DATE: 20/07/2024
Let us read through these testimonies before we start to pray. May your own testimony also arrive speedily and gloriously to the Glory of the Lord alone in Jesusโ Name. Amen.
I want to bless God for what he has started doing in my life. I had a dream on early hours of this morning 13th July. In the dream it was as if I kept treasures in my room and someone went in there to steal them, as the person was leaving I met the person outside and collected all that goodies back and returned them to my room. The impression I got immediately I woke up was that all that the enemy has stolen has been restored ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐. I even threatened the fellow never to try that again. I have gotten my victory ๐๐๐. More testimony loading
Firstly, I really want to thank God for this fast and even how far he has helped me in my life, family and journey with Him. May His name be praised in Jesus name. Amen. I was opportune to be a part of a cesarean section in the hospital and I was just there to observe whatever was being done. Sometime before the CS, the surgeon who was to operate the patient came to me and said he wanted me to pray that the surgery goes on well โฆ.At first I laughed, because I thought he was joking but He looked serious and I said okay. Sincerely I was so scared and nervous for the surgery. Prior to this surgery, he had assisted in the operation of a previous patient in the morning but the baby didnโt survive and this second woman he was about to operate on had a still birth in her first pregnancy according to the patient and this is her second term pregnancy. Although nervous, before the surgery started, I prayed and during the course of the surgery I was still praying. Then in the course of the prayer, I remembered the prayer we normally pray when we are about to go into the prayers in the BUD manual โSanitize your environment and take charge of the environment and cover your environment with the blood of Jesusโ. I kept doing that and to the glory of God, the surgery was successful and the mother and baby came out alive. I just want to return the glory to God because He alone has done this and May His name be forever glorified in Jesus name. Amen
During the Juicy July last year, one of my major prayer points was Provision especially because I was in my finals with my elder sister so it meant doubt financial payment for my dad. God was faithful! He provided more than I expected. December last year, a certain amount was promised by one of our leaders to us passing leaders. We were all excited. Along the line, I put the promise aside as nothing was said about it again. Just Thursday, I was called by a beloved sister that all leaders were asked to drop their account details and she didn’t see my name, so she thought to call me. I explained that I decided to leave so many Whatsapp groups I hadn’t been active in for months… see me nauuu…๐ฅน.. I want to thank God for laying it in the heart of the sister who reached out to me. Then I’m grateful for the fund that was paid even at this time when I need it.
Sisters, praise the Lord with me oh! My number one prayer request has been speedily settled. Prior to Juicy July I got selected for an opportunity, fortunately, I made it to the top 30, but to make it to the program proper we are to pitch to get to the final top 20, on the first of July we pitched, we were hoping to hear from them before weekend, no show! Those few days felt like forever. In the midnight on Monday my husband woke me up to the news that I’ve been selected. Praise the Looorrrrrdddd!
Good day mama, I am the same person that sent one of the prayer request that was posted on our bulletin today. It was concerning a particular family that was kidnapped, requesting the house to join me in prayers for the release of the remaining children after the first child was killed in the presence of the mother. This prayer was sent on the 7th and it was posted today being 15th. I just wanted to inform you that few days after sending in the prayer request, the news got to us that the children have been released after the parents paid a certain amount of money. I am grateful to God for His intervention even before the the prayer request was posted. Thank you so much ma’am.
Praise the Lord for the testimonies. Ask the Lord to take all the glory for them. Ask that the Lord will glorify Himself the more in the lives of the testifiers. And that the Lord will give everyone heartily participating in the Juicy July Prayer programme great testimonies to the glory of His Name. Ask for your own testimonies also.
Imagine the Super Eagles players going on the field to play against Benin Republic footballers. Now, imagine further that they are in their native regalia. The Yorubas in their Agbada-Kembe made with the real guinea brocade, matching โabeti-ajaโ caps and nice leathered palm slippers. How easily they will loose the match!
For every occasion, there is an appropriate dress-up style especially when you need to be active. In the same manner, you donโt go to war wearing high-heels or any other thing that can easily make you vulnerable to the enemyโs attack. The Bible in its perfection, is specifically clear on what the Kingdom warriorโs armory and dress-up must be. It doesnโt mince the standard. It is super clear.
When Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesian Church, he, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, clearly identifies the kind of enemy the believer must fight against, why we must fight the enemy, how we can fight the enemy, what to use against the enemy, and what the end of the battle will be like if things are done right.
The devil is our principal enemy. Jesus our Lord had to fight him too. Jesus said the devil is the โprince of this worldโ in John 14:30. He is the real enemy and because he is condemned, (Jn 16:11), he will not let Godโs people rest. He wants all mankind to partake of his judgement. Paul said in 1 Cor. 2:7-8 that he and his cohorts didnโt know that Jesus, the Wisdom of God unto glory was for redemption of mankind, hence they wouldnโt have killed Him. So to get back at Jesus for playing a fast one on him, he wants to take as many of us to share in his misfortune. He goes around seeking whom to devour. He desires to devour our saved souls!
We are in a wrestling pitch. The kinds of opponents prepared against us are not flesh and blood even though physically, we experience some manifestations through lifeโs challenges against our health, marriage, family, finances etc. The opponents we combat are called principalities (kings of territories), powers of the unseen world, rulers of darkness, and those in control of spiritual wickedness.
Whatever area we live in, these are resident. And they exist, they control! When they sense a child of God, they want to attack and put them under their control. When we seek breakthrough in a particular area, they send their minions like some that we have studied and prayed over these past days. They endow them with power so they can overpower the child of God. They succeed most times, unfortunately, because we were not battle ready for them either. From their own end, they are always ready. So, if there is a lesson that this Juicy July is really passing across to us, it is that when matters arise in our lives, we must be careful to not dismiss them as part of life! There is always a spiritual dimension to what emanates in this physical world. Another thing to note is that these powers dwell in high places. They work for our overall enemy, Satan. It is not a flesh and blood war. It is a war that will last till Jesusโ second coming when He will come to destroy these powers and put them in their rightful place once and for all- HELL!
There are times when the church has been too complacent to think that there are no battles. How the enemy has weakened our sensitivities! Brethren, there are battles in this world. The moment we changed sides, we fight more intense battles! The unbelievers fight battles too but the problem with theirs is that they donโt fight with the power of God, so they canโt avoid the casualties of war. Glory to God, we donโt fight by ourselves, we fight with His power, and His might!
So, if you still wonder why you must fight, the answer is because, you are either/or in this life: victim or victor, hunter or prey. We must fight so that we do not get swept away by the wiles, schemes, deception, tactics, plans of the devil. What is he scheming for? He schemes to kill, steal, destroy. His wiles are meant to devour. His deception is to lead off the narrow and strait way of life and unto perdition. His tactics are to derail us on our pilgrimage to heaven. We must fight to stand, to see his end and not him seeing ours. We must fight.
We fight not of our strength for we lack it. We have no sufficiency of ourselves. Hannah said in 1 Samuel 2: 9 that โfor by strength shall no man prevailโ. We cannot prevail by our strength, we will be so easy a snack to the Devil in that wise. One terrible issue is that we often try to fight these wars with human wisdom and we sometimes even borrow โwisdomโ from the princes of this world (1 Cornthians 2:6) and what a terrible ending those come to. Let me give an example to that.
A supposed Christian marriage on the verge of divorce or even separation might be dong everything possible to save the marrage. The couple might them start to apply manmade wisdom like receiving counselling from an intellectual source, a psychologist, or may be adapting wisdom from the princes of this world- feminism and misogynism. How can such a marriage stand? In the first place, the unseen war against that union is from the principalities of that domain and the best way to counter and fight back is by being โstrong in the Lord and in the power of His mightโ. If we fight these battles with education, family status, social standing, intellect, world exposure and other things that have no firm foundation, in a matter of moments, we will be on our back.
Now is the time to prepare. Oh yes, today is the day of preparation! Donโt delay! Verse 13 of our text clearly highlights the coming of an evil day but the Lord said in Matthew 6:34 says: โTake therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.โ
Did you read that well? Jesus was saying that each day has its own measure of evil! So, there are many evil days, however, there is an evil day that supersedes all evil days. That is the one being spoken of in the text. Therefore, before the arrival of that evil day, we must be ready for fight! The evil day many times does not come announced. The fights can just come against our families, our health, spouses, children, neighborhood, the church, a loved one, our own selves, anything, anyone, anywhere- without any warning! So, we canโt start preparing when the problems come- we prepare long before they do! A single day, week, month, years of preparation before the enemyโs show-up is better than none. We must so prepare that after the intensity of the battle, we are standing!
We fight with the God-given armory. The armor of God is given us to fight. It is Godโs divine provision for us, for our inner man who fights in the spiritual. Just like a tailor or seamstress makes a dress to fit, the same way, God makes His given armor to fit our inner man. It is the same component for every child of God, however, for the battles God knows you will fight as recorded in the script of your personal life, God must tailor His armor to fit you. He will only do that when we consistently appear in His presence and spend quality time with Him. The longer we stay with Him, the more he tailors it to fit us. The more He upgrades the armor when needed so we are up to date before each battle. It is in His presence that He teaches us, coaches us to wield each part of the armor, we learn how to use it in His Presence. It is not something that can be loaned from others. Others may use theirs to stand with you and shield you in the battle field. However, they cannot outrightly give theirs to you. You will go to the Master-smith to make you yours. The verse says โtake unto you the whole armor of Godโ. There is the reason for that right? Take unto you! You! Your own personal armour.
When David was to face Goliath, Saul gave him his full armour to put on but David couldnโt even walk in those. Those were useless weights! They were built mainly for Saul, not for David. David said in 1 Samuel 17:39 that โ….. And David said to Saul, โI cannot walk with these, for I have not tested them.โ So David took them off.
Saul was so blind to see that the battle was not about physical armoury! David was wearing something so deep and powerful than the one Saul presented to him. Every morning, evening, night, as he dwelt in the wildernesses, he exercised and got comfortable in his armours. He had defeated a lion and a bear in those wilderness, so when the real evil day of facing the uncrcumcised Philistine came, he was confident that he would fall down flat!

The first mention is THE BELT OF TRUTH. Why is this the first? One reason is because the truth is what sets free. The truth is the rock! Without it, the battle is already lost! Imagine a soldier going to battle without a belt. As the shirt is flying out, the trouser is falling down. He is uncoordinated to even hold any weapon. That is terrible! The truth is that belt that holds the whole armours together on our body. It is what give us fitness. The absence of the knowledge of truth is an open check to being a prey of deception. Some believers today are preys of the enemy all because they are not armed firmly with the belt of truth. What truth? The truth that the whole Bible is the Word of God! The truth about the Trinity; the finished work of Christ; the love of God; the battles we must fight; victory over death; the gospel of salvation; the potency of the Scripture; the hope of eternity and many other truths as clearly recorded in the Bible and as witnessed by the Holy Spirit. If we do not have the understanding of what is truth, we have lost the battle for it is the foundation of the other armory parts.
The second is THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, the covering and protection for our heart. There are 2 ways the enemy can โcatchโ us, if this is not intact. The first is:
Lack of Assurance of Salvation: This is when we look down on what the Lord did for us on the Cross. We have confessed our sins, forsaken them, asked the Lord to come into our lives and be the Lord, but then, we think we possess no righteousness that can afford us access into Godโs presence. We have been saved but we still consider ourselves the old creature! We have been saved but we just canโt get humble enough to allow the Holy Spirit give us this conviction and start to teach us His ways. Oh what a fatal error! The second way is:
Self-Righteousness: This is when we think so highly of our righteousness, our position in the church, the services we render in the church, what we do for the Lord, how we are better than the โpublicansโ, how we fast every week and pray 24 hours every day and so on! This self-righteousness is just a false exalted podium that holds no water. God is not in it! If the Father does not see JESUS in our righteousness, it is all filthy rags, sis!
The breastplate of righteousness is the righteousness that has come to us through Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:21). If we possess any righteousness, it is the righteousness that we have received through Him. The essence of this righteousness is to mark us as clean, sinless by His grace and mercy. The enemy can identify us as one of them if they cannot see boldly on our chest that we bear the mark of His righteousness. It differentiates us from the enemy.
The next is the feet shod with the preparation for the gospel of peace. Just as a soldier’s footwear provides stability, traction, and protection on the battlefield, our spiritual “shoes” serve a similar purpose. Ephesians 6:15 AMP puts it well: And having shod your feet in preparation [to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace.
Here are the significance of being shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace:
- Readiness to Spread the Gospel: Just as soldiers need proper footwear to be prepared for battle, we must be ready to share the message of peace and salvation through Jesus Christ wherever we go.
- Firm Foundation: Proper footwear provides stability and protection. The gospel of peace gives us a firm foundation in our faith and helps us stand strong against spiritual challenges and adversities.
- Peace in All Circumstances: The gospel brings peace between God and man, and wearing it signifies that we carry this peace within us and this influences our interactions and responses to life’s situations.
- Spiritual Protection: Just as shoes protect feet from rough terrain, the gospel protects us from spiritual attacks, helping us to move forward without stumbling.
Overall, having feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace symbolizes being equipped, grounded, and ready to advance the kingdom of God with the message of Christโs peace and salvation.
The SHIELD OF FAITH, our major defense gear, is described as what we will use to dispel the โfiery darts/bulletsโ of the enemy. Faith in our Christian sojourn is a potent weapon. If the enemy can dissipate the force of our faith in God, we become easily accessible by him. As a spiritual defense mechanism, it not only shields us from the attacks of the enemy, it also helps us take cover from those attacks and affords us the opportunity to strategize how to return the โfavorโ to the enemy. We must guard our faith by all means (1 Corinthians 16: 13-14). We must continuously fine tune our faith and by the word of God.
The HELMET OF SALVATION is the covering over our head. Like the breastplate of righteousness, it also bears the mark of belonging to God, belonging to the army of God. This helmet functions to not only allow the darts of the enemy from penetration to us, it also protects our sense of sight, smell, and hearing from being attacked by the enemy. When we canโt see or hear or smell God when we are battling, hasnโt that turned to double wahala? Even at the war front, our senses are needed so that we can hear the voice of our Commander. Hence, the helmet of Salvation not only protects against the enemy, it also keeps our senses protected to hear from the Chief of the host of heavenโs army.
The last component is the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT which is the Word of God! The Word of God is described as being sharper than a doubled edged sword! Look at that! It means we can cut with and attack with it from any direction. It is that weapon that is so powerful in the hand of the wielder. A significant problem however is that often times, the most potent weapon becomes the weakest in the hands of some. The gear that enables brutally attacking and harming the enemy becomes like a wooden plank. Yes, it is a double-edged sword that can pierce into the enemy, bone and marrow (Heb. 4:12), it is quick, it is powerful but if it is not sharpened daily, moment after moment, it is utterly useless. The way to sharpen the sword of the Spirit is by hearing the word, reading it, studying it, memorizing it, and meditating on it. This is what makes it powerful and quick in our hands when we are at the battle, whether impromptu or planned.
If we take note of verse 13, it starts with putting on the โwholeโ amor. We canโt carry the sword and leave out the belt and the helmet, or wear the shoes and leave out the shield. The result of that is as simple as giving the enemy a foothold to trample upon us. Verse 18 finishes with praying in the spirit and raising supplications to God, a humble request, coupled with watching and perseverance, being our brotherโs keeper- this is exactly the battle! It s for ths war that we have been kitting up!
Here are three things on this note: We fight in the place of prayer. Prayer is an embodiment of expressing our human emotions to God from our heart. We pray to God to fight through us and for us and at the same time, we face the enemy as we pray. The more the intensity of our prayers to God, the more the enemyโs camp is besieged. We receive the right strategies for each battle in the place of prayer. We could pray with worship, adoration, songs, scriptures, thanksgiving and praise, shouts of joy, surrender to God, dancing and singing, deliverance, spiritual warfare.
Second is that we raise supplications in our prayers. The essence of supplications is to make humble requests to God that we have no power or might of our own to fight unless He fights for us. We have no sufficiency of ourselves.
Lastly, we donโt fight alone. We fight alongside our brethren. We are all fighting the same enemy for the same just course. He has waged war against us all for the same reason. Hence, we must pray for ourselves, fighting together in the place of prayer.
Let us take some quality time to worship the Lord for His Word that we have just gone through. Thank Him for the specific revelations that He has given you today. Adore the Lord for who He is. Tell Him how wonderful His works are! Tell the Creator how excellent all He has made are.
Begin to sanitize your life right now. Rid your life of every sins and iniquities with the Blood of Jesus. The Lord does not hear the prayers coming from the mouth of a sinner, but if such confesses and forsakes the sins, the Lord will have mercy, hear and forgive.
Now, take charge of your environment. Begin to cover where you are now with the Blood of Jesus. Cover yourself with the fire of the Holy Ghost.
- Father, please help me to be appropriately dressed for battle. I submit myself to Your presence for the forging of my battle gear.
- I will not be inappropriately dressed on the battlefield in Jesus’ name.
- I will not be caught unawares on the battlefield with no appropriate gear for defense or attack in Jesus’ name.
- I will not exchange spiritual armory for worldly armory in Jesus’ name.
- I know the weapons of my warfare are not carnal weapons like human wisdom, intellect, education, wealth, and all sorts. I submit them all to Your throne and exchange them for the whole armor of God in Jesus’ name.
- My inner man, receive the strength of the Lord. Be enabled by His power to bear and carry the weight of Godโs armor for battle in Jesus’ name.
- Father, I have decided to wear the full armor You have provided. Possess me in Your might and glory and win all the battles that are set against me in Jesus’ name.
- I receive grace to spend quality time with You to polish my armory in the place of prayer and to sharpen my sword in the place of the Word in Jesus’ name.
- I will not fall at the end of battle; I will stand victorious in the name of Jesus.
- The enemy will not see the end of me, but I will see the fall and defeat of all my enemies in Jesus’ name.
- Holy Spirit, my Teacher and Guide, please teach me, Lord, to master the use of every weapon of war that You have given me. Guide me to use the weapons of defense and attack at every appropriate time. Let me know when and how to use them to win my battles for Your glory.
- When evil days come, I will not be stranded in Jesus’ name.
- Every wile of the devil, I overcome by Godโs mercy and strength in Jesus’ name.
- I confess that I am strong in the Lord. I move from glory to glory in Jesus’ name.
- The power of Godโs might overshadows me, embodies me, and I fight to win all battles in Jesus’ name.
- My loin is girded with the belt of truth: the truth about God, this world and its ruler, the truth about Christ and who I am in Him, the truth of every battle, the truth of Godโs Word and my inheritance in Christ, as well as every other truth I should know in Jesus’ name. It is firm around my waist in Jesus’ name.
- My chest is covered with Jesusโ righteousness. I have no righteousness of my own but of Christ. I walk in His completeness and His aura envelops me. I have no fear.
- My feet are shod with the preparation to speak of Jesus and the love of God anytime, anywhere. My identity in Christ moves with His peace. Wherever I go, even to battle, I bring His peace of salvation that surpasses all understanding.
- I hold my shield of faith in God firmly. Doubt, fear, confusion, and all others from the enemy, I dispel far from me. My faith in the Lord only waxes stronger. I hear faith, I speak faith, I live faith, I do faith.
- The sword of the Spirit will I always have ready as my weapon of attack. I empty my mind, soul, and spirit of all that is junk so that I may store up the Word of God to sharpen my sword. I am marvelously helped by the Holy Spirit to retain the Word of God in my heart and to have the right Word for every battle. The Word of God in me is always sharper than a double-edged sword, and it pierces through wherever I point it, gaining me victory each time in the name of Jesus
- No matter what, I wonโt be caught sleeping in the face of battle but standing till I see the defeat of my enemies. And after victory, I will be standing, ready for the Commanderโs beckon in Jesus’ name.
- Take some time to bless the sister that the Lord used to prepare this bulletin for us today. That the Lord God will cover her with His robe of glory and that she will never be put to shame in the battles of life. God bless you, dear sis.ย
- Continue to pray as the Lord leads you.
Could we please join hands together to raise our voices to the Lord on behalf of these sisters
First, I want to appreciate God for answers to all my past prayers, last year JUICY JULY, I told God I needed an industrial sewing machine for my fashion business and that same month, he used two people to provide the fund.
My prayer request is that God should please bless my fashion business with divine and distinct wisdom without comparison and all the works of my hand in general. I also need God to please grant my younger brother divine favour in his visa application and success in his test and interview with Duke Energy in NC, that God will secure the job for Him for the Glory of His name in Jesus name. I also want God to settle him martially, he will miss it martially and his love for God will continue to blossom in Jesus name. Amen.
I also want my Sisters to join me in Prayer for my Husband that God will grant him more Grace for the ministerial work committee to his hands in Jesus name. Lastly, I want God to restore back the first love of my parents and draw them more and more closer to him. Satan will not have place in their marriage and total restoration to God wherever they might have failed him.
I want God to settle my family maritally and pull us back unitedly together. Pull me back to fulfilment of my purpose in life, grant unto me speed in recovering the years behind and pull great passion into me over again. I want people of God to also pray for me about my prayer life… The devil won’t prevail and I won’t backslide as I see him plan to do. He won’t in Jesus name.
My husband enrolled for a course and suppose to have rounded up the course last year November but the devil denied him of that, we thought by May this year, he will write the final exam but was postpone again till this year ending. Every form of setback and stagnancy in the life of my husband, the Lord will destroy it by fire. Whatsoever thing that the devil wants to use to frustrate his life is cancel by the power of Holy Ghost. The Lord will open doors of good job opportunities for him for His glory before this year runs out in Jesus name.
I want you to pray for me that the Lord should settle my family financially, and the Lord should settle me spiritually, maritally and career wise, the Lord should grants safe delivery for 2 of my friends and the Lord should grants two of my sisters the fruit of the womb. Amen
1.I want BUD sisters to please join me in prayers to God, that he heals me of the discomfort I feel around my lower back and it sometimes spread to the mid back and it feels as if I have been tied from one end of my side to the other. Also I feel this lumps in my lower abdomen sometimes it even moves. It started with pains at one of my sides but later developed to this ๐, I feel so scared that I didn’t inform my parents because definitely it might be the case that I will have to go for surgery and I don’t want it. This happened after my mom had an issue with a neighbor
2. My mom have been suffering from this catarrh, that comes up at any time it has no season nor time of the day, she has been to the hospital but all to no avail, recently I got to know that her sister and her daughter also are having the same issue which is to me an evil pattern. I want you sisters to pray to God that every evil pattern for whatever kind of sickness or disease be totally healed in Jesus name.๐
3. I want you sisters to thank the Lord for me because I feel these cases have been arrested. I have been having constraints as not to send in these prayer requests but I thank God that he made it possible because he has defeated the enemy by making it possible.๐๐๐
I’ve been job-haunting for almost a year now but haven’t secured any tangible appointment. I made an application recently and, good news is, I’ve been shortlisted for a physical examination this Thursday. Please help me pray for retentive memory, precision in my studying, favour before God and the examiners, and outstanding success overall. The qualities I need for this position, the Lord will supply me with, according to His will. Also, I applied for a graduate school scholarship recently. I pray for favour and approval for my friend and I who applied together. We shall both secure the scholarship by God’s merit.
I want God to help me continue this deep and intimate relationship with him. Every spirit of rising and falling be taken away from my life. I also want my brothers to be saved and take God seriously in their lives. The Job interview I went for, if it is God’s will for me to get the Job, let my name be among the successful candidates. I want God to settle me maritally this year, to know God’s will for me, I don’t want to have waited this long and miss it in marriage. Let my birthday gift from God this September be my husband, God’s own son meant for me.
I will be finishing my service year this month of July,though I have being praying before now but i want the children of God to help me intensify in this prayer ,that God should order my steps and give me divine direction,he should please lead me in the way to go after my service year,and open doors of Good job and all round settlement for me
Let us raise our prayer list to the Lord and tell Him all about our requests. Let us ask the Father in the Name of Jesus to turn those requests into testimonies for us according to His Will in Jesusโ Name. Let us pray fervently on them before we move on.
WAR by Charles Jenkins
Might as well put your hands together
Put ’em together, come on
Put ’em together
[Verse 1]
I got joy in my soul
God is in control
I got Satan on my trail
But I’m singin’ all is well
He’s attackin’ everyday
But I’m watchin’ while I pray
No matter the attack
I won’t turn back
‘Cause this means war
(This means) This means war
(This means) This means war
(This means) This means war
Put ’em together
[Verse 2]
I got joy in my soul
God is in control
I got Satan on my trail
But I’m singin’ all is well
He’s attackin’ everyday
But I’m watchin’ while I pray
No matter the attack
I won’t turn back
‘Cause this means war
(This means) This means war
(This means) This means war
(This means) This mะตans war
I plead the blood
I plead, I plะตad the blood (There’s power in the blood)
I plead, I plead the blood (Healin’ in the blood)
I plead, I plead the blood (Power in the blood)
I plead, I plead the blood
[Verse 3]
I’ve been in the storm and the rain
But the blood still stays the same
Whatever’s goin’ wrong
My war clothes are on
I might be in a daze
But you can’t have my praise
No matter the attack
I won’t turn back
‘Cause this means war
(This means) This means war
(This means) This means war
(This means) This means war
I plead the blood
I plead, I plead the blood (There’s power in the blood)
I plead, I plead the blood (Healin’ in the blood)
I plead, I plead the blood (Power in the blood)
I plead, I plead the blood
You can’t have my family
You can’t have my increase
You can’t have my breakthrough
You can’t have my, you can’t have my
You can’t, you can’t, you can’t, I plead
I plead, I plead the blood (There’s power in the blood)
I plead, I plead the blood (It’s a prayer protection)
I plead, I plead the blood (It’s a prayer prevention)
I plead, I plead the blood (This means)
This means war
(There’s power in your praise) This means war
(That changes thing) This means war
(You can’t take this lyin’ down) This means war
(Said this means) This means war
This means war
Five, six, seven, eight
Come on, put your hands together
Say you can’t have my family
Say you can’t have my increase
Breakthrough, you can’t have my breakthrough
You say, you can’t have my, you can’t have my
You can’t, you can’t, you can’t, I plead
I plead, I plead the blood (There’s power in the blood)
I plead, I plead the blood (Healin’ in the blood)
I plead, I plead the blood (Deliverance in the blood)
I plead, I plead the blood (Here’s what you gotta say, this means)
This means war
(Whenever the enemy’s attackin’ in your life, you gotta say)
This means war
(You can’t be breakin’ down and fallin’ out)
This means war
(You gon’ break out your prayer, break out your words)
This means war
(You gon’ break out some praise)
This means war
(Last time) This means war
Will somebody clap your hands? It’s alright
That’s all you got? That’s all you got?
That’s all you got?