DATE: 4/7/2024
For the first two days of this prayer programme, we took time to understand that we have been called to war. We now understand that we either war or perish! We either fight or we faint! We are either victors or victims! So, yesterday, we started the fighting but wrestling the last enemy according to the Scriptures, Mr. Death! In the Name of Jesus, all the activities of Mr. Death over your life, your family, my life and family are nullified and destroyed by the power in the Blood of Jesus. Nothing shall cut short our lives in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Let us read through this striking testimony that we received yesterday to rouse our spirits before we start to pray. May your own testimony also arrive to the Glory of the Lord alone in Jesus’ Name.
Today, we are going to be battling again but before the war begins, one thing I would want us to remember is that we are not in this battle alone! We aren’t even the ones to do the fights! God is the one fighting. Of our own, we can do nothing! We are only His physical bodies, the ones carrying His fighting Spirit around on the front line. He is Spirit but we are flesh with a spirit in us. If we allow His Spirit into our own spirits, He can then possess us and then, we fight!
I don’t know if you have seen a demon-possessed before. A very slim, soprano-voiced, sweet-eyed lady when confronted with the Super Power of God can become something else. The voice of the person can be turned to bass, her eyes turned black, her hands suddenly full of muscles and she can throw a huge man down in a jiffy, break chairs and all, while bleeding, without even knowing. Exactly! That is the possession. The person yielded her spirit to the demons (who are also spirits) to use for operations!
So, in the same way and much more, if we yield our spirits to the Holy Spirit, He will possess us and we will go to the battlefront as if we are the ones doing the wars, destroy nations, break down territories, uproot kingdoms, do and undo things and then look ourselves in the mirror and say- ‘Erm, what? What did you just do?’. Well, it wasn’t you! You were simply possessed!
2 Chronicles 20:17-19 says: You will not need to fight in this battle. Position yourselves, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord, who is with you, O Judah and Jerusalem!’ Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them, for the Lord is with you.
Some people see these lines of the Scriptures- ‘You will not need to fight in this battle’, ‘stand still and see’, and then, they sit down and keep waiting for God to come and fight. Hahaha, they dream dreams and say ‘I am waiting for the Lord to come and fix the issue’. They are going through hard times and only cry and complain and talk to God like He is their mate: ‘God, where are You? Why are you watching me like this? What are You doing concerning this issue? Why are You treating me like this?’ And they will say they are praying. No, you are complaining and murmuring and disrespecting God and trying to use God!
Those lines do not mean that you should just stand still and be looking or be doing morning by morning positive affirmations (I have a huge dislike for this, haha). No no no, that is not the meaning of those statements. Stop claiming faith, dead faith. Faith is active. The passage says, ‘POSITION YOURSELVES’. It says ‘TOMORROW GO OUT AGAINST THEM!’ That is active, sisters! That is prayer! That is war! That is battle. We then have the final assurance- FOR THE LORD IS WITH YOU!
Oh Lord, I do not know how to fight. It is not in me to fight at all. Please possess me Lord for battle. Possess me Daddy for war!
So, today, we are facing another enemy that the gracious Lord has revealed. It is called the spirit of evil re-creation. Yorubas would call it ‘Ogun Atun-ni-da’. Some will call it ‘Ogun arogo-bogoje’. These two names can be literally translated to mean The Power that remakes things. The power that sees a glorious destiny and destroys it. It sees something good, well created and then, re-creates it! Yes, that is the enemy we are facing today. This spirit is so subtle, you might not even know that it is at work in your life. The spirit of death comes to kill, right? This one seeks to destroy! It is such a spirit that when it enters a place, the atmosphere changes! The joy wanes! The glory dims!
This spirit sees a very very beautiful girl, realizes that she might be a great tool in the hands of the Lord in the future and then, comes against this individual to stop her. The next time you see this person and she talks, you might discover the once eloquent lady now slurs with spittles flowing down her mouth and her eyes rolled to a side. When you ask what had happened, the parents might say: ‘Just help us thank the Lord. What the enemy planned was more than this. Thank God for us. Yeah, that is the spirit right there! Subtly at work!
A happily married couple who played together, joked together, loved each other, are running the Heavenly race together, suddenly received a visitor from the ‘village’ or the ‘city’- a visitor on assignment. And in a moment of slight carelessness, this evil power strikes! Before you know it, the marriage is rebuilt! The friendship is reformulated! The trust is re-created! The couple then starts to wonder- ‘Erm, what actually happened to us?’- Yeah, it could be this evil spirit that has cast his spell!
Someone who had a very fresh, sweet face suddenly jams this spirit and it throws acid into that face and the face burns beyond recognition!- That was not how the Lord created her, there was a recreation!
A sweetly behaved lady can suddenly be faced with this power, maybe from her father’s house or her mother’s house and suddenly, she becomes so irritable, mentally and emotionally unstable, hateful of everyone around, manipulative, conniving and till this spirit succeeds at taking all the forms of her sweetness away and turn her into a monster that every hates, it wouldn’t give up! You might think that she just only picked up bad habits here and there, but if the Lord opens your eyes, you will see that a creation process is going at the background!
But how dare the devil! How dare you see what the Lord has made, what He has called beautiful and the try to re-create it? How dare you, satan!
Come to a halt now! All you re-creation projects of the Devil going on in my life right now, come to an abrupt end right now in the Name of Jesus Christ!
This spirit seeks to re-create your health. He seeks to re-create your brain and hormones by incorporating some imbalances in them. He seeks to eat up your bones and make one of your legs or hands shorter than the other. He thinks you having two eyes is not a good thing, he wants to take one away and put a film on the other. He believes you should always be stressing yourself going forward to receive glorious awards of excellence at work and school, so suddenly, something happens and you are at the bottom of the ladder! He feels your spiritual life and influence is more than you can handle so, he comes in again and brings in addictions into you, temptations, prayerlessness and so on. Soon, you who would ascend the throne of Heaven boldly are not called by a new name- a victim, an addict, a ‘struggle-ling’ Yes! The spirit of evil re-creation! He wants to remake you! He wants to change you! But you know what? He shouldn’t have that right! How dare he get creative with you when the God of Heaven is the only Creator?! How dare he?
The Lord God of Heaven is the only Creator! He makes all things good and new! (Affirm this testimony over and over until it sinks!)
Shout again: Oh, my Creator, come again! Come again and be at work in me! Oh my God, counter all the re-creative works of the enemy in my life from this day forward in the Name of Jesus!
IN CHRIST ALONE by Keith & Kristyn Getty
n Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My comforter, my all in all
Here in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
‘Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground, His body lay
Light of the world, by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious day
Up from the grave, He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘Til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand
No power of Hell, no scheme of man shall henceforth be able to tamper with my life, my lot, my portion forever and ever in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ!
Now, before you think that this spirit only succeeds at changing the obvious things like health, intelligence, character, spiritual fervency etc. I want to show you that he can even successfully chart a totally new, completely different path for your life altogether that at the end of your life, you would have successfully a course not charted for you but Your Creator!
May I share a story with you very quickly?
Once upon a time, there was a brilliant Scriptwriter named Dr. Jay. He had a spectacular movie to produce, a story so profound that it would touch the hearts of millions. Dr. Jay meticulously crafted the script and chose Adeola to be the main character. When Adeola received the call, her excitement knew no bounds. Dr. Jay shared the location of the set, and Adeola raced there like a tornado.
Upon arriving, Adeola was taken aback by the bustling activity. People were everywhere, each engrossed in their own tasks. Some held scripts, others seemed to be writing their own. Adeola felt a wave of confusion wash over her. “What am I to do without a script? I can’t just be idle, can I?” she thought.
Desperate for guidance, Adeola called Dr. Jay. He reassured her, “Wait for me. I’ll be there soon.”
As she waited, Adeola couldn’t help but notice how others, many less professional than she, were being applauded and showered with attention. They seemed to thrive without any direction. Frustrated, she visited the garage repeatedly, waiting for Dr. Jay, who seemed to be taking forever to arrive.
One day, in her desperation, Adeola called Dr. Jay again. “Hello sir, just send the script through WhatsApp,” she pleaded.
“No, Adeola. I want to be there to direct the acts. I will be there soon, just wait for me,” Dr. Jay insisted.
“But I see amateurs here who aren’t even monitored by a director, sir. I can pull it off well,” she argued.
“Oh, without me?” Dr. Jay asked.
“Erm, yes sir,” Adeola replied hesitantly.
“This is my script, Adeola. I want to be there to direct every act. Just hold on. In the meantime, keep practicing the lines I’ve already given you,” Dr. Jay said firmly.
“I already know those lines, sir. I need new lines,” Adeola protested.
“Keep doing what I’ve asked you to do. I will be there soon,” Dr. Jay reiterated.
Feeling dejected and frustrated, Adeola questioned why her life seemed so regulated. One day, while practicing her lines under a tree, a group of people who had been silently observing her burst into applause.
“Adeola, you mean you have this talent?” one exclaimed.
“Wow, Adeola, it’s in you!” another cheered.
“Oh, Adeola, what have you been doing wasting away?” someone else added.
Adeola felt special but underutilized. With tears in her eyes, she responded, “Thank you all, but I’ve been waiting for my director.”
“Director? You mean Dr. Jay?” one person asked.
“Yes, you know him?” Adeola replied.
“Sure! He’s our director too. I’ve been here for 10 months, and he hasn’t shown up yet,” someone said.
“Ten months? You can’t be serious!” Adeola exclaimed.
“My brother is at the Oyo set location. He’s been waiting for Dr. Jay for five years,” another person shared.
“Five good years? Whaaat!” Adeola screamed in disbelief.
“That’s it, Adeola. The director comes really late. We all had to find our ways,” one explained.
“How?” Adeola asked, hopeful.
“You already have the skills. All you need is a script. We have good directors here who will direct the scenes,” someone suggested.
“How do I get the scripts?” Adeola inquired.
“I got mine from Director Sata. The script is so interesting,” one person shared.
“Wow! Tell me about it,” Adeola urged.
“I wrote mine myself because I like flexibility and hate being told what to do. So far, the script has been interesting,” another said.
“Yeah, I told my parents, and they got a writer to write something good for me. It’s been going well since we started shooting,” someone else added.
Adeola pondered their words. She told them she would think about it.
“Think and act fast, Adeola!”
“You can be more, Adeola!”
“Don’t be left behind, Adeola!”
“Stop wasting away, girl!”
The voices echoed in her head, urging her to take action. Adeola resolved to take matters into her own hands. She called Dr. Jay repeatedly, but he didn’t pick up. This only fueled her determination. Soon, she reached out to the voices who introduced her to a gifted scriptwriter- Dr. Sata. She started practicing the lines from this new writer, and soon the shooting began.
Adeola made headlines, received attention, and was applauded. By the time Dr. Jay arrived, Adeola was a celebrity. When Dr. Jay finally saw her and mentioned his script, she shook her head and said, “This is lower than me now. I’m sorry, but can you find someone else to be your main character?”
Dr. Jay looked at Adeola, a mixture of sadness and understanding in his eyes. “Adeola,” he said softly, “you’ve become everything you wanted to be, but you’ve missed the essence of the story I wrote for you”
Adeola hesitated for a moment, feeling a pang of regret. But the applause, the cameras, and the adoration from the crowd pulled her back into her new reality. With a final, firm nod, she turned away from Dr. Jay, leaving behind the script that was meant to guide her true destiny.

Let me show you something from Luke 4:20-21
“And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.”
In this particular passage, the Lord Jesus went to the temple to pray and study the Word. He started to read very loudly to them from THE BOOK, everyone listening with rapt attention. When He finished, he told them- ‘What I have read to you, that was written concerning me in this particular verse, has just come to pass!’
Oh my my! Oh my! Let’s see Hebrews 10:7 also, It says- “Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.”
This was Jesus speaking again. He was speaking about a particular BOOK again! And you know His resolve? To do all that the Writer of the book- (God) had written of His earthly life!
I want to believe that the Word has started to come alive in you. Oh dear Lord, give this sister a deep understanding of Your Word in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Isaiah 40:3 says: “The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”
This was a particular passage in the BOOK written concerning John the Baptist! And did he fulfil it? Or did he deviate from the BOOK? Let us see:
John 1:23 says: “He said, I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Make straight the way of the Lord, as said the prophet Esaias.”
Oh my! Did you see that at all? See, John the Baptist was not just quoting this to fulfil all righteousness. This script was actually written concerning him! The person of whom the prophet Isaiah spoke was John the Baptist and you know what? John the Baptist walked in that story charted for Him from Heaven till he arrived at the climax of His destiny!
Well, let me show you another person, oh, rather, animal! Yes, animal! Let’s read Luke 19:29-40 together. I will only select a few verses just for you to get the scope.
29. When He approached Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount that is called Olivet, He sent two of the disciples, saying, “Go into the village ahead of you; there, as you enter, you will find a donkey’s colt tied, on which no one has ever sat. Untie it and bring it here. If anybody asks you, ‘Why are you untying the colt?’ you will say, ‘The Lord needs it.’”
“As He rode along, people were spreading their coats on the road as an act of homage before a king]….
Let us jump to Matthew 21:4-5. It says: All this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, saying. “Tell the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your King is coming to you, Lowly, and sitting on a donkey, A colt, the foal of a donkey.’
Sisters, are you gaining understanding at all? Is your heart yearning or sitting cold and still? Can you see what the Lord just revealed to us in this scripture? Something was written concerning this colt! This animal! And you know what? The animal fulfilled the purpose for which it was born! What about you? Have you started to fulfil the purpose for which you were born? Erm, let us take a pause.
This generation has been deceived. They are ‘purpose-driven’ as Rick Warren advised them to be but they are even getting it all wrong! Many people are springing up here and there calling themselves ‘Purpose Coaches’ and are charging people heavily so they could help them to look for their purpose. It would have been better for them to say ‘Talent/skill coaches’ but purpose? Even the purpose coach doesn’t know his own purpose or else, he wouldn’t be so bold to take upon Himself the Name of the Lord! The One who knows the purpose for which I was made is the One who made me. Only in Him can I be found!
How can you see my writing skill, speaking skills and call it my purpose? How can you see Jesus’ carpentry skills and say that was His true purpose? How dear you see the tents made by Paul and say ‘Oh, I guess you were made to build tents for Christ!’ How dare this generation see gifts and talents as an end, instead of a means, a transportation, a salary, an enablement to an end?
So, when I am talking about a purpose, I am talking about the original blueprint, the script, the book written about you. Have you started walking in that script? Or you are walking in a rewritten script for your life? The one your family has written for you? The one you have written for yourself? The one the world and purpose-coaches have writen concerning you?
Since this vision is lost in the church today and even many servants of God have lost this understanding, you will see people plan their own lives outside of God. The school they want to go, they choose. The courses they want to study, the person they want to marry, the number of children they want to bear and when, they choose. They choose the country they want to live in. They choose their friends, they choose their ‘purpose’ and ‘callings’. They walk under the influence of the spirit of evil re-creation in books not written in the original blueprint concerning them!
There was an original blueprint for Jesus. There was one for John the Baptist. There was one for Samson. There was one for that little donkey. There was one for Adeola. There is one for you! But if you are not careful, this world, satan, your selfish ambitions, social media likes and acceptance will never allow you follow that script! All of these things, under the influence of the spirit of evil re-creation will only push you farther from your true glory! Farther from your true destination! Farther from the Heavenly script- the original blueprint!
- Be on the side of your Creator. Be locked in an ENJOYABLE, PASSIONATE relationship with Him.
- Know that He has a plan for you, even in the minutest details as simple as the house you should live in or the car you should by- remember the donkey!
- Now, go and start pumping in fire into your spirit. Start to feed your spirit, starve the flesh and let your spirit begin to grow robustly. Ask the Lord to train your eyes, ears, mind, senses to pick up signals from Heaven. This is so that when the Lord speaks, you will understand. This comes basically, by DAILY and CONSISTENT & LONG PERIOD of prayers and studying of God’s Word coupled with obedience to the every tiniest instructions your spirit orders.
- Begin to now seek His Will out. Stop jumping into things spontaneously because you feel like it or because you want. Ask Him ‘Oh, Lord, what is Your Will as regards this course? Should I do it or not?’ or ‘I like this guy but is he the one for me, Lord?’. Don’t listen to the spiritually lazy marriage ‘counsellors’ who themselves couldn’t seek out the mind of the Lord concerning their marriages and have now made a terrible doctrine out of it that God doesn’t choose spouses for His children. What an aberration! If a human parent would love to seek out the best spouse for their children, how much more your Maker, Redeemer and Creator?
- Stop carrying the Lord along, be led by Him! Oh yes, stop submitting proposals on His table that you need Him to sign. Let Him tell you want He wants you to do, how He wants it, when and where. Let Him be in control, not you!
- Though it tarries, wait! Patience is key to fulfilling all the Lord has said concerning you!
- It is never too late to get back into the script. If you were on your way to Oyo but you got lost and realized that you were close to Ojota in Lagos, you don’t continue and say ‘Well, what do I do?’ You reverse and now start the journey back. Some of the mistakes you have made are irreversible, you might never be able to go back on some of the choices you have made, but trust your Creator, He will gIve you a great grace to endure those permanent choices you made and will come up with a rechanneling that would lead you home to the original destiny or something close, if you surrender wholeheartedly.
The Lord has brought us a long way today. We have seen some very obviously demonic ways that this spirit of evil re-creation works. And we have seen the main, commonest yet SUBTLE way He works unknown to so many today. Can you commit to also start living by the BOOK? Can you commit to start walking according to the original blueprint so that at each stage of your life, for instance, when you get married to the man God chooses, Heaven rejoices and says ‘This day is this verse of her book fulfilled in her life’. When you move to China that He spoke about over the UK that you had in mind, Heaven rejoices and says ‘This day is this verse of her book fulfilled in her life’ etc?
Then, just like our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who walked the streets of earth as a man cried, cry the same today sisters: Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.”
Only when you begin this journey according to the BOOK can this evil spirit never be able to tamper with your glory! In your choosing to walk in and surrendering to this BOOK written of you from Heaven lies the security to your lot! In this book lies the security of your purpose and calling. Surrender, sis! Surrender!
As you make this choice today, the Lord will visit your life and start a construction again! All those rubbish the Devil has built, He will sweep out! All those evil pages of the Devil’s script, He will tear off. All those evil implants, He will uproot! And then, you will be able to cry aloud this song:
NO LONGER A SLAVE by Bethel Music
You unravel me, with a melody
You surround me with a song
Of deliverance, from my enemies
Till all my fears are gone
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
From my mothers womb
You have chosen me
Love has called my name
I’ve been born again, into a family
Your blood flows through my veins
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I am surrounded
By the arms of the father
I am surrounded
By songs of deliverance
We’ve been liberated
From our bondage
We’re the sons and the daughters
Let us sing our freedom
You split the sea
So I could walk right through it
My fears were drowned in perfect love
You rescued me
And I will stand and sing
I am the child of God
You split the sea
So I could walk right through it
You drowned my fears in perfect love
You rescued me
And I will stand and sing
I am the child of God (Yes I am)
I am a Child of God
I am a Child of God (Yes I am)
I am a Child of God (Full of faith, yes)
I am a Child of God
I am a Child of God
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God
Let us take some quality time to worship the Lord for His Word that we have just gone through. Thank Him for the specific revelations that He has given you today. When you are done, move on.
Begin to sanitize your life right now. Rid your life of every sins and iniquities with the Blood of Jesus. The Lord does not hear the prayers coming from the mouth of a sinner, but if such confesses and forsakes the sins, the Lord will have mercy, hear and forgive.
Now, take charge of your environment. Begin to cover where you are now with the Blood of Jesus. Cover yourself with the fire of the Holy Ghost.
Father, forgive me in Your mercies for the sins of complacency and spiritual laxity in the Name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, open my eyes to see the activities of the spirit of evil re-creation at work in my life, family, home in the Name of Jesus.
Ogun atun-nida lori aye mi, gbina sonu loruko Jesu! (Every battles of the spirit of re-creation in my life, be burnt off by fire in the Name of Jesus)
(Lay your hands on any re-created portion of your body. Where there is a growth, a lump, a breakage, a deafness, a blindness, a destruction, a shortage and cry) Oh Lord, arise in Your mercy and recreate this part of me in the Name of Jesus. Recreate it! (21x)
(If you are praying this prayer for someone and you are close to them, lay your hands on them and repeat that prayer. If not, use their picture, believe so strongly and let the Lord possess you to bring healing and restoration to them)
Oh you demon at work against my life, I command you to flee right now! Pack all your loads and flee now in the Name of Jesus. The Word of the Lord says that the strangers shall fade away, and be afraid out of their close places. Fade away and with fear, come out of my life and family now in the Name of Jesus. Come out now in the Name of Jesus Christ!
Oh Lord, possess me for battle. Fill me with Your Spirit and guide me in warfare in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
My life, in any way you are out of alignment from the Will of God, start to take shape now. By the mercies of the Lord, my life I command you, start to take your proper shape in the Name of Jesus.
Oh Lord, please do not allow me, please do not allow me walk out of Your Will into a regrettable, irreversible script written for me by the Devil. Please, in your mercies, do not release me in the Name of Jesus.
Father, protect my health (mention all) from any form of evil re-creation. Restore (mention it) completely now in Your mercy.
Lord, guard my mind and emotions against any attack or manipulation by the enemy in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Father, temper my will. Temper my desires. Temper my taste. Temper me, so that I will stop struggling with You who made me (Pray fervently)
My soul, I command you to be still and submit to your Creator now! (Hold your chest tightly). Submit to Your Lord from this day forward, oh my soul! In the Name of Jesus.
I command you my soul to find rest in the plans and purpose of the Lord for your life. Oh my soul, may you never run ahead of the Lord’s Will for you. I command you, my soul, be yoked into His Will now and evermore in Jesus Name.
Heavenly Father, protect my marriage and relationships, my spiritual life and my family from any evil force seeking to recreate or destroy them in the Name of Jesus.
Lord, help me to daily live in your Will for my life, in the big things and in the small things. May I never miss your expected end for my life in the Name of Jesus Christ.
Sing this yoruba song if you know it: Pray in the lyrics if you don’t.
Mo fagi le loruko Jesu (I overwrite them in Jesus’ Name)
Mo fagi le loruko Jesu (I overwrite them in Jesus’ Name)
Mo fagi le loruko Jesu (I overwrite them in Jesus’ Name)
Akosile Satani laye mi (Everything Satan has written concerning my lif)
Now pray: I overwrite all that the Devil has written concerning my life now by the Blood of Jesus. Blood of Jesus. Blood of Jesus (21x)
Our text today says: Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
What an assurance! What a great one the Lord Jesus did for us on the Cross! He blotted all those evill scripts off by His Blood and evil nailed them all to the cross. Not only that, all those principalities and powers sponsoring those writings, He has put to shame. Halllllllleeeeeeeluuuuuuyaaaaaaahhhh!
Now pray: I key into the finished work of the Lord at calvary, therefore, every written document against my life, you are judged by the death of Christ at Calvary in the Name of Jesus. You have been nailed to the Cross of the Lord in the Name of Jesus. You and your perpetrators, instead of me are put to shame now by the love of Christ in the Name of Jesus Christ.
No power of Hell, no scheme of man shall henceforth be able to tamper with my life, my lot, my portion forever and ever in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.
Jesus sets me free
I cannot be bound (to your script)
Jesus sets me free
I cannot be bound (to your book)
Jesus sets me free
I cannot be bound (to your will)
Could we please join hands together to raise our voices to the Lord on behalf of these sisters?
Let us raise our prayer list to the Lord and tell Him all about our requests. Let us ask the Father in the Name of Jesus to turn those requests into testimonies for us according to His Will in Jesus’ Name. Let us pray fervently on them before we move on.