TEXT: ISAIAH 66: 7-9 (ERV)



It is with great joy I welcome you to day 20, Juicy July, 2022, dear sisters!


Indeed, the showers are being poured out and the Holy Spirit has been helping us. I pray that we would not go through July without squeezing out every of the juice God has prepared for us in Jesus’ name.


If you are still laid back and taking these prayers with levity, this is another challenge for you to rise up and pray!!!!!!!!!


If there is a man to pray, there is a God to answer.


Can I saw you something veery quickly in our text?


I personally prefer the easy-to-read version (ERV), so I can drive home my points and so we can understand what the Lord has for us to do today.


Isaiah 66:7-9

7-8“A woman does not give birth before she feels the pain. A woman must feel the pain of childbirth before she can see the boy she gives birth to. Who ever heard of such a thing? In the same way, no one ever saw a new world begin in one day.


No one has ever heard of a new nation that began in one day. But when Zion feels the pain, she will give birth to her children.


9 In the same way, I will not cause pain without allowing something new to be born.” The Lord says this: “I promise that if I cause you the pain of birth, I will not stop you from having your new nation.” Your God said this.


Did you see anything in those verses?


This is such a deep one, sisters!


Go over the text once again and see what I am talking about. Then, let’s continue.


Today, we are pleading for the showers over our country, Nigeria. Of a truth, we all don’t reside Nigeria. Maybe you are even not Nigerian- so pray for your nation and also the nation in which you reside presently.


There are things that we can see as familiar occurrences in the nations of the world, one of which is the increase in unrighteousness and general ignorance of God and His ways.


In these times, across the nations, men have abandoned God and chosen to live like they are the ones in control of their lives. Sin, wickedness, and selfishness have taken over the earth and we are like the people of Sodom and Gomorrah who were wiped out by fire and brimstone.


Corruption has eroded the systems of government and the citizens are in suffering and pain. Those who are meant to be responsible for the people are chasing after their own interests and care less about the masses. There are sufferings and lacks on a large scale and people are struggling even to eat a meal a day.


People are living way below the standard of living and are in abject poverty. A lot of people are giving up on life, businesses are failing, children are out of school, and people living in fear because they don’t have hope for help.


Let’s not even talk about the insecurity, war, bloodshed, kidnapping, threat to life, destruction of properties, and all the accompanying evils that are taking over our nations.


Sisters, we need the showers of God over our nations.


We need new nations to be given birth to from our old, death, rotten nations!


God has promised that when He causes showers to come down, we shall be safe in our land, there would be fruitfulness and increase, there shall be deliverance from oppression and every yoke would be broken. Ezekiel 34: 27, 28.


We need to arise and stand in the gap for our nations. We need to intercede and call for the mercy of God over our land. A new nation must be birthed, a new land must spring forth, a new people must arise. God must intervene.


If there is no peace in our land, it would be tough to preach the gospel. When people are hungry, all they would care about is food and survival, they would do anything and give up anything to survive and they would not even pay heed to the good news we carry.


So, we need the showers to rain down.


Showers of mercy, showers of peace, showers of hope and restoration, showers of abundance, showers of justice and freedom, showers of righteousness and revival. We plead for the showers to be poured out over the nations.


Maybe you do not get what I am saying very well. Maybe your inside isn’t boiling for your nation, especially Nigeria. Let me show you just a bit of the problems Nigeria is going through. Listen to Pastor Enenche speaking in April, I think:



Can you see that, sisters?


And this is just a part of the problem o. There are still tons and tons of problems Nigeria is going through. To worsen it, the general elections are forth coming! And we still see a proposal of this terrible happenings continuing!


The pain is too much, Lord!


Sisters, we need to pray!


Our God needs to intervene in the situation of our countries, especially the extremely ill, Nigeria!


Pa Elton who was a fruitful discipler and who influenced the leadership and ministry of many churches in once prophesied that:


  • Nigeria/Nigerians will be known for corruption worldwide but the tide will turn and Nigeria will also be known for righteousness worldwide. Many shall take hold of him that is a Nigerian, saying, ‘We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.’


  • Africa is like a gun pointed down. Its turret and muzzle is South Africa. Its trigger is Nigeria. The days would come when Apartheid (then at its peak in South Africa) will be removed from South Africa. In those days, he said the Gun of Africa would begin to fire for God’s purpose.


If this prophecy doesn’t resemble what we have seen in our text today, so, what does it look like then?


Sisters, we are going to pray!


2 Chronicles 7:14 says: And if my people who are called by my name become humble and pray, and look for me, and turn away from their evil ways, then I will hear them from heaven. I will forgive their sin and heal their land.



Let’s take this song very quickly before we go on:



In a world where we’re losing hope
And life has us on the ropes
Hate running rampant
Every man out for his own


It seems like we’ve lost our way
And the distance grows every day
Thought that we had it
Caught in the madness
Oh, ain’t it tragic?


But You said
If we turn from our wicked ways
And humbled ourselves and pray
And seek Your face
You’d give us grace
Oh come, have Your way, Lord


Here we are
Abandoned hearts
On bended knees with outstretched arms
God, hear us from Heaven
Send us Your presence
We need You, Lord
We need You, Lord
We need You, Lord


Summer and spring may pass
But winter and fall won’t last
I can trust the Creator’s
Perfect in nature
Better is coming, I know


And just like the rising sun
Our faith is rising up
You’re the God of Your promise
And what You have started
You’re faithful to finish


‘Cause You said
If we turn from our wicked ways
And humbled ourselves and prayed
And seek Your face
You’d give us grace
Oh come, have Your way, God


Here we are
Abandoned hearts
On bended knees with outstretched arms
God, hear us from Heaven
Send us Your presence
We need You, Lord
We need You, Lord
We need You, Lord
Right here, right now


Oh, Lord
Come and heal our land
Oh, Lord
Come and heal our land


Lord, come and heal our land
(Only You can do it)
Oh, Lord
Come and heal our land
(We need You, Lord)


Oh, Lord
Come and heal our land
(We need Your movement, Your spirit
Come and heal)
Oh, Lord
Come and heal our land
(Right here, right now, right here, God)


Come and heal our land
(We’re desperate, we’re desperate, God)
Oh, Lord
Come and heal our land


Here we are
Abandoned hearts
On bended knees with outstretched arms
God, hear us from Heaven
Send us Your presence
We need You, Lord
We need You, Lord (Here we are)


Here we are
Abandoned hearts
On bended knees with outstretched arms
God, hear us from Heaven
Send us Your presence
We need You, Lord
We need You, Lord
We’re desperate, we need You, Lord


Let your kingdom come
Let Your will be done
Let Your glory fall on
Your daughters and sons
God, hear us from Heaven
Send us Your presence
We need You, Lord
We need You, Lord
We need You, Lord
We need You, Lord


Come and move
We say yes to You
Come and move
We say yes to You


Come and move
We say yes to You
(Yes to Your will and yes to Your way)
Come and move
We say yes to You


Come and move
We say yes to You
(In our hearts right now, God)
Come and move
We say yes to You


Come and move
We say yes to You (Come and move)
Come and move
We say yes to You


Come and move
We say yes to You
(Yes to Your will, yes to Your way)
Come and move (We say yes)
We say yes to You


Come and move
We say yes to You
Come and move
We say yes to you.




Let’s give thanks to God for His faithfulness and for the strength to pray and intercede.


Let’s give thanks to God for our nation and for His prevailing mercy thus far.


‘2 Chronicles 7:14 says that; if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.’


Let us begin to intercede for the mercy of God over our nation, over our land. We have turned away from the Lord, allowed the blood of the innocent to be shed and there is a cry for justice. But we ask for the mercy of God.


Our leaders have abandoned the path of righteousness and led us to sin. We ask for mercy.


We pray that God remembers our nation and redeems us.


We begin to speak life over every sector of our nation. We call forth what is dead and rotten to come back to life.


Every sector that has been swallowed up by corruption and has become a failing system, we call forth light and life.


We begin to pull down every altar raised for bloodshed, death, and destruction in our land. We send forth the fire of God to consume such altars and raze them down.


We unseat the evil personalities, principalities, and powers operating over our nation.


We frustrate the plans of evil men over our nation.


We command an end to come to insecurity and wickedness in our land.


We pray that those sponsoring these evil acts are exposed and swift judgment comes upon them if they refuse to repent.


We ask for revival fire to sweep through our land. Every immorality, work of unrighteousness, and sin is consumed.


We pray that men would seek God. Men would thirst and hunger for God. Men would seek after righteousness. Men would press into God.


We pray for love and tolerance to prevail in our land. Across tribes, races and political affiliations, love would reign supreme. In honor, we would prefer one another.


We enthrone Christ as ruler of our land. He sits in the place of authority and directs the affairs of our nation.


For Nigerians, let us pray for the forthcoming elections. We pray for peace before, during and after the elections.


We pray that the leaders that would emerge are those handpicked by God for governance and to fulfill His mandate in our nation.


We pray for a government that would work in the leading and direction of God.


We speak prosperity and fruitfulness over every sector of our nation.


Our nation becomes the Kingdom of God and of Christ.


Let us mention each state/region/province in our nation and plea the blood of Jesus over them.


Any other prayer the Spirit leads us to pray for our nation.


We give thanks to God for the new nation that is breaking forth.




When we are done, let us round off with: “My World Needs You” by Kirk Franklin

Show me your face
Fill up this space
My world needs you right now
My world needs you right now
I can’t escape
Being afraid
Fill me with you right now
My world needs you right now


Show me your face
Fill up this space
My world needs you right now
My world needs you right now
I can’t escape
Being afraid
Fill me with you right now
My world needs you right now


Power fall down
Bring with it a sound
That points us to you right now
Erase substitutes right now
Fix what I see
And God please fix me
My world needs you right now
Let us see you right now


Power fall down
Bring with it a sound
That points us to you right now
Erase substitutes right now
Fix what I see (and God please fix me)
And God please fix me
My world needs you right now
Let us see you right now


Every heart in the world, God, needs you to rescue
Storms have come and torn our hearts in two
We need you


Show me your face
Fill up this space (the world needs)
My world needs you right now
My world needs you right now


Storms may come but when we call your name
All things change
Kingdoms fall
One thing forever reigns
Is your name
The anchor that holds me in my pain stays the same
(Oh, how sweet) Oh, how sweet to know that your great name
Will never change
(That’s why I’m not ashamed to say)


Jesus, (oh)
Jesus, (nobody like you Jesus)
Jesus, (power is in the name Jesus)
Jesus, (yes I need you)
Jesus, (that’s where the power is)
Jesus, (you have all of the authority)
(Only you are the great, I am, you’re the king of kings, you’re the lord of lords, that’s why)


Storms may come, but when we call your name all things change
Kingdoms fall, one thing forever reigns, is your name
Oh, how sweet to know that your great name will never change
It stays the same


Show me your face
Come fill this space
My world needs you right now
My world needs you right now…




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