Text: 1 CHRONICLES 4:9-10, DANIEL 10:12-13



Hello, sisters! It is Day 17 and from the title, you can see that we are not playing today!


Enough is enough!


O to ge!


I don’t know what it is called in your language but say ‘I have had enough!’ very loud and clear for your problems to hear!


If you have no anger enough to face your enemies, I pray the Lord to give you so much so you can push those walls down today!


How can you be praying and see no result?


How can you be praying and see little results?


How dares the Devil try to mess with your family?


How can the Devil even try to cheat you?


How can the devil try to plant in your land? Is it his land?


Who gave the evil powers the right to operate in your home? In your marriage? In your health?


No way! No more! Satan, you are a liar!


Enough is enough!


Enough is enough of prolonged blessings


Enough is enough of stagnancy


Enough is enough of drops of blessings!


But for the showers, we plead!


Sisters, the Bible says in Matthew 11:12 that ‘And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.’


The Kingdom of God suffers violence!


The Kingdom of God can only be taken by force!


The violent person must keep knocking violently, with persistence until He takes the Kingdom of Heaven for himself!


Are you violent enough, sisters?


Are you angry enough?


Maybe you have been trying to be peaceful with the devil?


Ah, that’s an error!


No negotiation with the Devil and his works- only commands of authority!


Enough is enough!


I have had enough!



Be encouraged by this song before going on. ‘KEEP PRAYING’ by Maverick

Ah, eeh
Oh, ah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah


I can hear my daddy praying (mhm)
I can hear my mama singing, oh
It’s the only reason why I’m
Standing here, oh (ah)
They said prayer was a master key
If I pray then God would answer me, oh
He really did (He really did)
He showed me His care
Oh, His care, yeah

Every prayer today is a seed for tomorrow
Keep praying, keep praying
Oh, hold on to the faith and the blessing will follow
(Keep) keep praying, (keep praying) keep praying
Oh, we are living proof (oh)
Of what holding on can do (yeah)
(We are, we are) we are living proof
Of what holding on can do


And He sees every tear that’s falling, oh yeah
And He can feel the pain and burdens
And He hears every cry to Heaven
So let it rise, oh


Every prayer today is a seed for tomorrow
Keep praying (oh), keep praying
(Hold on to the faith) Hold on to the faith and the blessings will follow
(Keep praying) keep praying, (yeah, don’t you ever stop praying) keep praying (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Every prayer today is a seed for tomorrow
(Keep praying) keep praying, (don’t you ever stop praying) keep praying
(Hold on to the faith) hold on to the faith and the blessings will follow (Yeah)
Keep praying, keep praying


Oh, the prayers of the righteous, prayers
The affection will burn in prayers
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah


Don’t grow weary, keep believing
For in due season you’re gonna see it
Don’t give up (hey)
Don’t you ever give up
(There’s no way) there’s no way He could let you down
So keep your head up, knees to the ground
Don’t give up (oh)
Don’t you ever give up
(Don’t grow weary) don’t grow weary, keep believing
For in due season you’re gonna see it
Don’t give up
Don’t you ever give up
(Hey, there’s no way) there’s no way He could let you down
So keep your head up, knees to the ground
Don’t give up (hey)
Don’t you ever give up
(Don’t grow weary) don’t grow weary, keep believing
‘Cause in due season you’re gonna see it
Don’t give up
(Don’t you ever) don’t you ever give up
(And there’s no way) and there’s no way He could let you down
So keep your head up, knees to the ground
Don’t give up
(Don’t you ever give up) don’t you ever give up


Sing don’t give up (don’t give up)
Don’t you ever give up (don’t you ever give up)
Don’t give up (don’t give up)
He hears every cry (don’t you ever give up)
He sees every tear (don’t give up)
(?) (don’t you ever give up)
Prayer, let it rise (don’t give up)
Oh (don’t you ever give up)


And we are living proof (yes, we are, yes, we are)
Of what holding on can do (we’ve come too far, oh, to turn back)
We are living proof (yeah, yeah, ooh)
Of what holding on can do, oh


Say a prayer for your brother (mhm)
Say a prayer for your friend (corporately)
Say a prayer for someone who really needs it
And see the proof
Of what God can do
Say a prayer for your brother
Say a prayer for your friend
Say a prayer for someone who really needs it
And see the proof
(And see) and see the proof
(With our own two eyes) I see the proof
(We’ll see the proof) we’ll see the proof
(Not today, not today, but) we’ll see the proof
(Even if it tarries, we’ll see the proof) we’ll see the proof
(We’ll see the proof) we’ll see the proof
Of what God can do


Every prayer today is a seed for tomorrow
Keep praying, keep praying
Hold on to the faith and the blessings will follow
Keep praying, keep praying

Keep praying (keep praying)
Keep praying (Keep on praying)
Keep praying (keep on praying)
Keep praying (we all)
Keep praying (yeah)
Keep praying
Keep praying


Many times, when farmers plant some crops, termites, rats and other pests would go there and eat up the fruits or leaves of the crops and reduce the plenteous harvest that the farmers would have had.


Put yourself in the position of the farmer. What would do against the next harvest?


You would prevent the insects from going near your crops!


You would get pesticides and germicides and keep the pests away!


You shouldn’t fold your arms and say ‘At least, we are still seeing small small crops during harvest’




You are comfortable with losses and limits and shortened rations?


This should not be!


Sisters, many of us have only been hoping without praying, we’ve been hoping that, since His thoughts for us are good and not evil, then someday, sometime, we will get there.


It doesn’t happen just like that when you have a very terrible enemy that doesn’t give up nor wants your harvest delivered to you!


On the other hand, some of us have lost hope and perhaps given up totally. You don’t even have the strength to plant (pray), so there is nothing the rain would even fall on. You keep watching others reap bountifully and you are just watching and crying. Ah. enough is enough sisters! You must pray!


Yes, sometimes we ought to get immediate answers to our prayer requests but because of spiritual locusts, the palmerworms, cankerworms, and caterpillars, our prayers are delayed – sicknesses and diseases that ought to evaporate at the voices of our prayers are prolonged because of some evil forces, should we just fold our hands and keep on hoping as if we are serving a man-made god?




Imagine what Daniel experienced in his days, God released the answers to his prayers right from the first day but the locust called ‘the prince of the kingdom of Persia’ withstood the angel that was bringing down his blessings.


What did Daniel do?


Did he give up prayers?


Of course not! He kept on bombarding heaven and he kept knocking on heaven’s doors until his fervency caused God to send the archangel – Michael to give the victory!


Can you imagine such honor?


For one of the chief princes to leave his duties in heaven and come down to intervene in his situation?


Then, it can only mean that Daniel didn’t allow God to rest.


You can read more about the intervention of Prince Michael in Daniel 10:10-13.


Now. Let us face our own lives!


How often do we pray or how much of prayers do we offer before we give up and lock up just because answers are not coming?


Sisters, please, join me to say ‘Enough is Enough!


What did brother Jabez do that made him MORE honorable than his men? He prayed.


What were his prayer points?


1st: “Oh that Thou wouldest bless me INDEED” – he didn’t want any “gbeegbee” (cheap) blessings. He didn’t want just anyhow blessings. He wanted a kind of blessing that would cause a person to invite another and that person to invite another person just to come and see what the wonderful God has done. Bless me, Lord, ‘INDEEDLY’!


Do want just blessings?


Or do you want the INDEED kinds of blessings?


2nd: “And ENLARGE my coast”He was fed up with narrowness! With the lonely path! He was tired of those tattered clothes he was wearing. He was fed up of being paid peanuts after days and months of working his ass out. He wanted a coast that would be enough to accommodate other brethren, even strangers who might need succor.


3rd: “And that THINE hand might be with me” – He was living a sorrowful life, hence, he wanted the mighty hand of God to be upon him because that alone would change his story. The hand of God can’t be on a person and the person would be sorrowful, not possible, hence, he pleaded with God to release His hand on him, because he knew that God’s hand would come with new things.


4th: “And that thou wouldest KEEP me from evil” – he knew that He who keeps Israel does not sleep nor does He slumber, hence if God would keep him, he had the assurance of security and protection. He knew that God’s blessings would come with peace and evil would be very far away! He was sure that God would protect and deliver him from all evils- including his mother’s curse.


5th: “That it may NOT GRIEVE me!” – How will God’s blessings cause you to grieve? No, it’s not possible. Brother Jabez brought his prayers to an end with an exclamation mark and that punctuation mark comes with a tone of finality and authority.


Isaiah 41: 10 – 13 says:

‘Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish. Thou shalt seek them, and shalt not find them, even them that contended with thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing of naught. For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee’.


God assured Jacob in the text above that He would help him, just as God is assuring you today that help has come at last. Jacob was in a season at that time just as many of us are experiencing a season now- but the Lord that changes seasons and time is here to change your season from a breakdown season to a breakthrough season, in the name of Jesus.


Jacob was in a season of helplessness, hopelessness and fear. When he looked behind him, he saw his uncle Laban who had employed and oppressed him for 20 years and would not let him go.


In front of him was Esau, his brother, with 400 soldiers. Esau had not forgiven him and had vowed to kill him for stealing his blessing 20 years earlier.


He was a victim of ancient hatred and perpetual unforgiveness!


Jacob had sent emissaries and gifts to his brother, Esau, to appease him for the wrong he had done but Esau was not moved.


There are some people who are just too difficult to please. You beg them, ask for their forgiveness, and try to please them but the more you try, the more they became angry. That was what Jacob was experiencing in the hands of Laban and Esau. They wouldn’t let him be!


Then Jacob cried to God in an all-night wrestling match. He prayed for help and God’s intervention. His prayer was intentional, targeted and a shift in attitude. He recognized that no one would help him but God. He was alone with God in a vigil.


Many times, it is important for us to go to the secret place and be alone with God over certain matters of our lives, to pray intentionally, and take our destinies as a project, especially if we have noticed some unpleasant patterns.


Jacob’s prayer vigil was to say, “Enough Is Enough” for his troubles. Then the help of God showed up for him!


The moment Jacob became intentional about seeking God for divine help, that help located him!


I pray for you that as you become intentional in seeking God, He will visit you mightily, in the name of Jesus.


The help that has eluded you for years will locate you this season, in the name of Jesus!


The intentional “Enough Is Enough” prayer of Jacob ensured that when God’s help came, Esau and his 400 soldiers were no match for Jacob. They all bowed to him!



Sisters, today is the 17th day of the Juicy July fasting and prayer, if I may ask what have you gotten from the first day?


Have you started receiving answers to your prayers?


What if some barricades have risen against your prayers?


This is not the time to give up, it is the time to knock vigorously on Heaven’s door.


You know, there are differences between ASKING and SEEKING and KNOCKING!


Knocking comes with more importunity and persistence!


When you just stay at the gate and ask, ‘Please, I need help’. The people inside might not even hear you!


But you knock, you will get the needed attention!


You keep knocking till you receive!


You knock in such a way that even if you do not get a response quickly, neighbors would come and beg them to open because your knocking is affecting them.


That is the knocking of ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


We don’t know how many days it took Jabez to pray that prayer because his case was only recorded in two verses of the scriptures but sisters, it is time for you and me to rewrite the stories of our lives!


Enough is enough!


The strength of the oppressor is in the silence of the oppressed!


No more silence!


A closed mouth is said to be a closed destiny- no more closed mouths!


Sisters, what you continue to allow in your life, you will never be free from!


Will you continue that disrespect from the Devil?


Are you tired of your situations?


Are you tired of being oppressed by demonic circumstances?


Then rise up and tell the devil enough is enough!


Remember the story of blind Bartimaeus who cried so hard and could not be shut up by the crowd? He got back his sight because of his violent faith!


What about the parable of the widow seeking justice from the king in Luke 18:1-7? She got her heart desire because of her stubborn and consistent faith.


You also can be free from any form of bondage today when you pray ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!’


I was blessed by this song and I would love us to be blessed by it also. It is titled ‘THE VIOLENT TAKES IT BY FORCE’ by Virtue.


I, unfortunately, couldn’t get the lyrics online. If you are able to write the lyrics, you can please forward them to me (Mrs, Yaks) if you know how to reach me, so I can edit this and bless others more. God bless you.




It is time to rend heaven with our prayers!




I….. (your name), am tired of delayed blessings, therefore, Heaven, hear my prayers today in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


Oh God of mercy, please in Your mercy, send the chief angel to attend to my case today in the mighty Name of Jesus.


Oh Lord, my God! I am tired of laboring earnestly and reaping crumbs, open the windows of heaven and pour Your rain on me and everything about me in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


“And I will restore the years that locusts have eaten…” oh Lord, please release and restore my blessings that have been delayed or barricaded by the territorial spirits in the Mighty Name of Jesus!



Arise oh Lord, and crown my efforts (prayers) with unmerited favor this day in the Name of Jesus! I start to progress from this very day in the mighty Name of Jesus!


Daddy, I don’t want just any kind of blessing. Please bless me indeed!


Lord, I do not want just any kind of man for a husband, Lord! Maritally, bless me INDEED oh Lord! (Pray fervently)


Lord, I do not want just any kind of child, Lord! With the fruits of my womb, bless me INDEED oh Lord! (Pray fervently)


Lord, I do not want just any kind of spiritual life, Lord! Spiritually, bless me INDEED oh Lord! (Pray fervently)


Lord, I do not want just any kind of financial life, Lord! Financially, bless me INDEED oh Lord! (Pray fervently)


(Continue to slot in areas where you need God’s INDEED-KIND of Blessings!)


Oh Lord, my God! Oh, Bless me indeed! Bless me in a spectacular way! Bless me in a miraculous way in the mighty Name of Jesus.


Oh Lord, bless me in such a way that people will glorify You and want to love you too in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


Enough is enough of stagnancy in the mighty Name of Jesus!


Enough is enough of debts in the mighty Name of Jesus!


Enough is enough of sicknesses in the mighty Name of Jesus!


Enough is enough of rising and falling in my spiritual life in the mighty Name of Jesus!


Enough is enough of darkness in my life in the mighty Name of Jesus!


Enough is enough of confusion in the mighty Name of Jesus!


Enough is enough of pain in the mighty Name of Jesus!


Enough is enough of attacks and evil against my life and family in the mighty Name of Jesus!


Enough is enough of marital problems in the mighty Name of Jesus!


Enough is enough of barrenness in the mighty Name of Jesus!


(Continue to slot in the issues of your life that you are tired of)


Oh Lord, crush every power that don’t want me to get to the pinnacle of my breakthrough in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


“Enlarge my coast” Lord!!! I want to be married; I am tired of being single. Enlarge my coast maritally, Lord!


“Enlarge my coast” Lord!!! I want to be financially free; I am tired of eating from hand to mouth. Enlarge my coast financially, Lord!


“Enlarge my coast” Lord!!! I want to have my own healthy, happy, bubbly children; I am tired of being barren. Enlarge my family coast, Lord! Let the joyful noises of children also be heard from my own home, Lord. Enlarge our coast!!!


“Enlarge my coast” Lord!!! I want to be spiritually strong; I am tired of rising and falling. Enlarge my coast spiritually, Lord! I do not just want to work for You, I want to walk with you, oh Lord! I want to know you more! Broaden my spiritual horizon, oh Lord, my God!


“Enlarge my coast” Lord!!! I want to be the head in my academics; I am tired of being a failure. Enlarge my coast academically, Lord!


(Continue to slot in the issues of your life that you are tired of)


Father, I am tired of eating crumbs from under the table, I want to sit on the high table with noble men in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


I am tired of drops of blessings, shower me with the abundance that there might be no more room to receive more in the Mighty Name of Jesus!



Merciful Father, please, release Your hand of mercy upon me and flush out every dirt that might have blocked my channels of blessings in the Mighty Name of Jesus (Pray fervently).


(Let me explain this prayer point to you. You know when it rains, the flood flushes different dirts anywhere and everywhere into the gutters, pipes, holes, etc. And with dirts like nylon, broken plastics, those channels might not be able to accommodate the rush of water anymore!)


(What if your past sins have dented and stained your channels of breakthrough? Sisters, it is only by His mercy that we can prevail. Therefore, let’s plead for His mercy to clear our path, channels, and avenues of blessings. We must not remain the same, no, not anymore!)


So, let’s repeat the prayer.


Merciful Father, please, release Your hand of mercy upon me and flush out every dirt that might have blocked my channels of blessings in the Mighty Name of Jesus (Pray fervently).



Everlasting Father, please, release Your hand upon me and keep me from evil in the Mighty Name of Jesus!



My breakthrough, blessings, and manifestation will not grieve me in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Give me all these blessings Lord and let not the Devil stain them with grief in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


When my prayers are answered, Lord, I will not reap the fruits of my labor in sorrow in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


Daddy, for this Juicy July 2022, my blessings would come in abundance. My prayers would be answered in mighty ways in the Mighty Name of Jesus!


From this day forward, I begin to reap in abundant measures in the Mighty Name of Jesus!



Amidst all these, Lord, please give me the grace to keep trusting and serving you in the Mighty Name of Jesus.


Continue to pray as the Lord helps you.





When you are done, let’s celebrate with this song: It is titled BLESS THE LORD by Benjamin Dube


Bless the Lord, oh, my soul, Hallelujah
Bless the Lord, oh, my soul
And all that is within me bless His Holy, Holy Name
I will bless the Lord
Bless the Lord (oh my soul) oh my soul
And all that is within me bless His Holy, Holy Name, Hallelujah


Bless the Lord (oh my soul) oh my soul
And all that is within me bless His Holy, Holy Name
(I will bless the Lord)
Bless the Lord (oh my soul) oh my soul
And all that is within me bless His Holy, Holy Name


He has done great things
(He woke me up this morning, yes He did)
He has done great things
He has done great things bless His Holy, Holy Name


Bless the Lord (oh my soul) oh my soul
And all that is within me bless His Holy, Holy Name
(C’mon everybody just say bless the Lord)
Bless the Lord oh my soul (forget about your neighbour)
And all that is within me bless His Holy, Holy Name


Bless the Lord (oh my soul) oh my soul
And all that is within me bless His Holy, Holy Name


C’mon give Him the praise
Give Him the praise
Give Him the praise
Give Him the praise, He’s worthy
He is worthy


Oh we love You, Lord
We love You, we love You, Lord
We appreciate You, You are God
Lifted up, exalted, God almighty
Who was, He is and He is to come, hallelujah


He’s worthy, He’s worthy
Thank You, Lord, thank You
We give You the praise
We give the honour, the glory is Yours
We love You, Lord, we love You
We love You, we love You, we love You
We love You, we love You


Thank You, Jesus, thank You, Jesus
Thank You, Jesus, thank You, Jesus
Hallellujah, hallelujah


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