DATE: 10/7/2024




Hello sisters and welcome to Juicy July 2024, Day 10. Gradually, the programme is drawing close to the mid and before you know it, it would all be over. Intensify your prayers and give Heaven no rest until you have tangible testimonies from this endeavour. Remember, when prayers go up, answers must surely come down! 


Let us read through this striking testimony that we received yesterday to rouse our spirits before we start to pray. May your own testimony also arrive to the Glory of the Lord alone in Jesusโ€™ Name.

I want to appreciate God because he is not a Man that he should lie.

Brethren God lives here, as in he is resident in our midst, during last year juicy July, I was believing God for a reposting and that of my hubby.

His station was far from home while mine, thou near was not fufilling and I needed to be move out else I remain redundant. I know God always wants the best for his children, so I key into those prayers and to the glory of God as I speak he has been reposted nearer than our imagination and I have also been changed to a place I can have career progression and fulfilment.

Who did this— JESUS.


Commit your heart to the Hand of the Lord and ask Him to speak to you. And awaken your spirit, soul, and body! That after this day, you will rise up in the confidence and the assurance of the Power that the Lord has given to you!

Amen! Glory be to God!

If you are done praying, you can proceed in this prayer guide.


The power of words cannot be overstated. God spoke creation into existence, and we, made in His image, also wield significant power with our words. Something dead can become a paradise just because of the power of words and something that was colourful can become gloomy just by the same power of words!

In the beginning, the only place that was beautiful was Heaven. Heaven was perfect and Holy and beautiful and without stain.

But the earth was dark and all waters! Waters covered everywhere on the earth. And you know, as beautiful and important as water is to humans, too much of water is deadly!

I can say that it is the most dangerous force on the earth, even more than fire! Yes! You see, water can put fire off, sand can quench fire, detergent and ash can put fire off, but what can put waters off? Nothing!

Letโ€™s assume someone close to you had a dream. In the dream, the person found himself in a dark, lonely, roaring, large water, drowning, screaming, and shouting for help, what singular message will come to your mind?

Trouble, right?  

Death, right?  

The end, right?


That was probably what went through Godโ€™s mind one day when His Spirit hovered or flew or moved upon the face of the deep or waters, darkness! (Any of these would be right)

God Himself is light, so, seeing darkness everywhere and waters (depression) spreading across the whole place and even roaring, He decided, He had to do something about it.

Sisters, what situation are you in right now in which you cannot see anything because of the darkness? You cannot hear anything because of the roaring of the waters? You cannot be comfortable because you are struggling to catch your breath as well as scream for help?

Have there been tongues risen agaibat you which are contrary to you? 

Have the words of men been battling against your life in one way or the other? 

Have the words from evil people created the world that you now live in? 

You see, negative words can be spoken over us by parents, teachers, peers, or anyone we encounter. These words can create deep wounds and, if left unaddressed, can dictate the course of our lives. Words like: โ€œYou are such a failure. Canโ€™t you do anything right?โ€

โ€œNobody would ever want to marry you.โ€

When words such as this are declared over a child, the parent is cursing that child. The curse does not automatically take effect, but when a child believes and receives these words, they become lodged into their soul and become a force for harm. It is not uncommon for evil spirits to be attached to these words, reinforcing the lies that have been spoken.

In the same vein, the words we speak over ourselves are even more powerful. Self-defeating phrases like, “I’m such a failure” or “I’ll never succeed” or โ€œIt doesn’t look as if I will make it through this pregnancy at all!โ€ or โ€œYou this husband will be the one that will kill meโ€. These terrible words kill the power and potential of God in our lives and create a void in our world. 

For some others, it could be the lying tongues of men. There are people who are naturally hating on you, envying you, jealous of you, who then decide to go ahead lying against you, killing you, thereby shielding you from helps and love. They are only satisfied when they see your name destroyed and when everyone sees you in the bad light they have created for you. 

In the book of John 6:63, Jesus said the words He spoke were spirit and life.

Just by narrowing in on that verse, we can clearly see that words carry a spirit of life and if opposite, the spirit of death.

When we speak healing to someone, that person becomes healed because the Word of the Lord carries life.

When we speak, a spirit actually travels on the actual words spoken or let’s say the words are actual spirits, to bring about or to execute the assignment of the sender.

In Isaiah 55:11, God said: โ€œMy words that come out of my mouth will not return to me empty but they will be done as I have spoken.โ€

Likewise when you speak negative words, Satan is watching those words to make sure they come to pass! To ensure the words don’t fall to the ground!

When people curse or speak negatively, those words carry death. That’s why you feel depressed, angry, helpless, irritated etc when the words greet your ears. It is  because the spirit of those words have come to execute the words spoken.

We need a revelation of how powerful spoken words are and especially negative words that have been left unchallenged. 

Words act as agents of limitation in the unseen realm.  In the spirit, spoken words never die until we kill them! We need to fight the words that fight us.  

Words can outlive the person who spoke them. Words can be carried over to generations whether the words are negative or positive. Words spoken and nothing done about them still come to pass. Joshua cursed anyone who would build Jericho (Joshua 6:26)

Hiel the Bethelite tried to build the foundation of Jericho (1 Kings 16:34.) Abiram, his eldest son, died when he began. Segub, his youngest son, died when he set up the gates. This whole event was 500 years after Joshua pronounced the curse. Joshua was not there but what he said came to pass. Words go beyond the life of those who speak them and especially with people who have authority and influence over you.

In Matthew 27:24,25, Pilate says, โ€œI am innocent of the blood of this man,โ€ but listen to what the people said in verse 25: โ€œHis blood be on us and our childrenโ€ 

They put themselves and their children under a curse. The children were not present when their parents spoke those words but were still affected by them. Once a curse (negative words) leaves its source it must hit somewhere โ€“ words do not die until we kill them.

Don’t be unconcerned about words.  Isaiah 54:17 says, โ€œโ€ฆtongues that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemnโ€ฆโ€ 

Can you see that we can and should do something about those words in the spirit realm? 

All the lies you’ve heard people say about you, your family, your home, your person. 

All the words you have said on yourself or on your children or your husband. 

One woman in anger told her husband โ€˜You are mad!โ€™. What! From the mouth of a help meet to her man? Madness? When he begins to act mad, the woman shouldn’t run helter-skelter though, she would be only reaping what she’d sown. 

Telling your child โ€˜You are so daft. Why are you so gullible like this? Can you see how James, the son of Mrs. Sosoliso is wiser than you?โ€™. Negative words! 


1. Break Them

You have the authority given by Jesus to command Satan and his forces to leave. Speak out loud, breaking any agreement you’ve had with negative words. Declare in the name of Jesus that these words have no power over you. Forgive those who spoke them, including yourself, as unforgiveness can be an entry point for the enemy.


In the name of Jesus, I break every negative word spoken over my life. I reject and nullify their power. I forgive those who spoke them, and I forgive myself. I declare freedom from these words and their effects.

2. Reject Them

When someone speaks a negative word over you, reject it immediately. Rebuke and break its power on the spot. This includes words you accidentally speak over yourself.


I reject and rebuke that negative word in the name of Jesus. It has no power over me. I speak life and truth over myself.

3. Watch Your Mouth

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” Speak life consistently. Fill your mind with God’s Word and His truth about you. Speak His promises over your life.


I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). 

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). 

God has a good plan for my life, plans to prosper me and not to harm me (Jeremiah 29:11).


A woman once told me when I was trying to convince her to think positively that what killed her elder sister wouldn’t kill her that โ€˜Erm not really, Lizzy. I actually come from a family of diabetes and high blood pressureโ€ฆmy mum died of one, my grandmother died of anotherโ€ฆ.so, it is a matter of timeโ€ฆโ€™

Like what!๐Ÿ˜ฒ. Right now, she’s nursing serious high BP. Maybe she’s started nursing diabetes also, I don’t know. She must also be looking forward to cancer as that was what killed her sister. 

Negative words lead to negative thinking, which can turn toxic if unresolved. Toxic thoughts infect every area of lifeโ€”physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual. Do not come into agreement with these words, no matter how factual they seem.


“Just because my family has a history of mental illness (put yours) does not mean I will. I have the power of Christ living in me, and His light dispels all darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14). I resist these lies and walk in the truth of God’s Word.”

Isaiah 54:17 says โ€œNo weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemnโ€ฆ.โ€

Halleluyah!. That is what we are doing here today. We are waging war against evil words that might have knowingly or unknowingly shaped (or waiting to shape) our lives. 


So, God saw the darkness and He was not comfortable with it. That is our God for you! He is not comfortable with that darkness in your life. He is interested in introducing light into it! And I tell you that light is powerful! Light is evasive! A little torch can brighten up a dark tunnel! Where light is, darkness cannot reign!

Every darkness reigning in my life, your time is up, be subdued by the light of the Almighty God right now in the Name of Jesus!

Did you shout the prayer above very loud and clear?

What is that darkness in your life?

What is that deep, depressing, roaring oceanic and pacific darkness hanging over your life?

Oh Lord arise in Your omnipotence, and deal with this deep, depressing, roaring, oceanic problem of my life! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH LORD! (Pray so loud and clear 7x)

Now, letโ€™s focus on battling with our tongues. The tongue is a powerful weapon that can either create or destroy. 

When God speaks through our tongues, every power must keep silent and obey!

When God speaks through our tongues, gates and doors must be lifted up!

When God speaks through our tongues, mountains and hills must melt!

When God speaks through our tongues, darkness must be dispelled!

Speak Your Word only, Lord, and I am sure this depressing history of my life would be gone forever. Speak Your Word of light into my darkness, Dear Father! (7x)

God said, โ€œNo weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn.โ€

It means if God says into my life โ€œLet there be joy in Lizzyโ€™s life!โ€ it shall be so!

Godโ€™s Word has the power to create and to recreate. Just as God used His Word to create the world, we can use our tongues to recreate our realities.

We can wage war against the tongues of our enemies and speak life into every situation.

Henceforth, let no negative word be at work against my life! Every negative word spoken against me, be nullified in the name of Jesus!

Did you shout the prayer above very loud and clear?

Pick up your prayer note and pen and start to write down the negative words that have been spoken against you. Write down every curse, every negative prophecy, every hurtful word. We will need them when we start praying.

When you are done, continue:

YOUR WORD by Hillsong

Before the earth knew its foundation  

You spoke the dust into creation  

Until the end when all is withered  

Then still Your Word endures forever

The lamp unto my feet  

The light unto my path

Your Word will not be shaken  

Your Word will never fail me  

Like a fire in my bones  

Like a whisper to my soul  

Your Word is revelation

Deep calls to deep within Your Presence  

When I hear You speak my soul awakens  

Your Spirit leads my heart to worship  

As Your Word reveals the light of Jesus

The lamp unto my feet  

The light unto my path

Your Word will not be shaken  

Your Word will never fail me  

Like a fire in my bones  

Like a whisper to my soul  

Your Word is revelation


Your Word will not be shaken  

Your Word will never fail me  

Like a fire in my bones  

Like a whisper to my soul  

Your Word is revelation

Your Word will never fail me  

Like a fire in my bones  

Like a whisper to my soul  

Your Word is revelation




Let us take some quality time to worship the Lord for His Word that we have just gone through. Thank Him for the specific revelations that He has given you today. When you are done, move on. 


Begin to sanitize your life right now. Rid your life of every sins and iniquities with the Blood of Jesus. The Lord does not hear the prayers coming from the mouth of a sinner, but if such confesses and forsakes the sins, the Lord will have mercy, hear and forgive.


Now, take charge of your environment. Begin to cover where you are now with the Blood of Jesus. Cover yourself with the fire of the Holy Ghost.


Begin to worship the Name of the Lord. For He is good, His mercy endures forever. Worship Him for the power in His Word. Thank Him because His Word will not fail you. Thank Him because He has given you the power to use your tongue to recreate your realities. Worship Him for the authority He has vested in you to wage war against the tongues of your enemies.

Father, I thank You for Your Word that has the power to create and recreate. Thank You for the authority You have given me to use my tongue to wage war against my enemies.

Lord, I confess every sin in my life. I ask for Your mercy and forgiveness. Purify my heart and make me worthy to stand before You in prayer.

In the name of Jesus, I nullify every negative word spoken against me. Every curse, every negative prophecy, every hurtful word, be nullified now in the mighty name of Jesus.

I declare life into my health, my finances, my family, and my future. Every area of my life that has been overshadowed by darkness, receive the light of God now in the name of Jesus.

Every tongue that has risen against me in judgment, I condemn you now in the name of Jesus. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Every negative tongue, be silenced forever in Jesus’ name.

I create a new reality for myself. I speak joy, peace, prosperity, and divine health into my life. I declare that I am the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, in the name of Jesus.

I bind every force of darkness operating in my life. I loose the blessings of God upon my life. I loose favor, abundance, and breakthroughs in the name of Jesus.

I declare my victory over every negative word spoken against me. I am victorious in Christ Jesus. No power of the enemy can prevail against me. I am more than a conqueror through Him who loves me.

Holy Ghost fire, locate and paralyze every tongue pulling me down

Every word spoken by any of my relatives, friends, enemies to keep me in one place, receive fire, break and scatter.

Every evil word issued against me in the night to limit my life, receive fire and be canceled.

Every evil word issued in the day to limit me, receive fire break and be cancelled.

Whosoever is renewing evil word against me day and night, receive stones of fire, be exposed and judged by the Lord. 

Oh Lord, my father, arise let your plan and your word stand in my life

Take time to personally pray and declare specific positive words over your life, addressing areas where you need transformation.


Henceforth, let no negative word be at work against my life. I use my tongue to wage war against the tongues of my enemies. I recreate my realities according to the Word of God. Who says and it comes to pass when the Lord has not commanded it? Only the Word of the Lord shall stand in my life in Jesus Name. Amen.


Lord, I thank You for the power of Your Word. I thank You for the authority You have given me to use my tongues to recreate my realities. As I have declared today, so shall it be in my life in the name of Jesus. No negative word shall have power over me henceforth. I walk in victory, light, and the abundant life that You have promised. In Jesus’ mighty name, I pray. Amen.


Could we please join hands together to raise our voices to the Lord on behalf of these sisters

Divine Provision and Debts Cancelation that is almost bringing me shame. 2. Positive response in my NDDC scholarship application. 3. Great turnaround in my family. 4. Spirit of stealing and mediocrity out of my Elder Brother. God should recreate his destiny to what He’s destined for. 5. Perfect health for my parent. 6. Academic success in my exams. 7. Salvation of soul for my family members. 8. My love for God should continue to grow stronger daily.

First, I want the Lord to settle me Marital and give me the Grace to Patiently wait for his Choice for my life. Secondly, there’s a Grant I applied for since March, I want the Lord to intervene and take away every hindrance or human factors that is stopping the approval of this Grant. Third, I want the Lord to intervene in younger sister’s marriage and heal her home.

1. Salvation of my Father and siblings especially my brothers 2. Revival of every dead virtue in my life especially my prayer life 3. Financial breakthrough for my husband and I. Like it is becoming increasingly difficult to take care of some of our basic needs, and even legitimate desires. 4. I want the Lord to make my next pregnancy a high blood pressure free pregnancy and the delivery should be by miracle  5. Save delivery for my sisters 6. Marital settlement for my unmarried sisters and brothers 7. I want God to direct and rechannel my brothers lives to the right direction and for the family as a whole. We seem to be moving in a circle, no going forward. 8. Grace to be able to be godly parents to our children born and unborn, physical and spiritual 

I want God to heal me from multiple uterine fibroid. Since February,  I have been bleeding heavily during my period. I conducted a scan recently and was diagnosed of multiple fibroid. Also, since my last period in June, I have not stopped  bleeding. I want God to remove and destroy the tumour of fibroid in me and bring me complete healing and deliverance.

Please help me pray, there is this pattern I noticed when someone wants to help me with traveling they suddenly change their mind. My uncle is a Canadian citizen and I am an orphan he called me this year to get my passport that he wants me to come to Canada he sent money for the necessary documents, but now he does not want to go through the easy process again now he wants to go  through a hard and slow process please sisters I need prayers. (Let us ask that the Will of the Lord be done concerning this case. If the Lord desires our sister to be abroad, He should work it out. And if not, He should open up the windows of Heaven for her here. He should be a Father to her, raise help and support for her and fill the void of her heart in Jesus Name. Amen) 

I want the Children of God to please join my family in prayer concerning my Husband’s health. For the past three days, he has been having serious difficulty in breathing especially after taking dinner, to the point that he won’t be able to lie down to sleep, he has to be in a bended position all through the night struggling to breath. I tried to make the dinner time earlier but it still seems the same. I want this condition to disappear without any trace in Jesus name. Amen

My sis has been waiting to join her husband since 2022 in the US. I want my fellow sis to join me in prayers that the embassy calls and approves her visa and she joins her husband before the end of the year and every spirit of delay is taken away in Jesus name Amen. Also that God settles me maritally this year and every evil veil covering me from being seen by husband be destroyed. 

A friend of mine has been experiencing spiritual dryness and it seems like she doesn’t know how to get back on her feet. I want BUD to pray that the Lord will stir up a hunger in her and teach her to yield to the Holy Spirit. My other friend recently lost her dad and she just started her wedding process. Let’s pray that God Himself will fill the void and everything needed to make her wedding glorious will be provided for. The Lord will surprise her with supernatural abundance for the wedding. Two of my friends are currently preparing for their wedding. I want BUD to pray that the Holy ghost will sponsor it and surprise them with supernatural abundance. There will be no lack whatsoever and in the end there will be more than enough to spare. My sister will also be traveling for an official exam. I want BUD to pray that the Lord will crown all her efforts with good success, grant her excellent spirit to answer the questions correctly, and bring her back home safely.

I want my sisters to please join me to pray for my elder sister. She gave birth last year and had postpartum depression. My sister became a shadow of herself, i was so scared but by God’s grace and mercy, she became well again.  She’s currently pregnant again and even close to her delivery date. I want you to please pray that affliction will not rise again. Madically, she’s at risk because she had the first child through caesarean section. Please join me to pray that all things go well and all glory will be returned to God at the end of everything. 

This battle is really getting stronger mama, I know in me as the Spirit of God is bearing me witness that my prayers are being answered, reason why the devil has kept on bringing distractions over and over lately and it’s become even worse these few days. I want  God to empower and strengthen me the more for this season as I solely depend on Him and Him alone. I want more of Christ, I just want that Life of Christ and all He has to offer, and it’s either now or now. 


Take time to sing praises to the Name of the Lord. 


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