Juicy July 2020
Day 29
Text: Ecc. 10 vs 18
Bible Study: Judges 18


Falling on my knee

I bow

Bow down

Falling on my knee

I bow

Bow down

Falling on my knee

I bow

Bow down

Falling on my knee

I bow

Bow down

Falling on my knee

I bow

Bow down

Falling on my knee

I bow

Bow down


Something i can’t see until

I bow


Something i (can’t see) can’t see until

I bow (i bow)

There are something

Something (i can’t see) i can’t see until

I bow

There are something

Something i can’t see until

I bow

I can see clearly now

(I can see clearly now)

Here on my knees

I can see clearly now

(I can see clearly now)

Here on my knees

(Here on my knees)

I understand better now

(I understand better now)

Here on my knees

(Here on my knees)

I understand better now

(I understand better now)

Here on my knees

I understand better now

(I understand better now)

Here on my knees

I can’t believe we are already on day number 29. It is as if we started yesterday. Take a few minutes to exalt the Lord, give him praise for the strength to pray, the faith to pray and the Spirit of prayers.

Today we will be looking at an important aspect that will keep our blessings. You see it is not enough to pray and get breakthroughs and open doors, it is another thing to continuously walk in that victory. But the Devil is not happy, imagine for the past 29 days he has been losing several battles over us the BUD family, over our individual lives, our family, friends and the church. So he wants to come with a tactic and that is to cause us to leak away our blessings.

Praise the Lord!, we already know his tactics.

Sing this song with fervency, pray in it and declare it over you. If you know it sing it, if you don’t , pray the words in-

“there’s a battle inside of me

Satan is pulling hard at me,

If You let him, Sweet Jesus

He will get me

There’s a war inside of me

Satan is looking hard at me

Please win, Lord Jesus I know you can”

Leakage, what exactly is leakage? It means to escape through an opening usually by a fault or mistake.

For many of us, we have gotten spiritual gifts, material gifts, financial gifts, marital gifts, etc but when there is a leak, these gifts begin to diminish and sometimes without the knowledge of the individual.

Just as a pot full of water leaks, it takes a while for anyone to notice that the water is getting smaller by the day.

In what ways can leakage be experienced

– Through unbridled tongue – Psalms 141 vs 3 – talkativeness can cause an opening and easy leakage and this one of the strategies that the devil uses. You call it your weakness? Bridle it now.

– Undiscerned moments – Satan waits for unguarded moments to rob us of our prized

– Laziness

– Lack of study of the word- Spiritual growth takes time and diligence, the Holy Spirit has his part to play while we have ours. Guarding your heart with all diligence will draw you daily to the cross and seal off any potential entry point

– Relationships- the toxic, the ‘okro- like’ relationship that makes it difficult to hold on to Christ, the oilless kinda relationship that leaves a constant dryness and entry way for leakage.

When your life is experiencing a diminishing return after being full then there is a leak.

All the devil needs is a pinpoint as an entry point and the filled bag will gradually become empty.

Let’s take a look at leakage in some areas of life

– Spiritual leakage – this is by far the worst and most dangerous of them all

– Ministerial leakage – this is linked to the first one, where one is too busy to make out time to feed his Spirit man. Such a person is expending and expending and not replacing, leaving the spiritual body, senses and antenna weakened

– Marital leakage- for the married, when you allow unforgiveness to fester between you and your spouse, and pride demands its space so loudly.

– For the Singles, it is the envy, bitterness, unforgiveness towards another sister that you allow to lodge within you, giving the enemy an entry point.

– Financial leakage – nothing tangible can be achieved despite much effort. You work hard yet there is little to show for it, the one time you are buoyant financially and like a breeze, finances becomes so hard for you. There is a leak.

How do we prevent any leak?

– Through fervent prayers – James 5 vs 16

– Constant study of the word – 1 Peter 2 vs 2

– Staying with like minded believers – Heb. 10 vs 25

– Curbing our desires – if what drew you to juicy July was only earthly petitions and only what you can get from the Lord to satisfy you here on earth, you have left a loophole for leakage. Curb any worldly flames that can arise and cause an opening in your life. Seek God first.

– Keeping our environment in purity and watchfulness – Watch daily!, watch your thoughts, habits, actions, reactions, interactions.

– Keep your heart – proverbs 4;23

You might have been crying, Lord why I’m I not seeing results in my life? Check for any leakage today through the lens of God’s word and watch the Holy Spirit seal up every sealable entrance.

Let’s sing our second song –


In the darkness, where everything is unknown

I faced the power of sin on my own

I did not know of a place I could go

Where I could find a way to heal my wounded soul

He said that I could come into His presence without fear

Into the holy place where His mercy hovers near

I’m running, I’m running, I’m running to the mercy seat

Where Jesus is calling, He said His grace would cover me

His blood will flow freely, It will provide the healing

I’m running to the mercy seat, I’m running to the mercy seat

Are you living where hope has not been

Lost in a curse of a lifetime of sin

Look, the illusions, they never come true

I know where there’s a place of mercy for you

He said that you could come into His presence without fear

Into the holy place where His mercy hovers near

Come running, come running, come running to the mercy seat

Where Jesus is calling, His grace will be a covering

His blood will flow freely, It will provide the healing

Come running to the mercy seat

We are going to pray

First I want you to come before the throne of mercy. Today, we approach God through his mercy seat. Let God’s mercy begin to speak for us and over us.

Lord let your mercy speak for me today, that I may find favor in your sight in Jesus name

Begin to confess your sins before the Lord, where have you come short of his glory, ask for his purifying blood to wash you and present you as a Holy Bride

Begin to thank the Lord for who He is and what He can do, make your boast in the Lord, call Him sweet names

Ask the Lord to take charge of you as you pray, let the Holy Spirit pray through you right now, welcome the Spirit of God wherever you are now and watch what He will do, experience his arms engulfing You in the place of prayer

Take authority over all the powers of the enemy for you are not ignorant of the devices of the devil. Put the devil in his place.

Lord I release myself in your hands right now in the name of Jesus

Father in the name of Jesus, Spirit Divine, expose all the leaks in my life, in my ministry in my family in the name of Jesus

Every point of entry or pathway for entrance we seal it up by the power in the name of Jesus

Every consultation of the wicked powers to bring me down gradually to nothingness I turn such plans to foolishness now in the name of Jesus

Every loophole in my life that the enemy has already gained entrance into , by the authority in Jesus, I command you by fire to lose your grip over my life and destiny in the name of Jesus

Father, I have already been forgiven, therefore Lord, any leakage has been caused by my negligence in the past, today I command it to stop in the name of Jesus

Lord, Your word says, that I will decree a thing and it shall be established and the light shall shine upon my ways. Father, I decree today that the leakage in my body causing me miscarriages or making me unable to hold any pregnancy today is sealed by the Blood of Jesus

In the name of Jesus I expose every grounds that the enemy is seeking to gain entrance

Anyone that has been assigned to my life to cause me to leak, today the light of God shines through and your power is destroyed in Jesus name

Every leakage in my family, that we cannot make any headway, be destroyed by fire in Jesus name

Any leakage causing us to go around like journey in circles today I decree that it comes to an end in Jesus name

Every obscurity that causes me not to see and take appropriate action today it is set on fire by the power of the Holy Spirit

I receive the power of victory

I operate in the power of the Cross

I nullify every work of darkness in my life seeking for way to bring me down, I make them unfruitful in Jesus name

Every financial leakage that has been occurring in my life and family today come to an end in Jesus name

That hole that has been dug in my pocket, causing money to be channeled towards the wrong thing, be sealed up in Jesus name

Lord, I now understand that leakage can leave a man dry, so dry that his life becomes repulsive and empty, today every leakage that has left me dry, let your power seal every spot and refill me to overflowing in Jesus name

Every leakage that has been assigned to my name, didn’t you hear that I have taken a new name at calvary, so I command you, be destroyed in the name of Jesus

Every sin that has kept me bound and cause me to continually leak today hear the word of God, that says whosoever the Son of man shall set free he shall be free indeed today I am free in Jesus name

As Lazarus was set free and the Lord said, loose him and let him go, today any power draining me away through sin, through masturbation , through ungodly movies, through erotic novels, today hear the word of God like a thunder from heaven I COMMAND YOU TO LOOSE ME AND LET ME GOD IN THE NAME OF JESUS

That person, that as soon as you show up in my life, I lose my ability to take my stand in holiness and as such I begin to leak out the virtues that I have gotten in the place of prayer, today your hold over my life is broken in Jesus name

Oh Lord, the devil has use envy, lust and jealousy to keep me continually leaking, today I receive my deliverance in the name of Jesus

Father, I have been praying to go higher in my Spiritual life but as soon as I get to the level of climbing, something happens and I fall gain causing me to leak of your grace, today I drown myself in your blood and I received the infusion of the spirit of God I am delivered in Jesus name

Lord I received discernment not to engage in relationships that will cause me to leak in Jesus name

Today I receive wisdom to operate and see through the tactics of the devil in Jesus name

Very grace that has leaked out of my life come back in multiple folds in Jesus name

Every spiritual gifts that has leaked out of my life come back in multiple measures in the name of Jesus

Every virtues that has seeped out of me , by replenished in Jesus name

Every opportunity that has leaked out of me begin to run after me

Every fruit that is supposed to bear mighty wonderful seeds in me but has been crushed and the seeds leaked out, grown into a giant tree now in the name of Jesus

Every seed ( your children now) that has leaked out of me be restored in multiples in Jesus name

Every seed of mine that the enemy has corrupted and caused their worth to leak out by the authority in Isaiah 49, I regain all in Jesus name

Every leaked purpose of mine received the oil for fulfilment in the name of Jesus

I will not experience leakage of purpose

I will not experience leakage of Spiritual gifts

I will not experience leakage of virtues

I will not experience leakage in my finances


Lord, where the enemy has kept me bound to a particular habit that will cause me to leak of the grace of God that you have place on my life during this juicy July, Lord, I break every connecting force and linkage in the name of Jesus

The Leakage that occurs through talkativeness, saying things you have not told me to say doing thing you have not told me to do, Lord today I refrain from them and I set a watch over my mouth in the name of Jesus.

Today I receive the power to pray,

I receive the sustaining power to discern the wiles of the enemy

I receive the grace for allocation and fulfillment, that all you have called me to do father I will not leak of any one in the mighty name of Jesus

I seal my prayers in the blood of Jesus!

Every leakage in my life crumble like Babylon, crumble like the wall of Jericho, crumble in the name of Jesus

I stand against the following powers in the mighty name of Jesus.

(a) The power to sow but not to reap.

(b) The power to reap but not to enjoy the fruits of one labor

(c) The powers of the emptier

(d) The harvest consumers

(e) The powers of the wasters

(f) The spirit of financial and family destruction

Let all household wickedness be put to flight in the name of Jesus

Let all anti-glory forces lose their hold upon my life in the name of Jesus

I release myself from the bondage of leaking pockets in the name of Jesus

Let the following occurrences be paralyzed in my life in the name of Jesus

(a) Slippery blessings

(b) Spiritual vulnerability

(c) Evil magnets

(d) Failure at the edge of miracles

(e) Evil pursuers

(f) Arrows of doubt

I refuse to labor in vain in the name of Jesus

Father, make all my proposals to find favour in the sight of men

Lord, let me find favour, compassion and loving-kindness with this Business

Let all the demonic obstacles that have been established in the heart of anyone against my prosperity be destroyed in the name of Jesus.

Lord, show me dreams and vision that would advance my cause.

I command my money being caged by the enemy to be completely released in the name of Jesus.

Lord give me supernatural breakthroughs in all my present business proposals.

I bind and put to flight all the spirit of fear, anxiety and discouragement in the name of Jesus.

Lord, let divine wisdom fall upon all who are supporting me in my endeavors

I break the backbone of any further spirit of conspiracy and treachery in the name of Jesus.

I paralyze the handiwork of household enemies and envious agents in my life in the name of Jesus

You devil take your legs away from the top of my finances, marriage,conception etc. in the name of Jesus.

Let the fire of the Holy Spirit purge my life from any evil mark put upon me in the name of Jesus.

Thank the Lord for answered prayers.


The Earth shakes at the sound of His voice

The nations tremble before Him

The idols of men are all falling

At the feet of the LORD our God

At the feet of the LORD our God

The Lord is warrior; fearless is He

The Lord is mighty in battle

His armies outnumber His enemies

When they shout the strongholds of Satan come crashing down!

And Babylon is falling, falling down!

The Lord is a Savior; gracious is He

The Lord is full of compassion

His army is also His family

When they shout the strongholds of Satan come crashing down!

And Babylon is falling, falling down!

The Lord has a kingdom; Jesus is King

He reigns forever and ever!

He’s given us power and authority

When we shout the strongholds of Satan come crashing down!

And Babylon is falling, falling down!

The Earth shakes at the sound of His voice

The nations tremble before Him

The idols of men are all falling

At the feet of the LORD our God

At the feet of the LORD our God

Dance in the victory that you have received,

Keep praying as you are led.

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