The BUD Family International

…ladies becoming wholesome for Jesus





TEXTS: 1Chro 13-15, 2 Samuel 6:12-15



It’s day 14 of our fasting and prayer programme. I want to believe you prayed very well yesterday and you’ve started getting out the juices promised you. All we have prayed about is answered in the Name of Jesus!

Today is another very beautiful day! Have you read the text?

If you have, you should be able to tell what glory I am talking about in the topic.

What is radiating from you? What does your existence say about God?


When God formed man, he didn’t just do it for the fun of it. He didn’t make us simply because He was hired and wanted to test out his power.

He created us with a purpose. His glory!

Do you remember?

Oh, Great!!!


We will be looking at the glory for which we are created today but before we do that, let us take a very powerful and popular song together:

Sing with your whole heart. God will inhabit your worship!


1.) You were the Word at the beginning

One with God the Lord Most High

Your hidden glory in creation

Now revealed in You our Christ

What a beautiful Name it is

What a beautiful Name it is

The Name of Jesus Christ my King

What a beautiful Name it is

Nothing compares to this

What a beautiful Name it is

The Name of Jesus

2.) You didn’t want heaven without us

So Jesus, You brought heaven down

My sin was great, Your love was greater

What could separate us now?

What a wonderful Name it is

What a wonderful Name it is

The Name of Jesus Christ my King

What a wonderful Name it is

Nothing compares to this

What a wonderful Name it is

The Name of Jesus.

Death could not hold You

The veil tore before You

You silenced the boast of sin and grave

The heavens are roaring

The praise of Your glory

For You are raised to life again

You have no rival

You have no equal

Now and forever, God You reign

Yours is the kingdom

Yours is the glory

Yours is the Name above all names

What a powerful Name it is

What a powerful Name it is

The Name of Jesus Christ my King

What a powerful Name it is

Nothing can stand against

What a powerful Name it is

The Name of Jesus

What a powerful Name it is

The Name of Jesus

What a powerful Name it is

The Name of Jesus





If you know this song, sing it very confidently three times. If you don’t know it, pray in the lyrics.

Oh Lord, speak to my heart today. Help me discover the purpose for my creation that I might show forth your glory. Thank You Jesus for answering me. For I have prayed in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!

Today, we will looking at and praying for one important ingredient needed in this journey. Juicy July would come and go without you getting anything great if you don’t discover your purpose of creation and glorify God.

The account in 1 Samuel 4 describes the wicked sons of Eli taking the ark into a battle against the Philistines, attempting to use the ark like a good luck charm to secure victory.

Israel loses the battle, 30,000 men perish, and the Philistines capture the ark. When the beloved prophet Eli hears of his sons’ deaths in battle and the ark’s fate, he has a heart attack and dies. Eli’s pregnant daughter in-law goes into labor and dies in childbirth.

In recognition of the tragic events of that day, the child is named Ichabod, meaning “the glory of the Lord has departed.”

The Philistines keep the ark for a short time, but in every city where the ark is taken, the people get sick and develop tumors.

Finally, the Philistines return to ark to Israel, where it remains at the house of Abinadab for twenty years. The Bible says during the reign of Saul, “the people did not inquire of the ark.”

When David becomes king and defeats the Philistines as recorded in 1 Chronicles 12 and 2 Samuel 5, he holds a meeting to discuss returning the ark to Jerusalem. Everyone agrees it is a great idea, so they plan an elaborate celebration inviting people from all over Israel to join the party.

Everything is going great until an ox stumbles, causing the ark to shift on the cart. A man named Uzzah reaches out to stabilize the ark. When he touches the it, God’s wrath pours from the ark killing Uzzah and ruining the parade.

The event was tragic and a horrible public embarrassment for David. This was his first official civic activity designed to show God’s choice of him as king and his unique leadership as the political head of a nation.

The people knew he was a great warrior, but leading a nation required additional skills. This parade included thousands of soldiers, leaders from all parts of the country, and coordination of civic responsibilities requiring months of planning.

When you realize what a public embarrassment and significant failure this event was, we understand why the Scripture says “David was angry.”

Imagine how the Prime Minister of England would have felt if he had to cancel the Olympics because something went wrong with the opening ceremony.

After three months David learns about the blessing of God upon the house of Obed-edom, where the ark was left when the parade was canceled.

His successful second attempt to bring the ark into Jerusalem reveals several important principles for carrying the glory of God or living with God’s blessing upon your life.

The ark represented the power, the glory, and the presence of God. David was a man after God’s heart, but he made some foolish mistakes regarding God’s glory. Now he takes a different approach to accomplish a task in which he had previously failed.

I. Submit to Scripture
The first principle of carrying the glory of God and overcoming failure is to submit to Scripture. After failing to bring the ark to Jerusalem, David researched the Scriptures to discover the specific instructions for transporting the ark (15:1-2).

This revelation has enormous application for New Testament believers.

David learned that the ark was supposed to be carried by priests, not displayed on an ox cart.

The Old Testament priests literally carried the glory of God upon their shoulders.

These specific instructions were a picture of the amazing truth proclaimed in the New Testament concerning those who follow Christ.

The Bible describes Christians as “a royal priesthood declaring the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1Peter 2:9).

In David’s first failed attempt, he called a committee meeting where everyone voted unanimously to build a new ox cart for the ark and sponsor a giant party celebrating the defeat of the Philistines.

There is a huge lesson in this story for us. God’s will is not determined by us or some presidents or the majority!

The majority can be wrong. God established the rules for transporting the ark, and it did not matter how many “yea” votes the committee received. They were wrong, and God’s Word was and is always right. In the second successful attempt, David did it God’s way!

If you do it your way, you’d fail. Always do it God’s way and it’d be fine!

II. Be sensitive to the sacred
The contrast between the two attempts is startling.

While the first attempt was a carnival atmosphere, the second was a reverent yet joyful experience.

The first parade was filled with fanfare, the second was filled with blood. Notice how the priests traveled.

After the priests took six steps, they sacrificed a bull. This happened seven times as recorded in 1 Chron. 15:26 and 2 Sam. 6:13.

The road to God’s glory is filled with blood!

Hebrews 10:19 says, “we enter the most holy place by the blood of Jesus.”

The entire second journey to Jerusalem is a blood-stained road of worship exalting the one true God who delivered Israel from enemies and secures the future success of the nation.

At the first parade, David was dressed as king but by the time of the second attempt, David grew in his appreciation that God does not share glory, so the king of Israel refused to wear the royal garments. Instead he wore the same linen ephod as a common priest. The second journey was all about God!

Psalm 24 provides a brief snapshot of this truth. Scholars believe this psalm was sung as the ark was being brought into the city.

The psalm asks the question, “Who is the king of glory?” The answer illustrates the effort to move all attention away from King David and give praise to almighty God:

“Who is the king of glory? The Lord strong and mighty. The Lord mighty in battle” (Ps. 24:8).

To carry the glory of God, we must treat the sacred with reverent sensitivity.

III. Sanctify your soul
Part of being sensitive to the sacred is preparing ourselves through sanctification, which means to be made holy or set apart for divine purpose.

First Chronicles 15:12-15 describes David’s exhortation for the priests to “consecrate themselves” in preparation for carrying the ark of God.

As New Testament priests we must also allow God to cleanse us so that His glory will shine in our lives.

The Bible says if we confess our sins, Jesus is faithful and righteous to forgive us and cleanse us form all unrighteousness.

The apostle Paul exhorted Timothy to cleanse himself to be a vessel of honor, made holy, useful to the master, and equipped for every good work (2 Tim.2:21).

As a royal priesthood, we must embrace the call to be separate from the world and be holy, because our Savior is holy.

Personal holiness is a deep recognition and resolve to allow the light of God’s goodness and grace to shine through us. Jesus said to let your light shine.

The sad reality is that many Christians, those who have been redeemed to be a priest carrying the glory, have such sin-filled and world-infested lives that no one can see the glory!

We were born to reign and manifest the glories of the Kingdom of God on earth.

โ€œBut ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous lightโ€ (1 Peter 2:9).

What a life! What a calling! We are called to walk in, and manifest, the glory of God. The same way Jesus came to the earth to express God and manifest His glory, youโ€™ve been called to display God!

Look at the word, “Display God”. It reminds me of manequins, they are made to display clothes in shops. Imagine yourself as God’s manequin made to display him on earth.

If God says youโ€™ve been chosen to show forth His glory, it means you have the ability to do it.

We are the express image of Godโ€™s person- the fulfilment of His dream. Youโ€™ve been called to display the virtues and perfections of Christ in the earth. Fulfill your calling!

In the book of Esther, I believe we all are family with the story of BEAUTIFUL QUEEN ESTHER. She was created to be so beautiful and with amazing personality to be loved by whoever she comes across FOR A PURPOSE!

Esther 2:15

[15]Now when the turn of Esther, the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her for his daughter, was come to go in unto the king, she required nothing but what Hegai the king’s chamberlain, the keeper of the women, appointed. And Esther obtained favour in the sight of ALL them that looked upon her.

Esther found grace in the sight of the king and became a queen for a purpose. It wasn’t luck! It wasn’t the case of trial and error. It was a carefully orchestrated symphony arranged by God. Why?

To show forth His glory!

Did Esther show forth God’s glory? Absolutely!

She was able to save the Jews from extinction planned by wicked Haman.

Esther 10:3

[3]For Mordecai the Jew was next unto king Ahasuerus, and great among the Jews, and accepted of the multitude of his brethren, seeking the wealth of his people, and speaking peace to all his seed.

The ark of God resided at Abinadab’s house for 20 years without any manifestation of power, blessing, or glory.

How long will the glory of God remain dormant in your life because of an unwillingness to repent of selfishness and sin?


[Verse 1]

Nothing in this world could match Your beauty

No king of earth could ever wear Your crown

All of Your creation bows in wonder

How great the glory of our God



Oh how great the glory of our God

Oh how great the glory of our God

The angels shout, the saints applaud

How great the glory of our God


[Verse 2]

Just a glimpse in this life of Your splendor

Takes our breath and brings us to our knees

To rise up once again in thunderous chorus

How great the glory of our God



Oh how great the glory of our God

Oh how great the glory of our God

The angels shout, the saints applaud

How great the glory of our God



How great the beauty

How great the splendor

How great the majesty


How great the power

How great the wonder

How great our king of kings

How great the beauty

How great the splendor

How great Your majesty

Oh Jesus

How great the power

How great the wonder

How great our king of kings



Oh how great the glory of our God

And oh how great the glory of our God

The angels shout, oh the saints applaud

How great the glory of our God

How great the glory of our God

Oh how great the glory of our God

The angels shout, oh the saints applaud

How great the glory of our God

Oh how great the glory of our God




Oh the glory of our God (The glory of our God)

Jesus (Jesus)

The glory of our God (The glory of our God, Jesus)


Oh Jesus (Oh Jesus)

Oh how great the one who’s (How great)

How great His (How great our God)

How great our Jesus (Our Jesus)



Oh how marvelous, wonderful, beautiful You are

And how marvelous, wonderful, beautiful You are

Oh how marvelous, wonderful, beautiful You are

Oh how great the glory of our God










Begin to appreciate God for His faithfulness over your lives.

Thank Him for the opportunity He has given you to be part of this year JUICY JULY.

Thank Him for those moments when your faith was small or times when you doubted Him but He still chose to answer your prayers.




Begin to ask God for MERCY.

Ask for mercy for it’s by HIS mercy that we are not consumed.

It’s His Mercy that has kept us still.


Oh Lord, forgive me for the times when I have displayed myself, my talents, my life, my body, my gifts as if they were really mine! Forgive me oh Lord!

I confess, dear Saviour that in time past, whether knowingly or unknowingly, I have shared in your glory, ah, Father, forgive me, Lord!

Henceforth, I live for Your glory, oh Lord in the Name of Jesus!

Lord, please give me the grace to get so intimate with the Scriptures so that I can know Your will as regards any area of my life. Help me not to live a ‘compass-less’ life. Don’t let me live a life without direction and guide. My Bible, henceforth, you are my food, my life, my light, my guide. I will daily eat from you!!

Father, give me the grace not to follow the majority, no matter how many they are. Let only you matter to me! Henceforth, I am not controlled by what the majority says but what God instructs in the Name of Jesus!

The Blood of Jesus! (7x) Fill the road to my glory!!!!

Henceforth, in everything I do, help me to always turn others to see You and not me. It is my resolve, Lord, so help me.

From this day forward, when people look at me, all they’d see is you!!!! In the Name of Jesus!

Lord, I am nothing without you. Inhabit me for real! Let Your glory envelope me oh Lord!

Every filthiness in my life, that won’t allow your glory to shine, Holy Ghost fire, reveal them Lord and deal with them in the Name of Jesus. I surrender, oh Lord, deal with them all!!!


Pray these prayers assuredly.

Oh Lord, glorify yourself in me. The Bible says that if Christ be lifted up and glorified, he will draw all men unto Himself.

Oh Lord, I choose to display you, help me

Oh Lord, I want to live a life of purpose. Help me discover the purpose for which I was created.ย  (Pray vehemently)

Heavenly Father, I want to glorify and bring praise to your name through my purpose. Help me walk in purpose!

I call forth my becoming! I will emerge in your glory.

Father, take away every veil and distractions taking me off fulfilling your praise and glorifying you.

Father, it’s you alone I want to see. Shift my gaze, reallign my focus to see you and you alone.


You were the Word at the beginning

One with God the Lord Most High

Your hidden glory in creation

Now revealed in You our Christ

What a beautiful Name it is

What a beautiful Name it is

The Name of Jesus Christ my King

What a beautiful Name it is

Nothing compares to this

What a beautiful Name it is

The Name of Jesus



(You have to decree and declare the following with high faith in your heart.)

Let’s go!

In the Name of Jesus, I affirm that I am the image of God.

I affirm that I was created for His glory.

In the Name of Jesus , I will squeeze out all the juice in this JUICY JULY.

In the Name of Jesus, I will not be a wrong display of God’s image.

In the Name of Jesus, I will record numerous testimonies.

In the Name of Jesus, I decree that nothing will stand as a barrier to the fufilment of God’s purpose for my life.

In the Name of Jesus, I am strengthened and empowered to fast and pray throughout this July.

Lastly, begin to decree and declare into existence by faith all your JUICY JULY requests!


You’ve been called to display God!
Fulfill your calling!

If you do it your way, you’d fail. Always do it God’s way and it’d be fine!

The sad reality is that many Christians, those who have been redeemed to be a priest carrying the glory, have such sin-filled and world-infested lives that no one can see the glory!

I call forth my becoming! I emerge in God’s glory!




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