DAY 26
TEXT: 1 Thessalonians 5:18
BIBLE STUDY: Judges 15


Lion Of Judah / My Praise Is A Weapon by Eddie James

Lion of Judah (lion of Judah)
You are the great I AM (You are the great I AM)
Lion of Judah (Lion of Judah)
You rain over all the land (you rain over all the land)
Lion of Judah (Lion of Judah)
You are my Lord and King (you are my Lord and King)
Lion of Judah (Lion of Judah)
You are my everything (You are my everything)
I tell you, you are
Mighty (mighty)
Holy (holy)
Worthy (worthy)
Of Glory (of Glory)
You are Mighty (mighty)
Holy (holy)
Worthy (worthy)
Of Glory (of Glory)
Oh, I lift your name on high (I lift your name on high)
I lift your name on high (I lift your name on high)
I lift your name on high (I lift your name on high)
I lift your name (I lift your name)
You are the Lion of Judah (lion of Judah)
You are the great I AM (You are the great I AM)
Lion of Judah (Lion of Judah)
You rain over all the land (you rain over all the land)
You are Lion of Judah (Lion of Judah)
You are my Lord and King (you are my Lord and King)
Lion of Judah (Lion of Judah)
You are my everything (You are my everything)
I tell you, you are
Mighty (mighty)
Holy (holy)
Worthy (worthy)
Of Glory (of Glory)
You are Mighty (mighty)
Holy (holy)
Worthy (worthy)
Of Glory (of Glory)
Oh, I lift your name on high (I lift your name on high)
I lift your name on high (I lift your name on high)
I lift your name on high (I lift your name on high)
I lift your name (I lift your name)
You are the Lion of Judah (lion of Judah)
You are the great I AM (You are the great I AM)
Lion of Judah (Lion of Judah)
You rain over all the land (you rain over all the land)
You are Lion of Judah (Lion of Judah)
You are my Lord and King (you are my Lord and King)
You’re the Lion of Judah (Lion of Judah)
You are my everything (You are my everything)
I tell you, you are
Mighty (mighty)
Holy (holy)
Worthy (worthy)
Of Glory (of Glory)
You are Mighty (mighty)
You’re Holy (holy)
You’re Worthy (worthy)
You’re of Glory (of Glory)
Oh, I lift your name on high (I lift your name on high)
I lift your name on high (I lift your name on high)
I lift your name on high (I lift your name on high)
I lift your name (I lift your name)


Today, we are knocking on Heaven’s Door with our weapon of Praises!

Our weapon is our praise!

Our praise is our weapon!

For the past few weeks, we have fasted and prayed!

Today, we are doing a sort of thanksgiving.

For who God is!

For what He has done!

For what He will yet do!

Do you know what power is embedded in praises?

I guess you need to go through this bulletin completely to know this!

When prayers have failed, men of God would tell you to try praise!

It has never and will never fail!

Let us quickly look at our texts. Make sure you study intently and prayerfully.

1 Thessalonians 5:18; Psalm 75:1; Psalm 100:1-5; Psalm 136:1-26; 1 Chronicles 16:8 and Colossians 2:6-7.

What is this praise?

The Hebrew word for praise is ‘Yadah’ which means to give thanks, confess and to praise

Praising God is simply giving Him the recognition He deserves. One way we can define what we mean by praising God is to consider the end result. The end result of giving God praise is to exalt Him and His name. I believe this is one of the reasons the psalmist quickly followed the declaration of praise with exalting God.

We can praise God in song, and singing praises to God was common even back in biblical times. The main purpose of the Psalms is to praise God—indicated by the numerous songs on praise. We can also praise God in dance, prayer, proclamations, studying God’s Word, and the list goes on.

No matter how we praise God, we must be sure to lift up His name above all else. “For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods” (Psalm 96:4). Putting other people or things before God is easy to do, but with the Holy Spirit’s help, let us praise God with all of our might.

One important thing about the word praise is the fact that it is a verb, it is an action word, so the best way to actually praise God is to praise

*Psalm 100: 4 says Enter his Gates with Thanksgiving and His gates with praise*

In the days of Moses, only the High Priest could enter into The Holy of Holies. It was not accessible to everyone. However, when our Great High Priest died (Hebrews 4:14-16), the veil to The Holy of Holies was torn allowing US access to God. Hallelujah!)

The gate you come through to approach God is thanksgiving and the court you enter is praise. Psalm 100:4 should be so much more meaningful in light of its historical context

Proverbs 27:21 says, “As the fining pot for silver, and the furnace for gold; so is a man to his praise.” Judson Cornwall says it this way in Let Us Praise. “So often, when we have heated our Spirits in worship . . . thoughts, desires, and attitudes rise to the surface.”

As we are broken and heated in the presence of the Lord, those negative attitudes rise to the surface of our hearts. We are then able to bring them to Jesus to be forgiven and cleansed.

In the fires of praise, God reaches out and melts down our jagged edges until we become smooth and pliable in His hands. Only then can we be molded into His image. We become so smooth and clear that when others look at us – when we look at ourselves, we see a mirror reflecting the image of Jesus.

Psalm 81:10 says, “I am the Lord, YOUR God . . .”. Isn’t it wonderful to know that He is ours and we are His? Praise brings us into a closer relationship with Jesus.

The problem comes in when ritual takes the place of pure praise. A.W. Tozer said, “Worship is no longer worship when it reflects the culture around us more than the Christ within us

The first mention of praise in the Bible is at the birth of Jacob’s son, Judah, in Genesis 29:35. Judah means praise. No matter where you see the name Judah in the Bible, it always means praise.

Revelation 5:5 tells us that our Lord Jesus, The Lion of the Tribe of Praise (Judah) has overcome! So many of us walk around in fear of the enemy. Whether it is “the devil” you fear, your own thoughts, or your next door neighbor, we often walk around fearing our enemy and what he/she could do to us*

Praisers know that their Lion of the Tribe of Judah is the real thing and He has already overcome every single enemy that may come in their path.

As you read this, since you are still living and breathing, you are receiving the blessings of God every single day:

Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. – Ps 68:19

Now, here’s what you might not realize…

We are expected to give thanks to the LORD for every blessing and for carrying us in His arms daily.

The more you give thanks – even for small things, even in unpleasant situations –
the MORE blessings are multiplied in your life.

Please listen carefully…

I’m not just talking about giving thanks when all is going well.

Anybody could do that.

But the Scripture says:

In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. – 1 Thes. 5:18

Did you notice the words “in every thing”?

That’s the keyword here.

In a dark and stormy night …

I found that showing gratitude and giving thanks, apart from pleasing the LORD who really is the Giver of all good things…

… also served as a giant “excuse” for Him to shower even more blessings upon me and my loved ones!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no fickleness, neither shadow of turning. – James 1:17

King David used to wake up at midnight — to thank the LORD. He said:

At midnight I wake up to give thanks to you for the regulations, which are based on your righteousness. – Psalm 119:62

That was one of his success secrets.

No wonder the Bible describes him as a “man after God’s heart”.

He was a prayer warrior king.

And he proved to be unstoppable… in both the physical and the spiritual battlefield.

Little wonder he invites us (present-day believers) to:

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him. – Psalm 34:8

In Luke 17:15-19, Jesus talks about the importance of giving thanks in the story of the grateful Leper:

And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks. And he was a Samaritan.

So Jesus answered and said, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine? 18 Were there not any found who returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?” And He said to him, “Arise, go your way. Your faith has made you well.”

Are you like the grateful leper or one of the nine that did not deem it necessary to come back and say Thank you?

Well this is your moment of change. It is time to embrace the culture of saying “Thank You” at all times. Continue living your life from now on with an attitude of thankfulness and you will see the kind of doors that will open in your favor.


I will worship the Lord
For He is worthy
I will lay down my sword
The Prince Of Peace is His name
King of the flood
The Lord is mighty
The Lord can quench the evil flame
Peace when trouble blows
Jehovah sees, Jehovah knows
He is my peace, when sorrow nears
Jehovah sees, Jehovah hears
Feel the presence of God
Upon the water
Hear the voice of the Lord
Within the thunder that rolls
King of the flood
The Lord is mighty
The Lord can calm the troubled soul
Peace when trouble blows
Jehovah sees, Jehovah knows
He is my peace, when sorrow nears
Jehovah sees, Jehovah hears
Like the breath
I need to live
Jehovah takes, Jehovah gives
Gives me peace
When trouble blows
Jehovah sees, Jehovah knows
Judgement coming, He is my peace
Men pursue me, He is my peace
Judge! Judgement is coming, He is my peace
Men pursue me, He is my peace


Praise God in your language, reflect on what he has done for you this year and years before and in your family

Praise God for the B.U.D Family

Thank God for choosing to love you so much, for choosing to die for your sins

Father, I praise You because, You are Bigger Than The Biggest, Stronger thann the strongest and Better than the best in Jesus name.

Father, I praise You because, You will never allow my enemies to laugh at my down fall

Father, I praise You because, You are ever patient and ever merciful to me.

Father, i thank You for the grace to be alive and to sing your praises to you today in Jesus name.

Dear Lord, cause me to have new testimonies that I may offer more thanksgiving to your name in the midst of the saints in Jesus name.

Dear Lord, I lift your name higher, above all other names, above everything in heaven and in earth in Jesus name.

From today, whatever I do in word or deed, I do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. (Col.3:17)

I join the heavenly hosts to say: “We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and have begun to reign. (Rev 11:17)

I give thanks always for all things to God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph 5:20)

I add my voice whenever the living beings give glory and honor and thanks to the one sitting on
the throne,the one who lives forever and ever (Rev 4:9).

In every thing I give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning me (1 Thes 5:18).

I give thanks to the Father, who has qualified me to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light. ( Col 1:12)

I give thanks to the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endures for ever. – Ps 107:1

I give thanks to the LORD and proclaim his greatness; the whole world mus hear what he has done. – Ps 105:1

I give thanks to the God of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever. – Ps 136:26

Save us, O God our Savior; gather us and deliver us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name, that we may glory in your praise.” – 1 Chr 16:35

I arise to give thanks to you because of your righteous judgments. – Ps 119:62

I enter His gates with thanksgiving And His courts with praise, blessed be your holy name. – Ps 100:4

You are my God, and I give thanks to you; my God, I honor you highly. – Ps 118:28

On the day of my deliverance, I will say: “Give thanks to the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted. – Isa 12:4

Open to me the gates of righteousness; I shall enter through them, I shall give thanks to the LORD. – Ps 118:19

I thank you for answering my prayer and giving me victory! – Ps 118:21

But we your people, the sheep of your pasture, will give thanks to you forever; from generation to generation we will recount your praise. – Ps 79:13

With my mouth I will give thanks abundantly to the LORD; And in the midst of many I will praise Him – Ps 109:30

“I will praise you, O LORD. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me. –Isa 12:1

I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well. –Ps 139:14

To you, O God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise, for you have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of you, for you have made known to us the king’s matter.” – Dan 2:23

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me faithful, appointing me to his service. – 1 Tim 1:12

The LORD lives! Thanks be to my rock! May God, the rock of my salvation, be glorified – 2 Sam 22:47

I give thanks always for all things to God the Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. – Eph 5:20

God, the God of Israel, is awe-inspiring in his holy place. He gives strength and power to his people. Thanks be to God! – Ps 68:35

Father I give You thanks for:

Father I give You thanks for the salvation of my soul

Father I give You thanks for loving me so much that you sent your only begotten son to die for the remission of my sins

Father I give You thanks for the wonder working power in the blood of Jesus Christ

Father I give You thanks for being my portion in the land of the living

Father I give You thanks for the fruit of your spirit working wonders in me

Father I give You thanks for never leaving or forsaking me for even one second

Father I give You thanks for keeping me and all that concerns me in perfect peace that surpasses all understanding

Father I give You thanks for hearing me in the day of trouble and sending me help from your holy sanctuary

Father I give You thanks for sending your angels to take charge and keep me in all my ways

Father I give You thanks for loving me so much You sent your only begotten Son to die on the cross of Calvary for the remission of my sins

Father I give You thanks for being my Refuge and my Fortress; my God in whom I trust

Father I give You thanks for arising and causing my enemies to scatter

Father I give You thanks for preserving my going out and my coming in from this time forth and even for evermore

Father I give You thanks for bringing me to a place of maturity and deeper life

Father I give You thanks for supplying all my needs according to Your riches in glory through Christ Jesus

Father I give You thanks for turning my travails to triumphs, my scars to stars and my pain to gain

Father I give You thanks for causing every dark place in my life to receive your light

Father I give You thanks for ensuring that every spirit of intimidation and oppression in my life, suffers defeat

Father I give You thanks for enlarging my financial, spiritual, marital and physical coasts

Father I give You thanks for giving me possession of wherever the soles of my feet tread

Father I give You thanks for making a way for me where there seems to be no way

Father I give You thanks for giving ear to my words and considering my sighing

Father I give You thanks for making stumbling blocks in my life to stepping stones

Father I give You thanks for your goodness and mercy following me all the days of my life

Father I give You thanks for contending with those that contend with me

Father I give You thanks for loading me every single day with divine daily benefits

Father I give You thanks for turning my disappointments to appointments

Father I give You thanks for delighting in me because I fear you

Father I give You thanks for the plans You have for me; plans to prosper me and not harm me, plans to give me hope and a future

Father I give You thanks for revealing deep and secret things to me

Father I give You thanks for instructing and teaching me in the way which I should go and for guiding me with your eye

Father I give You thanks for keeping me from presumptuous sins and not letting them have dominion over me

Father I give You thanks for making the crooked places in my life straight

Father I give You thanks for turning my captivity around and causing me to be like them that dream

Father I give You thanks for making me an everlasting pride and the joy of all generations

Father I give You thanks for giving me the grace to wait on you and not man

Father I give You thanks for visiting my body and uprooting every malfunctioning organ

Father I give You thanks for building a hedge of protection around me and my family

Father I give You thanks for making a way for me where it seemed like there was no way

Father I give You thanks for unmerited favor and divine protection, in Jesus mighty name I pray, Amen!

Take a moment to praise and worship the LORD.

Start by singing praises to the Lord and worshiping Him for a while (at least 10 minutes.)


Oh Lord, I will boast of your goodness, and your great kindness all day long and I praise you for being my God in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, I praise you for fighting the battles of my life in Jesus name

Oh Lord, I will praise You, in the midst of my trials, you are indeed the reason why I am happy

Oh Lord, I magnify your name and I acknowledge your greatness in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, I join the congregation of brethren to give praises to you for you have done great things in my life in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, I praise your name today because only the living can praise your name, the dead cannot praise you

Oh Lord, I praise you today for you are good and your mercies endures forever in Jesus name.

Father I praise you for only you can do what no man can do In Jesus name.

Father I praise you for I have won the victory in Christ Jesus.

Oh Lord, I will sing aloud of your praises before unbelievers and I will not be ashamed

Oh Lord, I praise you in your house, the church, before the saints in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, I will praise you because you are a righteous God.

Oh Lord, I praise you because you have become my salvation in Jesus name.

Oh Lord, I praise you today because you are my God and i have no other god in Jesus name.

Father, as long as I am still breathing, I will keep praising you.

Father I praise you because the devil cannot stop me in Jesus name Amen.

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