DAY 15










‘Who You Say I Am’ by Hillsong



Who am I that the highest King

Would welcome me

I was lost but He brought me in

Oh His love for me

Oh His love for me



Who the Son sets free

Oh is free indeed

I’m a child of God

Yes I am



Free at last

He has ransomed me

His grace runs deep

While I was a slave to sin

Jesus died for me

Yes He died for me



Who the Son sets free

Oh is free indeed

I’m a child of God

Yes I am

In my Father’s house

There’s a place for me

I’m a child of God

Yes I am



I am chosen

Not forsaken

I am who You say I am

You are for me

Not against me

I am who You say I am






If you are done singing our main song for today, sing this chorus below with so much spiritual aggressiveness. I pray the Lord envelopes you with His power where you are now in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 


Give me oil in my lamp

Keep me burning

Give me oil in my lamp

I pray

Give me oil in my lamp

Keep me burning

Keep me burning

Till the close of the day


(Use the tune above to sing this version that I wrote below:)


Give me power everyday

Help me to grow

Give me grace everyday

I pray

Hold my hands dear Lord

Help me to go

Help me to go

Through the way of the Cross.


(Sing 7x if you know the song. Pray it in whether you know the song or not)


It is Day 15! Thank you Jesus! 


Sisters, today, we will be knocking on Heaven’s door for SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Amen?

Oh gracious God!!!


God desires that we grow! This is a very vital prayer session that you should never toy with, sisters! 


Quickly say a word of prayer to the Lord.




What is this spiritual growth?


Is it for everyone?


Must I grow?


All living things grow. With human beings, we watch babies learn to crawl, to walk, to talk. We grow from total dependence on our parents to eventually being parents ourselves. The maturing process is a journey to independence.


Our spiritual journeys are just the opposite. We start off in rebellion against God, thinking we are fully independent from Him.


Spiritual maturity, then, is the process of recognizing our complete dependence on God and learning to rely on Him rather than ourselves. As we grow and mature in our relationship with Him, we realize how much we need Him.


The book of Hebrews lays out this strong rebuke:


For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the basic principles of the oracles of God. You need milk, not solid food, for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child (Hebrews 5:11-13).


So what does growth look like in the life of a Christian?



When you love something, you get to know it. Imagine being married and not knowing basic facts about your spouse. That is an indication of a lack of love. When we don’t know Jesus, don’t know His gospel, don’t grow in it, that is indicative of the fact that our love for Him is either non-existent or at best immature.



Just as a child’s diet changes as he or she matures, so does the baby Christian’s. To borrow the metaphor we see in 1 Peter 2, we start off on the “milk” of basic truths about God and his work, but the expectation is that we grow. Beyond the basics, anyone who has been a Christian for some time should be able to “chew” on more advanced concepts. The foundation should be built for them to grow.



Too many Christians still want a pastor or leader to spoon feed them—telling them what to think, what to read, and so on. That’s not good enough for growing Christians. You absolutely should seek out a church with sound theology and Gospel-centered preaching that challenges you. But anyone who has been a Christian for longer than a year should be able—at least partially—to feed themselves.



Notice that the expectation of Scripture is that, in time, all Christians should be teachers: 


“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). 


It’s not necessarily that we all stand up on a stage and preach at church, it’s that anyone who has been a Christian for a reasonable duration of time should be able to not only understand the Word of God, we should be able to teach it to others.


Teaching the Gospel is a biblical expectation for all Christians. The gift of teaching is not for all, of course, but the ability to relay, share and help others grow on a micro level is for all of us.



Peter tells us that we should be growing in grace. This is to share the heart of God. Not to desire justice or retribution for those who wrong us but for our lives to be characterized by grace. Our default response should not be anger or bitterness but forgiveness and grace. Even when people don’t deserve it. Because that’s what grace is.



In John 14:15, Jesus says, “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” One of the natural expectations of a growing Christian is faithfulness and obedience to the commands of God. Not out of duty, but out of love for Him. Our obedience results from what Jesus has done for us and of our love for Him.



The apostle Paul, in Colossians 1:10, talks about bearing fruit. In Galatians 5:22-23, he lays out the fruit of the Spirit: : Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. 


One of the best ways to measure growth is by looking at this fruit in our lives. We are all different, and so we’ll all see certain fruit from this list growing more naturally than others. Joy may happen for you with ease and be the most challenging for one of your friends. Still here’s the thing: All of this fruit should be visible not just in our own self-assessment. Impartial outsiders should be able to observe these fruits growing in our lives. If other people don’t see evidence of this fruit in our lives, then perhaps our fruit is not growing as much as we think it is.



Paul teaches us, in Ephesians 4:15-16, to speak the truth in love and to grow in Christ—which makes the whole body grow in love. As you grow spiritually, you’ll learn not to avoid hard topics, but to speak into the lives of other believers—always with loving humility and grace.



The writer of Hebrews encourages us to continue meeting together. The Bible teaches that growing, mature Christians will continually and consistently meet together. 


It’s easy to call ourselves Christians. It’s easy to stay where we are. Growing takes work. We have to be intentional.


The Gospel is like the gym: the more we get in it, the more it shapes our lives. If we only engage once a week, it will take a long time to see results. Our love for Jesus should compel us to grow in our knowledge and understanding of Him, so we can become more like Him.


Check your life:


Are you spiritually growing?


Or are you as stagnant as the Dead Sea?


Are you seeking to glorify God in your life or you are trying to exalt yourself?


We need to continuously grow!


Just like our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! 


And that is why we need to pray! 

LET US SING OUR SECOND SONG FOR TODAY. It is titled ‘Lead Me To The Cross’  by Hillsong UNITED


Savior I come

Quiet my soul, remember

Redemption’s hill

Where Your blood was spilled

For my ransom

Everything I once held dear

I count it all as lost


Lead me to the cross

Where Your love poured out

Bring me to my knees

Lord I lay me down

Rid me of myself

I belong to You

Lead me, lead me to the cross


You were as I

Tempted and trialed


The word became flesh

Bore my sin and death

Now you’re risen


Everything I once held dear

I count it all as lost


Lead me to the cross

Where Your love poured out

Bring me to my knees

Lord I lay me down

Rid me of myself

I belong to You

Lead me, lead me to the cross


To your heart

To your heart

Lead me to your heart

Lead me to your heart


Lead me to the cross

Where Your love poured out

Bring me to my knees

Lord I lay me down

Rid me of myself

I belong to You

Lead me, lead me to the cross

Lead me to the cross


Where Your love poured out

Bring me to my knees

Lord I lay me down

Rid me of myself

I belong to You

Lead me, lead me to the cross








I am what the Word of God says I am.


I am an express image of Jehovah God on earth.


I am fashioned after the likeness of the Creator of heaven and earth.


I am regenerated by the blood of Jesus.


I am ransomed from the powers of death and hell.


I am blood washed.


I am redeemed.


 I am justified by Christ.


I am made to be the righteousness of God through Christ.


I am a believer of the Word of Truth.


I am born again.


I am seated with Christ in heavenly places far above principality and powers.


I am a priest and a king ordained by Christ to rule here on earth.






Prayers of thorough spiritual check. Check through your life and make your way right with Christ. 


O Lord, comfort my heart.


O Lord, establish me in every good work.


O Lord, establish me in every good word.


God of peace, sanctify me wholly, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, let my body, soul and spirit be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Name of Jesus.


Let me be filled with the knowledge of God’s will, in Jesus’ Name.


Let me be filled with all wisdom and spiritual understanding, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, help me to walk worthy of, and pleasing to the Lord, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, make me be fruitful in every good work, in Jesus’ Name.


O Lord, increase me in the knowledge of God.


O Lord, strengthen me mightily.


Father Lord, let me be filled with the spirit of wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of 

Christ, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, let the eyes of my understanding be enlightened, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, let me be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, let Christ dwell in my heart by faith, in Jesus’ Name.


Father Lord, let me be rooted and grounded in love, in Jesus’ Name


O Lord, let me be filled with all the fullness of God.


O God, help me comprehend the breadth, length, depth and height of the love of Christ, in the Name of Jesus.


Let the word of the Lord have free course and be glorified in me, in the Name of Jesus.


Let the Lord of peace give me peace in all areas of life, in the Name of Jesus.


Let utterance be given unto me to make known the mystery of the Gospel, in the Name of Jesus.


O Lord, perfect what is lacking in my faith.


O Lord, perfect Your good work in me.


O Lord, make me perfect unto Your good work.


O Lord, enrich me in all utterance and knowledge.


Let the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with me, in Jesus’ Name.


Father Lord, inject into me your spiritual vitamins that will make me spiritually healthy, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, inject into me spiritual vitamins that will boost my appetite to eat Your word, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, infuse into my blood spiritual vitamins that will produce hunger and thirst for prayers in me, in the Name of Jesus.


Let God inject into me spiritual vitamins that will clear my vision and strengthen its clarity, in the Name of Jesus.


Lord God, inject into me spiritual vitamins that will sustain me in evil days.


Lord God, inject into me divine immunity that will always kill spiritual germs and evil deposits in me.


Lord God, inject into me the spiritual energy that will make me tirelessly with You.


Lord God, feed me with the foods of the champions.


Lord God, boost my energy to run the race set before me.


I receive the comforting anointing and power in the Holy Ghost, in the Name of Jesus.


I receive the unsearchable wisdom in the Holy Ghost, in the Name of Jesus.


I take the shield of faith to quench every fiery dart of the enemy, in the Name of Jesus.


I run into the Name of the Lord which is a strong tower and I am safe, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, always make me drink from Your everlasting well of joy, in the Name of Jesus.


 O Lord, endue me with spiritual strength to be a doer of your word in Jesus Name.


O Lord, establish me in my walk with you, like men see your good works in my life and glorify your Name in Jesus Name


O Lord, establish me in your word, let your word bear fruits in my life in Jesus Name


Father Lord, let my body, soul and spirit be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, in the Name of Jesus.


Let me be filled cause me to be filled with the knowledge of your word as the waters covers the see in Jesus Name.


Oh Lord, endue me with the spirit of wisdom and spiritual understanding that I may comprehend hard truths in your word in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, help me to walk in your status, let people see Christ in me everyday, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, make me be fruitful in every good work, in Jesus’ Name.


O Lord, baptize me with the spirit of supplication, increase my prayer life in Jesus Name.


O Lord, strengthen me mightily in my inner man in Jesus Name.


Father Lord, let me be filled with the power of your spirit in my walk with you in Jesus Name.


Father Lord, let the eyes of my understanding be enlightened, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, let me be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, let Christ dwell in my heart by faith, and let the love of christ in me bear fruits in Jesus’ Name.


Father Lord, let me be rooted and grounded in love of Christ, in Jesus’ Name.


Lord, let me be filled with all the fullness of God.


God, help me comprehend the breadth, length, depth and height of the love of Christ Jesus and cause me to walk in that love everyday in Jesus Name


Let the word of the Lord have free course and be glorified in me, in the Name of Jesus.


Oh Lord of peace, give me peace in all areas of life, in the Name of Jesus.


Let utterance be given unto me to make known the mystery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Name of Jesus.


O Lord, perfect what is lacking in my life, let your strength be continually made manifest in my weaknesses.


O Lord, perfect Your plan and purpose in me.


O Lord, make me your workmanship, perfected for every good work.


O Lord, enrich me with supernatural wisdom in all utterance and knowledge.


Let the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with me, in Jesus’ Name.


Father Lord, inject into me your spiritual vitamins from your word ( spiritual milk) that will make me spiritually healthy, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, inject into me spiritual vitamins that will boost my appetite to study Your word addictively, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, impart into me an undying spiritual hunger and thirst to pursue after you like the dear pants after water in Jesus Name.


Let God inject into me spiritual vitamins that will clear my vision and strengthen its clarity, in the Name of Jesus.


Lord God, lead me not into temptations and deliver me from all evil in my Christian walk in Jesus Name.


Lord God, I declare that in my christian walk, I shall enjoy divine health in Jesus Name.


Lord God, impart in me a tireless energy in my pursuit of divine assignment in Jesus Name.


Lord God, feed me with the strong meat of your word for faster spiritual growth in Jesus Name.


Lord God, boost my energy to run the race set before me to the end in Jesus Name.


I receive the comforting anointing and power in the Holy Ghost, in the Name of Jesus.


Father, let the love of Christ flow from me to the rest of the world in the Name of Jesus.


Father, by the shield of faith, I quench all the evil arrows targeted at me by the enemy in the Name of Jesus.


I run into the Name of the Lord which is a strong tower and I am safe, in the Name of Jesus.


Father Lord, thank you for empowering my spiritual life to scale higher heights in Jesus Name.




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