and divine intervention in my life. First of all… A brother has gone to the M.C for me since 3years ago, proposal has been made but no parental consent yet. I remembered I prayed during last 2yrs Juicy July to confirm if he was really mine and if God really  led him. Idid and confirmed…alot has stood our way to make sure this dnt come to pass…to the extent of even affecting his relationship with God… We have broken up severally but returned back, i always wanted to run and leave it cos i was weared out. But God told me that He really led the brother that i should let go trying to make things happen on my own and Rest. That’s what i am doing presently but no progress at all…anytime a significant progress trying to happen, i see a strange dreaming and a personality taking the face of any individual around me…and that personality will tell me…IT will not come to pass…i notice after that dream, i will see the physical manifestation of it in real life

The brother dnt seem interested anymore because of the whole up and down thing. Even me too,i am loosing interest already. I am just resting on the command God gave me. Last night i had a dream again…where he came for parental consent and my mum quarreled bitterly with him accusing him of delaying the process,i saw in that dream he was also angry at my mum,it seem like the devil manipulated him.

Please pray for me…Let God intervene in this situation let me really know what to do…this has really delayed me.

– I got admission abroad…i am awaiting a scholarship result… Please BUD sisters should join me in prayers that if it is God’s will for me to go abroad,he should help me to be selected for the scholarship🙇🏾‍♀️.

– I want God to please direct my path,i have stayed in a point and moved round a circle for too long…Let me know what to do and where to go!

– God should please do a new thing in my life this year… *I will come and testify in Jesus name*

– I just want the children of God to help me pray for God’s provision in my life and family. Where my parents stay isn’t fit at all for human habitation. I’ve been trying all year long to save up on my meagre salary so as to get an apartment rented but all I get is just enough to keep body and soul alive. Help me pray that the Lord should perfect all that concerns us.

-My prayer request: 1. Marital settlement, 2 financial breakthrough in my family, 3. Rest on every side

– Good afternoon ma. Prayer that God Almighty should fulfil my desires according to His will and purpose.
Also, divine supply and provision on every side with everything I have plans for.

– Here is my application for help:
🔥I want God to bring my family out of obscurity into light; that my family’s glory be not destroyed.

🔥I want God to intervene and deliver my family from labouring without reward; I really desire that my parents labor not in vain.

🔥I want God to divinely arrest my unsaved siblings and grant them salvation.

🔥My elder sister’s life is nothing to write home about but I believe in the God of restoration; I want Him to reallign her life that she’ll fulfill heaven’s purpose and settle her maritally.

🔥I want God to enlighten my brother’s understanding that he’ll not waste away.

🔥I want God to order my younger sister’s path that she won’t walk out of God’s purpose for her life; she’s neglected the entire family in the name of ministry.

🔥I want God to help me love Him more, make my paths clear and settle me on every side.

🔥I want Him to see me through the last year of my first degree, that I will have all sufficiently, that I  won’t be stranded and I’ll graduate with a good grade.

🔥I want to enjoy God’s blessings and I want them to come at the right time that I loose not the joy of accomplishment.

🔥Lastly, I know God can do it; I want him to build my family a home that we can really call ours.

– I have prayer request momma, precisely April  6th, I registered for a program that costs #40,000. I was told it’s a marketing program where I get paid after each sales, I registered o and since then, I haven’t gotten both the sales and the money. I want God to intervene in His Mercy , so that I get back my money.

– I want the family to join me in praying for my family. We have been having accomodation issues for over a year now specifically; we have literally been squatting with relatives and it is very troubling. When money comes something will either come up to be spent on or lack of agreement between my parents on where to move to. This has happened not once. I want the family to pray that God will settle us in a very suitable and good accomodation of our own before the end of this year.

– I applied for a scholarship around April I hv been interviewed and on 1st of August they will be selecting us for the scholarship. I really need this and I hv been trusting on God to grant me favour pls ma include it in the prayers

-I also need God’s intervention in the life of my elder sister she’s up to a marriagable age, she’s engaged but it seems all doors hv been closed, no money, even from the man’s side and he is getting frustrated 😔 please I need u and the family to put it in prayers
Thank you ma and may God bless you for all that you do 🙇‍♀️

– Morning ma. I have a prayer request I will be starting courtship this weekend. I need BUD to help me pray that as I start this journey the Lord will direct my path and lead us.  The Lord help us financially and cover the relationship in his hood from storms and the like.

– Please sisters, I want you to join me in prayer once again that as I begin the process of retrieving my money, the Lord should intervene and make the bank to reverse my money.

– I want you all to help me pray for one of my sisters in the Lord, her marriage is sick, she needs the intervention of God, and that God should deliver her from the spirit of debt.

– Please I want the BUD family 👪 to help me in prayers, I have been looking for accommodation for some months now and the once I’m seeing is beyond my budget and far from my 💼work place. I really believe that God answers prayers and do miracle, all I want is for God to give me a good accommodation that I can be able to pay for.

– I want my dear sisters to join me in prayers for my fiance. He has been undergoing his Masters programme on scholarship and normally they do pay monthly stipend. But for almost a year now it has been stopped. This is a real challenge financially. We want God to open the book of remembrance that the money will be paid in full.

– My fiance also applied for scholarship for his PhD, some of the schools didn’t offer him the scholarship but one did but that’s not what we want to settle for because we still await news from 2 other schools. I want my dear sisters to pray that God should give us good news from the remaining 2 schools.

– My wedding is suppose to be in 3 months time but we are having financial restraints. Let God open the heavens and give us breakthrough of financial provision.

– I want the BUD family to join me in prayers for marital breakthrough this year. I have been seeing God at work in other areas of my life, I see progress in furthering my education, promotion at work but when it comes to marriage, there has been complete silence, nothing is happening. I will be 28 in september and I have never been in any relationship all my life neither have i ever been to the Marriage committee of my church that anyone brought my name. My father said he had a dream that I was happily carrying children of those younger than me in the family but I did have my own home. I have prayed against every barrier against marital breakthrough but I want the family to seek the face of God on my behalf.

-I thank God thus far, He has helped me and still helping me in this fasting program. The prayers has been timely and liberating. Today’s program is so timely to my marital journey, for sometime now, God has been fulfilling both His prophetic and apostolic prophecies over my life, I got a job the way I was told I will, also maritally I was told that I will get married to someone am more educated than…. I want only God’s will be done at this point of my life, I know He may not be perfect like I envisaged all my life but I want God to settle me rightly to His ordained spouse for me and that if this person is His will for me, that God should work it for His Glory.

– Also, it looks like am having and cough weakens me a lot, I have trying a lot of things not to allow it, I see it’s signs and symptoms but I refuse to allow it because this Juicy July, I will finish well, triumphantly sucking out all the juices in Jesus name, I pray for perfect health and that God should take away all hindrance that wants to stop me now and even after the program.

– Please I have some prayer request. Recently, I’ve been in and out of labs running test, because of irregular periods. One of the results, showed I had polycystic ovaries. Meaning there are small numerous follicle in my overies which are immature. Hence, they just cause a lot of  other symptoms. I’ve really been praying about it and I trust God too to take it away. I just want the house to join me in this prayer. I believe there’s nothing God cannot do.

– Also, I have a friend that has asthma, we’ve prayed together and I’ve seen God heal my her during crisis. However, I want God to remove the asthma from the root and set my friend free completely.

– Lastly, I also have a friend who was said to have fatty liver disease. I just want the house to join in prayer that all these ailments be reversed in Jesus name. Amen

– My brother  invested about half a million with someone who was a worker in the Church, but later the person started giving excuses that the money has gone. I am sure that if God intervenes he would return the money. I want everyone to join me in prayer that God will make the man restless until he pays back the money. That God will touch his heart and he will have no peace till he pays back the money to my brother.
I also want God perfect healing upon my Dad who is having leg and chest pain. I have this assurance that God will answer.
Thank you ma.

– I ask that the family pray with me that: Dunsin, I cancel every doctor’s report of uterine fibroid in Jesus name. Amen. You will conceive and give birth with no complications.

Also that my appraisal is an exemplaey one and mercy speaks for me wherever my name is mentioned.

– I am  24 today. I want the Lord to visit me In all ramifications.

-My prayer point is for my brother
Last born of our family God should please save him from destruction
Whether he wants or not, he will give his life to Christ and serve him forever

– Oh Lord deliver me and my family  from the yoke of hepatitis and give my family marital breakthrough. Cause the works of the strong man in my family to be paralyzed by the end of this juicy july, amen

– God should save my brother (our last born) from the world of sin and wordly pleasures. He should love and fear God sincerely

– God should please in His infinite mercies remember my fiancee and bring to manifestation speedily all His prophecies concerning him in Jesus name

– God should remember my mother and let her joy be full again after she lost her job.

– My parent havw a growing school but the school hasn’t been government approved. This has caused some delay and make things we aren’t happy about happen in the school. I want God to help them and make the school approved by the government before the next academic session. Also any form of debt should be paid and there should be financial and numerical growth in the school. Also, My set has been delayed for no tangible reason from going to NYSC which is going to two years now. The Lord should intervene and remove anybody that might be the cause and should advocate for us concerning this matter. Also, the Lord should cause financial increase and settlement in my life and family in Jesus name 🙏

– I want the people of God to join me to pray for the salvation of a friend. He doesn’t believe in God and when I engage him in conversations or talk to him about Christ, it’s like there is just a barrier. I want us to pray that God will touch him wherever he is and that he will be a mighty instrument in God’s hand.

– Also for my loved ones, as many that aren’t saved, God would save them

– My sister has finished her NYSC and it’s like she is just not moving forward. I want the people of God to pray for her that this year she would be able to do her masters program as she so desires and also, the course she wants, she would also get and the place where God wants her to do it, He would direct her to it and make everything beautiful as He promised. Also, we want her to do her masters on scholarship, God should grant our heart desires according to His will for her life.

– I have a family friend that has been married for more than 5 years and no child. I want the people of God to pray that God would visit the family and give us testimonies as regards their home.

– By God’s grace, I would be going for internship soon, I want divine direction and He would lead me to where He wants me to do it and make all that will make it possible available and Favour would speak for me as I apply for placements.

My dad wrote an exam with some other people in His place of work and he came back not happy saying that it was difficult and the exam is pertinent to his promotion at the place of work, I want the people of God to pray that when the result comes forth, God would do what only He can do and to the glory of God, he would be promoted and everything attached to the promotion would be given to him.

-😭😭 My wedding is in 2weeks time and it seems nothing is coming forth. There are somethings that has to be put in place in which we don’t know how to go about it. Men have been disappointing but I know God cannot. I want heaven to arise and intervene, I want the Lord to surprise us in a bigger way even more than our expectations.

– My prayer since the beginning of this program is to have the strength to observe the fast and the grave to pray. Have been following this program from the start coupled with it fasting too. Though coupled with the stress I faced daily, have been observing it and praying later night. For about a week now I discover my health was depreciating, I kept on praying for strength, but I was seriously down on Saturday which led to my admission in the hospital. Have been placed on drugs which I even hate the most. I want the family of God to pray for quick recovery.

– In my place of work, there’s a storm raging seriously in which everyone is somehow confuse, we can’t really identify why the MD of the organization is acting weird this day. I want the family of God to pray for peace and calmness in the organization.
My boss is a Muslim, I want God to turn his heart to him and make him listen to Him alone not to his own self will

– I need God’s favour. I desperately need a job at this season of my life and i need God to do it for me.

– I’m running my masters program now and I’m preparing for exams starting in two weeks time. I need divine success

– I want to recklessly live for God no matter how difficult it is.

– My prayer request is about my parents…. They are in heavy debts… I want God to please provide for them and send helpers to them so they can clear out all the debts before this year ends.

– I also want God to remember my family this very year and build houses for us…. I want God to make us house owners this year.

– I also want God to make me His forever… I want to forever be useful for God and His kingdom and I don’t want to miss heaven…. AMEN





Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise,
Just to know, “Thus saith the Lord!”
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
I’m so glad I learned to trust Him,
Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend;
And I know that He is with me,
Will be with me to the end.
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!
Oh, for grace to trust Him more!


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