WRITTEN BY: Adeyoola Ojemola
Often times when we desire to know God’s mind for certain aspects of our lives, we expect Him to tell us the nitty gritty when we ask Him. Surely, He does tell us! Many times however, He does that in bits and for this, we many times find ourselves beclouded in confusion because of a greater expectancy as we want the entire blueprint shown to us.
Through the Bible, however, we are able to somewhat perceive God’s methodology of doing things if we try not to be rigid, stubborn and doing our own ways. We see all through Scriptures that, God takes things step after step.
Across the Bible, there has been no interaction of God with His Children where He told them everything to expect where their lives were concerned at the get-go. So why do you want yours differently?
Taking an instance from Prophet Elijah in 1 Kings 17 when he professed that there would be no rain for 3 years. God’s spoke to Elijah first and told him to go to a brook for his daily meal during the famine.
In verse 5, the Bible records that ‘so he went and did according unto the Word of the Lord’.
After the brook dried off, God spoke to him to go to a Widow who will be used to care for him. Verse 10 says ‘so he arose and went…’.
Fast forward to chapter 18, God spoke to him again to visit the king this time, verse 2 says ‘And Elijah went…’.
God’s instructions to Elijah came at God’s own timing, per time.
Flash back to brother Joseph Israel, whose own case was even different. God didn’t speak to him, He only showed him two dreams of a glorious future and it was left to Joseph to believe it or not.
The journey of his life after that moment was one that questioned the legitimacy of the dreams he had at a young age anyway. But Joseph took the stages as they came while doing his responsibilities with excellence. His was not a smooth ride, but he took his life step by step. We know how it ended; his dreams materialized (See Genesis 37; 39-47).
Should we take a look at brother David too? I mean King David. He did not hear God directly either. God spoke through His prophet, Samuel, to him when he was anointed.
The process to wearing the crown seemed too daunting. He was anointed , yet he couldn’t become king. Not for days or weeks or months but years! God did not say anything either about the kingship, but Joseph’s life went on as he held on to the anointing he had received. He took it one day at a time (See 1 Samuel 16).
Not forgetting our Lord Jesus Christ who knew who He was but on whom the heavens did not open until He was thirty years old. That was when He was certified by the Father ready for the ministry. It was time for manifestation when the Father said it was time. Jesus at twelve years knew the calling, He recognized it, but knew He had to fulfil all righteousness through John before He could start the three-year ministry. The end was not the Cross, the end was not the glory just after the cross. The end is His Second-Coming. Jesus is still waiting and taking it time after time.
So, what is causing your impatience and fidgeting? God’s ways are higher than yours and His thoughts way different from yours. He only asks that you trust and obey Him. There is no other way for you to be in Him if you can not do this. Trust Him enough to take you through step after step and equally obey Him per time.
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Thank you for sharing ma.
🔥🔥🔥🔥so apt!
Purpose/life’s journey isn’t revealed all at once, it is a progressive movement.
Thank you for this!.
Thank you for sharing this inspiring message. God bless you.