The BUD Family International









Do you know any child close to you who is 8 years old? Can you see how tall, intelligent, lovely, mature and grown that child has become? I would love you to use that little child who is no longer little actually as the gauge for how grown The BUD Family International has become! 


Just like that little child, The BUD Family International was born 8 years ago, fam! Our family is 8 today! Our Father has been so good. Our God is faithful! 


Can you take a few minutes and just think deep about The BUD Family? Think about what you love so much about the family. Think about the impact(s) that the family might have had on your life since you became a member. 


Now, thank the Lord for those things. ‘Oh thank You Lord for The BUD Family. Thank You for making me a member of The BUD Family. Thank You for the spiritual growth I have enjoyed since I joined the family. Thank You for all the beautiful friends that you have given to me. Thank You for the various testimonies I’ve received since I joined the family. Thank You for the opportunity to serve….’


If you have sincerely done that, you can continue. 



Thank you specially for deciding to do this with me. Some years ago, this kind of exercise, I would naturally have done alone because I prefer to celebrate anniversaries/birthdays on my knees in prayers. That’s the best celebration to me than any cake or surprise. But over the years, my personal prayer spaces/methods (eg. Juicy July; End of the month prayers; First day(s) of the month prayers) I have shared with you all and a number of you have so keyed into them🔥. I thank God for the gift of you, dear sis🙏💕


Now, instead of having our project launched this February to commemorate our 8th anniversary or doing one big thing or another small thing (like Martha), we have chosen like Mary to come and instead sit at the feet of our Lord and get all the promised goodies out! I think it is wisdom because the way of prayer is the way of abundant glory. The way of prayer is the way of boundless investments. The way of prayer brings manifold yields. The way of prayer is the best way to go during any anniversary/celebration! Hallelujah! 


And you know what the Lord is saying to us? He’s saying ‘And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.’


We are here to ensure a performance of those things which were told us from the Lord.  And what are those things? That: 


– This month is a month of favor and 


– This year is a year of supernatural enlargement!!!


So, do you believe? That verse of the Bible says ‘Blessed is she that believes…’. Do you believe? 


I believe! Oh, I so much believe!


Therefore, there shall be a performance of all these things. There shall be a performance of favor in my life and family. There shall be a performance of supernatural enlargement in my life and family. So shall it be in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.


Supernatural Enlargement. Let me show you a story of supernatural enlargement in the Bible. Genesis 32:10: 


I am not worthy of the least of all the deeds of steadfast love and all the faithfulness that you have shown to your servant, for with only my staff I crossed this Jordan, and now I have become two camps. (ESV)


I am unworthy of all the lovingkindness and of all the faithfulness which You have shown to Your servant; for with my staff only I crossed this Jordan, and now I have become two companies. (NASB)


I am not worthy of all the unfailing love and faithfulness you have shown to me, your servant. When I left home and crossed the Jordan River, I owned nothing except a walking stick. Now my household fills two large camps!  (NLT)


That was Jacob sharing this testimony before the Lord when he was heading back home and was faced with the impending danger of meeting Esau. 


He shared the testimony of God’s favor which he said he was not worthy of and then showed how the Lord had supernaturally enlarged him. 


What can we deduce from this therefore? Divine favor begats supernatural enlargement!


If we are divinely favored, we will be supernaturally enlarged! 


If God can just look down on us this month as He has said and show us favor, at the end of the year, we would also be able to say ‘Wow, I came into 2024 with just a bag but I have now become 10 companies.’ Ayayayaya🔥


Believe it, sis, and receive it!!!


Jacob who had only fled with a walking stick went back home with his wives, 12 children, oxens and yokes and chariots and menservants and maidservants. He divided them into companies and he was awed. ‘All these are mine?’ Oh, hallelujah! May the Lord so much enlarge our coasts this year that we would be left awestruck in the Mighty Name of Jesus! 


Sisters, we will be doing some real prayers today from our texts. 


Psalm 80:8-11 Explained: 


  1. You brought us from Egypt like a grapevine; you drove away the pagan nations and transplanted us into your land.


  1. You cleared the ground for us, and we took root and filled the land.


  1. Our shade covered the mountains; our branches covered the mighty cedars.


  1. We spread our branches west to the Mediterranean Sea; our shoots spread east to the Euphrates River.


Did you see that, sisters? 


It was simply a little vine that was in Egypt. It was small, yielding its fruits and looking beautiful. But God decided that Egypt was not its final place! As far as God was concerned, the vine had not yet arrived at its destination. And if it had not arrived, it cannot greatly increase. It cannot greatly flourish. The Lord wouldn’t waste His resources on such a vine. If you are living in a rented apartment, there is little you can do to really really be comfortable in that place, right? Exactly! The money you would have spent to fix a whole lot of things in that house, you’d rather save it up and buy an apartment for yourself, right? That’s it!


So, the Lord had to uproot the vine from Egypt. But let’s look at the text again to see step by step what the Lord did for the vine. Let’s go!


The Lord: 

  • Brought the vine from Egypt 
  • Came to His set destination for us and met some Pagans there, occupying the land meant for us! 
  • Drove away the pagan nations from our land
  • Transplanted us into our own land
  • Cleared the ground for us


That was the part the Lord played. He brought us out, fought the enemies occupying our land, transplanted us and cleared everywhere for us! 


Then, what happened to the vine? 


  • It took root
  • It filled the land
  • It grew so great that the shadow covered the mountains!
  • It grew so deep that the branches reached to the deepest parts of the water. 


So, the vine actually became so great, tall, deep, wide, powerful! 


The same small vine that was looked down upon in Egypt! The vine that amounted to nothing in Egypt after so many years! God came into the situation and everything turned around!!!! Our Father looked favorably at the vine and there was a supernatural enlargement! 


Oh, may the Lord look upon you favorably this day in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


Let’s look at the next text, which is the text for this month: 


Psalms 44:1-3 (NLT)


  1. We have heard with our ears, O God; our fathers have told us [what] work You did in their days, in the days of old.


  1. You drove out the nations with Your hand and it was Your power that gave [Israel] a home by rooting out the [heathen] peoples, but [Israel] You spread out.


  1. For they got not the land [of Canaan] in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them; but Your right hand and Your arm and the light of Your countenance [did it], because You were favorable toward and did delight in them.


As I told you in the New Month email, I didn’t have a foreknowledge of this passage. The Lord exposed this to me for the month and I was doubly surprised to see it all agreeing together with the text for the year. This is simply God at work, sis! We simply must key in!


Psalms 44:1-3 EXPLAINED


So, this passage was only trying to retell the tale that we read of in Psalms 80:8-11. It tells of how the Lord drove out those people possessing the land meant for the people of God. It tells of how the Lord gave a home, a land, an estate to the children of Israel and how they spread out and became so huge and great. 


Then, it gave us the secret to this same story that we read off in our text for the year. It says in verse 3 that Israel didn’t get the precious lands by their own sword, or by their own arms. It says God’s right hand, right arm and the light of His countenance did it for them! Why? 


Because the Lord weas favourable towards them and He delighted in them! Wow! 



Honestly speaking, this is the position where I want to be. This is the condition under which I would love to be operating all the days of my life. A position of favour. A position where the Lord delights in me. A position where I wouldn’t have to do a thing because since the Lord delights in me and I have found favour in His sight, He does all the uprooting, clearing, weeding, planting, watering and transplanting for me. All I simply need to ensure is that He is delighted in me and that I am constantly being looked upon by Him favorably. If I can ensure that, I can be rest assured that I will be supernaturally enlarged. 



Psalm 147:11 (NIV) says: The Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.


If I fear the Lord and put my hope in His unfailing love, He will delight in me and if He delights in me, I will be favored and supernaturally enlarged. As simple as that! 


You see, the Lord wouldn’t want to supernaturally enlarge just anyone and this is why He must ascertain that you fear Him and trust in Him before He starts to invest in you! He knows that if He invests in you who fear, love and trust Him, He can be certain that even your supernatural enlargement would be for Him! But if you do not fear, love and trust Him, the enlargement would even be the cause of your turning away from Him! And more than anything else, the Lord needs you close to Him! He loves your soul so dearly that even if it would take you remaining in Egypt for decades to learn to fear and trust Him, He will work that out. 


See Deuteronomy 8:12-18 (ESV
Lest, when you have eaten and are full and have built good houses and live in them, and when your herds and flocks multiply and your silver and gold is multiplied and all that you have is multiplied, then your heart be lifted up, and you forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, who led you through the great and terrifying wilderness, with its fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water, who brought you water out of the flinty rock, who fed you in the wilderness with manna that your fathers did not know, that he might humble you and test you, to do you good in the end. Beware lest you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.’ You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth, that he may confirm his covenant that he swore to your fathers, as it is this day.

Did you read that text well? 


What is your decision? 


Are you still comfortable in Egypt or are you looking forward to a transition to Canaanland? 


Are you okay with your size or do you look forward to a supernatural enlargement? 


Okay, can the Lord find you trustworthy?


Would your spiritual life not die as soon as you get supernaturally enlarged? 


When the great testimony arrives, would you still love the Lord, trust Him and fear Him? 


Comb through your heart and find out if you truly love the Lord or if you are only on this path for the things you will get from Him. 



As we have seen, the Lord is ready to bless us mightily but I must tell you that it doesn’t just come automatically. God is set to make this year a memorable one for everyone of us in The BUD Family but it will majorly rub more immensely on those who have decided to go the way of ‘His trust’. 


The Lord is ready to have you take root and fill the whole land. He is ready to make you become huge and great, very influential, with so much glory but He seeks something from you first- Your enduring love and fear for Him! 


The Lord is ready to fight for you so you will live in peace. He is ready to uproot those who are taking your legitimate land. He is ready to defend you by His right hand and arm but He’s desperately seeking for your heart to be aligned with His! 


If this year must be as He has said concerning us in the family, we must individually, do what it takes to be able to make the withdrawal. I must do my part and you must do your part. 


Are you ready? 



  • Begin to worship the Lord for who He is. 
  • Give Him all the glory for How great He is. Only He could have turned a small grapevine into something so high, great and so deep. 
  • Give Him glory because all things in Heaven and on earth are His and to Him be power to make anyone prosper. 
  • Adore Him for His goodness and mercies over your life. 
  • Thank God for His Word that He has expounded to us. 
  • Give God the glory for the opportunity to wait on Him in prayers. 
  • Adore Him because He is set to do in your life things that are beyond the ordinary. 


  • Oh Lord my God, deliver my heart from wickedness, selfishness, dirtiness and all filthiness in Jesus Name. 
  • Father, I want to love you. I want to fear you. I want to trust you. Not for what I will get from You but for who You really are. Daddy, please teach me to really love you.
  • Oh Lord, save me from myself! Oh Lord, save me from myself in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
  • Father deliver me from spiritual unseriousness. Father, deliver me from prayerlessness. Father, deliver me from things that have kept me in Egypt for this long.  Father, deliver me from self and fleshly desires. Father, deliver me from the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. They have defeated me for so long and kept me small and poor. Lord forgive and deliver me, I plead. 
  • In Jesus Name we have prayed. Amen. 



  • Thank You Lord God Almighty for being interested in blessing me. Thanks for being interested in favoring me. 
  • Heavenly Father, thank You for Your plans of supernatural enlargement for my life and family this year. 
  • Thank You Lord because I will not miss the wonderful anniversary presents that You have prepared for all member of The BUD Family International.
  • Continue to thank the gracious, all-powerful, all-merciful Lord.



  • Oh my Father, henceforth, let my life be a testament to Your endless possibilities and greatness in the Name of Jesus. 
  • I reject every spirit of smallness (7x); my horizon is expanded from today in Jesus’ name.(7x)
  • Lord, as I grow, keep me humble and always aligned to Your will.
  • I decree supernatural enlargement in my ………. from this day forward in the Name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Every enemy of progress assigned against my supernatural enlargement, be judged by the Host of Heaven and by the mercies of the Lord now in Jesus’ name.


  • I come out of Egypt now and step into my Canaanland in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! 
  • I come out of debts now and step into abundance in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! 
  • I come out of droughts and famine now and step in surplus in the Mighty Name of Jesus. 
  • I come out of bondages now and step into freedom in the Mighty Name of Jesus. 
  • I come out of loneliness now and step into my marital bliss in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
  • I come out of barrenness now and step into abundant fruitfulness in the Mighty Name of Jesus. 
  • Touch your body from your head to your toes, commanding ‘Fire!’. After that, now, cry: Everything in me that is rejecting supernatural abundance, catch fire and die in the Mighty Name of Jesus! 
  • This year, it shall be to me as the Lord has said! I shall be enlarged on all sides by the favor and the mercies of the Lord in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. 
  • Starting from today, favors start to knock on my door.  From this day forward, great doors begin to open unto me by the Power in the Blood of Jesus. 
  • Continue to pray on other points. When you are done, move on: 


  • That the reason for which the Lord has set her up shall be fulfilled. 
  • That the Devil will never be able to destroy this vision.
  • That this family will be supernaturally enlarged this year. 
  • That every power contrary to life and godliness militating against this family shall be exposed and defeated.
  • That God will continue to run this family and that no man will be able to share in His glory. 
  • Pray for the executives. 
  • Pray on other points for this family as you are led. 


Round off the prayer session with the song below. Make sure you personalize it. Personalize it for The BUD Family International also where necessary. Thank you so much. 

BLESSING by Kari Jobe

The Lord bless you and keep you

Make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you

The Lord turn His face toward you

And give you peace


The Lord bless you and keep you

Make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you

The Lord turn His face toward you

And give you peace

Amen, amen, amen

Amen, amen, amen


The Lord bless you and keep you

Make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you

The Lord turn His face toward you

And give you peace


Amen, amen, amen

Amen, amen, amen

Amen, amen, amen

Amen, amen, amen


May His favor be upon you

And a thousand generations

And your family and your children

And their children, and their children


May His favor be upon you

And a thousand generations

And your family and your children

And their children, and their children


May His favor be upon you

And a thousand generations

And your family and your children

And their children, and their children


May His favor be upon you

And a thousand generations

And your family and your children

And their children, and their children


May His presence go before you

And behind you, and beside you

All around you, and within you

He is with you, he is with you


In the morning, in the evening

In your coming, and your going

In your weeping, and rejoicing


He is for you, he is for you

He is for you, he is for you

He is for you, he is for you

He is for you, he is for you

(Amen, amen)


Amen, amen, amen

Amen, amen, amen

May His favor be upon you

And a thousand generations

And your family and your children

And their children, and their children

May His presence go before you

And behind you, and beside you

All around you, and within you

He is with you, he is with you

In the morning, in the evening

In your coming, and your going

In your weeping, and rejoicing

He is for you, He is for you


He is for you (ohh)

Glory be to God for the success of this prayer session. May we always have the cause to rejoice in the Lord in the Name of Jesus. Amen. God bless you.

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