Hello, fam!

Today is the seventh day and a day of perfection!

All what God has started in our lives will be perfected to His glory alone in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

Our God is a mighty Healer!

He is the comforter!

He is the miracle worker!

He is the provider!

He is the storm-stopper!

He is a lot of things to us!

Thank You, our Dear Multi-dimensional Father!!!

Today we will be focusing on God as the Shepherd.

You can see the use of the article ‘THE’, right?

He is not a shepherd. We have so many shepherds. He is THE shepherd! Every other shepherds are counterfeits!

Psalm 23 is a passage most of us have become so overly familiar with to the extent that we begin to miss some very important points that God has for us therein.

Be sensitive to God’s promptings as you begin to prayerfully read through this bulletin and the Lord the Good Shepherd will safely guide you into your newly carved life in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

I will like us to analyze what it means for God to be our Shepherd.

A shepherd is expected to see so far ahead! He should be able to see when a wild animal or a thief is coming to attack or steal any of his sheep. He’d put his sheep close to himself and watch. As long as the sheep stay with the shepherd, it would be difficult for the enemies to draw close.

But if any of them strays away, despite the warnings of the Shepherd, it might be difficult for them to be protected. Yet, as soon as a good shepherd notices they are lost or hears their cries of agonies, he’d leave whatever he was doing to look for them, fight their enemies and rescue them!

If they got any wounds from the attacks of the enemies, the shepherd would treat the wounds and take care of them till they’re whole!

If a human shepherd has the capacity to do this, how much more our God!!!!

Honestly, it will be very pathetic if any member of the BUD family international is not saved!

Like Kai, how?

You cannot squeeze these juicies if you are still far away and have no relationship with Abba!

*You cannot stay far away and yet want the blessings of those who stay close!*

God saves from the shackles of sin, so if you are still fighting or battling with one sin or the other, one of the important role of God as a Shepherd is His ability to save!

If you are joining this prayer program and you are yet to be saved, it is not too late to surrender all, your life, thoughts, actions and ambitions at the feet of Him who is able to save and to deliver totally.

God is able to save from the shackles of the Devil.

So, what kind of a sheep are you?

Are you well seated at the Shepherd’s side, feeding from him and being led by Him?

Or have you gotten fed up with the good shepherd and you’ve strayed from the sheepfold?

Or have you been attacked by the enemy and you are hanging down in between their teeth, about to be devoured?

What state are you, dear sister?

See, no matter how wounded you are right now in the hands of the enemies, the Good Shepherd is ready to come to your rescue. He is set to take care of your wounds till you heal.

What is that thing you are battling with that you can tell no man? God can save you from them and give you total victory.

Battling with sickness, afflictions, or whatever the name may be. God Saves!


1. If you are yet to surrender your life totally to God, there is no better time than now to do so.

Confess those sins to Him, no matter how deep or shallow you think they are!

Promise the Good Shepherd that you totally forsake those sins!

Commit your life entirely to Him!

Accept Him into your heart and ask Him to take His place.



2. Abba Father, save me from the shackles of sin and self! You are the good Shepherd, the shackles of the enemies have caught me!

I have entered the trap set by the flesh! Save me, Lord! Save me Lord! I cry like the sinking Peter, save me Lord!! Don’t let the enemies and the flesh win! No no no!

Fam, like Paul, so many of us want to do so many wonderful things for God but we find ourselves doing the opposite!

That is why it is imperative for us to cry for the Shepherd to save us!

Imagine yourself in the mouth of the lion (the roaring lion that walks around) and cry with so much urgency:


3. Abba Father, deliver me from the shackles of the enemies, household enemies that are hindering me from becoming all YOU have planned for me! Save me Lord!

4. (Cry with a loud voice) Oh Lord, save me from the afflictions of the enemies in every aspect of my life- spiritually, physically, maritally, career wise, in business.




I mentioned earlier how God can save us from Sicknesses.

‘God heals’ is not a cliche but it is who He is.

He can heal you from whatever physical sickness.

He heals from the sickness of the mind.

Do you know that it is not only people that are physically ill that are sick?

There are various dimensions of sicknesses but we are not dwelling on that today, we are dwelling on God’s healing power.

So, are you sick? Or you have family members and relatives that are very sick?

I want you to key into the next prayer points and see God turn things around for you:

1. O’Lord I have been exposed once again to your ability to heal, the Doctor has given their report but I refuse to dwell on that. God, the Good Shepherd, intervene in my health today and heal me totally!!!!

2. Abba Father, grant me sound health, heal me completely and wholly. Help me not to rely on drugs, supplements or injections any longer. Save me from all these chemicals that want to destroy my body all in the Name of curing me oh Lord!!!

3. O lord, heal me totally from every afflictions of the enemies!!! Enough is enough! Deliver me from the mouth of the lion of God! Afflictions of my life, I command you to pack your load and leave my life now!!!!!

4 Abba Father, every seed of the enemy for sickness that has been planted in my body, waiting for a time to germinate and cause havoc in my body, send your Spirit to uproot them all by fire in Jesus name!

5. Your word says by the stripes of the Lord Jesus we are healed, O Lord I pray for every member of the BUD family battling with one ailment or the other in their body system, set them free, Lord! Heal them, Lord! Let them have testimonies in this programme, Lord! Carve out their perfect health in Your infinite mercies in the Name of Jesus!

6. Pray for family members or relatives at this point that are battling with sickness in whatever form. Ask for God’s healing power this moment.


Another power or attribute I want us to see is His Excelling Spirit.

When God’s spirit is on a man, He excels in all ramifications.

If a human shepherd can lead his sheep to the best grass, the best feed, the best stream, just so the sheep can glow and grow fat and healthy, is it our God that won’t be able to do much more than that?

I know there are people struggling with works, businesses, careers and academics. God gives us the ability to excel supernaturally when we recognize and accept Him as a Shepherd.

List out the areas of your life that you need His excelling Spirit, now begin to prayerfully seek for it.

– O lord I want to Excel! I desire to excel in all aspects of my life, Lord!!! As you put your Spirit in Daniel and his friends to excel, put Your excellent Spirit in me, oh Lord!!!!

-Help me to be excellent in all I lay my hands upon to do, Father!!!

– Grant me an excellent spirit in this season of my life oh Lord!

-I desire to stand out Lord. I don’t just want to exist. I want to be excel and stand out in every sphere of life. Give me the grace to stand out in my generation for you in Jesus name!!!

*When God’s excellence Spirit rests on a man, he is given global relevance.*

– God, make me globally relevant!

– Ancient of days, make me a voice in my generation by your excellent spirit.


Another key attribute from the role of God as a Shepherd is his ability to provide.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want!

When you think provision, don’t be limited to money!

You shall not want in every aspect!

You shall not want in your marital needs!

You shall not want children!

You shall not want sponsorships!

You shall not want good jobs and so on.

If we can key into God’s ability to provide in all aspects of our lives, wants shall be a thing of the past in our lives.


– Oh Lord, you know my wants, settle me! You are my Shepherd, settle me! I am wanting in this area and that area and if you don’t settle me, it would look as if I am fatherless. You are my Father, You are my Shepherd, therefore, take away this want in Your providence in the Mighty Name of Jesus!

At this juncture, bring out your juicy July requests and lay them before God for His supernatural provision as you prayerfully seek Him to provide for them.

– Oh Lord, supply all my needs according to your riches in glory.

– Abba, grant me a new testimony financially, I will not beg and I will not borrow any longer. Enough of debts in my life and family!!!!

– Oh Lord activate the covenant of daily supernatural provision upon my life in Jesus name.

– Father Lord, connect me to helpers of destiny in Jesus name.



*Who God helps, no man can bring down!*

God is an helper of destiny! When He helps a man, everyone wonders the source or secret of that man.

I don’t know what aspect of your life you desperately need God’s help, I have come to tell you He can help.

All you need to do is call out to Him to come through for you.

*When God helps you, He does not screenshot it😂*

God’s help is permanent and can lift a man from grace to grass.

I was in a situation recently and I could not really pray as such but the 3 prayer words that were not far from my mouth was ‘God help me!’

As little or short this prayer may seem, it is highly powerful- ‘God help me!’

Whenever you are in a situation you do not even understand, just ask God for his Help.

God help me! Begin to see God helping you in all the situations of your life and it shall be a reality!

– God help my prayer life, help me to remain on fire for you! Don’t let me go back after this juicy July! Help me to remain on fire for you.

– God help my business, career, academics. God come through for me and show your help.

– Oh Lord, make my life a testimony of your Help! (This prayer is powerful and I hope you can key into it)




God can also expose you to you!

In recent times, I have been coming to understand this better- there are some attributes or things in your life that will hinder you from reaching the heights God has planned for you and the only way you can be delivered from those time bombs waiting to explode is God exposing them to you now so you can deal with them!

God will make you go through some waiting process and trying times in order to make you better.

I pray that God will help us deal with every character trait or attributes that will hinder us from reaching God’s plans for us in Jesus name.

Also, God exposes the plans of the enemies for our lives, He shows us in clear ways and helps us how to navigate in order to overcome them.

In this place of prayer and submission, we are able to hear God’s heart and see great and mighty things.

– Oh God, everything in me that will hinder me from reaching your planned level for me, expose them right now in a Jesus name.

– Oh Lord, deal with the powers of flesh and self in my life.

– Ancient of days, expose the plans of the enemies on my life and bring their plans to null!

– Abba, show forth yourself mightily in my life.

– Let the wickedness of the wicked be nullified over my life.

-O Lord give me victory on all sides.



When God restores, He does it in a way that you never remember anything was missing!

God restores wasted years, God restores health, God restores jobs, God restores marriages (if you are reading this and your marriage is in a situation that you cannot even explain, God can restore the joy and peace in your home and He will do it now!)

God is a restorer of anything the devil took from you!

And when He restores, He restores completely!

– Abba Father, please restore my peace! (mention your own concern)

What is that area you really need God’s divine restoration?

Prayerfully seek His restoring power this moment!


– Oh Lord, restore back the years the cankerworm, palmerworm and caterpillar have stolen from me!!!!


– Restore back the joy of my home!


– Ancient of days, restore back all that the enemies has stolen from me.




The chief midwife that suffers no loss!


He who God delivers is set free totally.


God also delivers fully. He sets free and makes people whole. He delivers on all aspects.


He delivers from generational curses and afflictions.


He delivers from plans of the wicked, He is able to deliver you! Trust Him totally.


– Oh Lord, deliver me from every attack of the enemies today.


-Everything in my life hindering me from attaining the greatest heights You, oh Lord have planned for me, deliver me and set me free from them all!


– Oh Lord, make me whole today!


– Deliver me from the shackles of the enemies in Jesus name. Amen


-Abba Father, don’t let the plan of the enemies prevail over my life!!!




Shepherd of my soul I give you full control,
Wherever You may lead I will follow.
I have made the choice to listen for Your voice,
Wherever You may lead I will go.


Be it in a quiet pasture or by a gentle stream,
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side.
Should I face a mighty mountain or a valley dark and deep,
The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide.


Shepherd of my soul Oh You have made me whole,
Wherever I hear You call how my tears flow.
How I feel your love how I want to serve
I gladly give my heart to You Oh Lord.


Be it in the flowing river or in the quiet night,
The Shepherd of my soul is by my side.
Should I face the stormy weather or the dangers of this world.
The Shepherd of my soul will be my guide.





Begin to Appreciate God for all the prayers rendered!!


We have seen Him manifest as the God that:


He is the great Shepherd!


Begin to pray for the leadership of BUD that they will continually be led by the Spirit of God. That their sources will not run dry! That God’s help will continually be available for them!


Pray on other aspects of your life that needs His touch.


Pray as led by the Spirit of God.





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