DAY 11








FIRST SONG: ‘Oh the Power’ by Kari Jobe


Knees to the earth that You breathed by Your word

As You watched the darkness come

Crushed by the weight of the cost as You prayed

Not my will but Yours be done

Gethsemane, where heaven met me


Redeemer, crowned in endless praise

My Savior, name above all names

King Jesus, take the highest place


There on the hill You surrendered Your will

For they know not what they do

Grief in Your heart, Your hands bear the scars

Of a love that led You to the tomb

Calvary, where heaven met me


Redeemer, crowned in endless praise

My Savior, name above all names

King Jesus, take the highest place


Oh the power of the cross

Oh the power of Your Blood

Oh the power of the cross

Oh the power of Your Blood


Oh the power of the cross

Oh the power of Your Blood


Oh darkness, You have lost Your strength

O hell, you lost everything

King Jesus, take the highest place


Redeemer, crowned in endless praise

My Savior, name above all names

King Jesus, take the highest place


Oh the power of the cross

Oh the power of Your Blood

Oh the power of the cross

Oh the power of Your Blood






Revelation 12:11, ”And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death”. 


If you are done singing our main song for today, sing this chorus below with so much spiritual aggressiveness. I pray the Lord envelopes you with His power where you are now in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 


Eje Jesu (The Blood of Jesus)

Iyebiye ni (Is precious)

Eje Jesu (The Blood of Jesus)

Iyebiye ni (is precious)

Eje Jesus (The Blood of Jesus)

Iyebiye ni (is precious)

Mo we ninu re (I swim in it)

Mo si mo laulau (I am wholly cleansed!)


When you are done singing the above, move to the song below:


Eje to ju eje lo (The Blood that is better than any Blood)

Eje Jesu Kristi (The Blood of Jesus Christ)

Eje to san ni Kalvari (The Blood that flowed at Calvary)

Ko wa tu mi sile (Come and set me free)


(Sing 7x if you know the song. Pray it in whether you know the song or not)


It’s day 11 already! Wow, this can only be to the Lord!



Today, we are knocking on Heaven’s door for Victory Through the Name of Jesus!


There is a Power that supersedes every other power. Unfortunately, the awesomeness and mystery of the Power in the Blood of Jesus, is not being preached in the church today. Many present day Christians do not know many things about victory in the battles of life. 


Learning to claim the Power in the Blood of Jesus, is very important. What does pleading the Blood of Jesus do?


It gives protection before adversity strikes. It is preventive.



It gives physical healing to the body. No matter what name is given to any problem, it will be solved when the Blood of Jesus is brought in.



If you keep pleading the Blood of Jesus, no matter how terrible an infirmity is, it will disappear by the Power in the Blood of Jesus. If your life is pure and you lay your hands on any sickness, pleading the Blood of Jesus, it will vanish. 



You might wonder if it is really as simple as that but that is the Power in the Blood of Jesus.



The Blood of Jesus cannot dry up; neither can it lose its Power. Therefore you can plead it a million times, if you want to. The more you plead the Blood of Jesus, the more the chance of totally submerging the disease, in the pool of the Blood of Jesus.



Many Christians do not understand the Power in the use of the weapons that God has given us against the enemy.



It gives emotional healing.



It gives mental healing.



It helps in battling dark Powers.



It helps in battling the adversary.



It gives financial healing.



If you stand in front of your shop or house and plead the Blood of Jesus every day, you will find out that the Powers of darkness in that environment will dissipate.



As we are moving towards the End Times, we need to plead the Blood of Jesus, all the time. There are lots of tragedies and disasters all over the place. Too many Christians are being robbed or cheated or raped or murdered. Many are being hypnotized and confused. Pleading the Blood of Jesus, will give you immunity against these things.



It cleanses from all sins. Jesus came to die for the sins of the world and His Blood was shed for us. You can claim the cleansing Power in His Blood and God will open a new chapter in your life.



You can plead the Blood of Jesus, over any and everything; your spirit, soul and body, your house, car, work, children, spouse, business, as a form of protection or prevention against evil. You can plead the Blood of Jesus over your journey, the road, the vehicle or aircraft, etc therefore making a boundary, against any evil.



The Blood of Jesus is a battle-weapon; through it, you can achieve the following:



  1. Cleansing

The Blood of Jesus possesses cleansing Power. If there is any form of dirt or filth in your life or environment, the Blood of Jesus will cleanse them.


  1. Sanitisation

The Blood of Jesus serves as disinfectant. Anything that wants to pollute, will not be able to get in. You should sanitise your life, your body, house, shop, etc. In fact, before you move into a new apartment or house or in fact, anywhere, you should sanitise it and the surroundings, with the Blood of Jesus. 


  1. Deliverance

When you call the Blood of Jesus into operation, it causes the enemy to flee, because it contains the life of God. It sets people free from bondage.


  1. Healing: It can heal all forms of infirmity. When you plead the Blood of Jesus, things begin to happen.


  1. Protection: The Blood of Jesus is our own charm! When the enemy throws anything at us, the Blood of Jesus neutralizes the effects of that thing and returns it back to the sender. 


  1. Life-giving Power: to revive anyone or anything that is dead. It could be marriage, finances, business, etc.


  1. Yoke-breaking: Whenever you plead the Blood of Jesus, people and things are set free from any kind of yoke.


  1. Overcoming Power: The Blood of Jesus gives us the victory! When we enter into a challenge, competition, interview and so on in the Power of His Blood, victory is sure!


  1. Door-opening Power: to open every door that has been closed against good things in the life of a person.


  1. Creative and ‘re-creative’ Power. Anything that is supposed to be in the life or body of a person, or has been removed through surgery or witchcraft, can be recalled back into existence by the Blood of Jesus.


  1. Renewing Power: Is the love between you and your husband going cold, renew it with the Blood of Jesus! Probably the joy in your family is being erased and dying out, renew it with the Blood of Jesus! The Blood of Jesus is our own sacrifice!


  1. Battle-dissolving Power: Oh yes! When the devil shall arise like a flood and scream for the Blood of Jesus, the enemy has to flee! The enemies will go in disarray! And all they have prepared against us will be neutralized. People who are having serious issues against you will just surrender. They would lose interest in fighting you. They would start fearing you or seeking your favour again. The Blood of Jesus!


  1. Promotion Power and energy:


  1. Breakthrough Power.


  1. Miracle receiving Power


  1. Poison destroying Power. Many have been poisoned physically or spiritually. The Blood of Jesus neutralises such poisons and flushes them out of the system.


  1. Mountain-moving Power


  1. Demon-paralysing Power.


Pastor D.K. Olukoya once shared a story as follows: “The ring-tone on one of my phones is the song: “Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing Blood, are you washed in the Blood of the Lamb.” One day, I was sitting somewhere and the phone rang; before I could answer the call, a woman had started to manifest and a strange voice spoke from her mouth, screaming: “Stop that music, stop that music!” The demon in her was affected by the song, because of the Power in the Blood of Jesus.”


Can you see the Power that is in the Name of Jesus???


  1. Virtue-restoring Power.


  1. Burden-removing Power.


  1. Bondage-destroying Power:


When you plead the Blood of Jesus into any situation, it will eventually bow. Many people do not understand the overcoming weapons that they have in the Word of God. The Bible says: “And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony.”


Today, you will watch that Blood in display, if you will pray the prayers below, from your heart. That Blood was not shed in vain; it was shed for forgiveness, deliverance, protection, etc. You would be cheating yourself, if you do not use that facility.


If you want your right things to come back to you, pray with Power and with fire. The Power in the Blood of Jesus was given to it from the beginning. Do you know that there is Power and life in Blood generally? If a person lacks Blood, it means he or she is dying. That is why some things work for occultists, who kill goats and fowls for sacrifice. How much more, the Blood of the Son of God?


Blood is a living thing and the Blood of Jesus, has the Power to overcome anything that confronts you. However, there is a small condition. 


For the Blood of Jesus to work for you, must get to know who the Lord Jesus is. You must be in a relationship with Him first.


You must surrender your life to the Lord Jesus. You must be completely yielded to Him and you must have a concrete relationship with Him.


You have a wonderful opportunity today, to invite the overcoming Power in the Blood of Jesus, to come into your situation.


If you are not born again and you would like to surrender your life to Christ, you can do so right now, right there where you are. All you need do is see yourself as a sinner and know that you cannot approach God in your sinful state. Repent of your sins; confess them to the Lord and ask Him to forgive you. Name the sins one by one, renounce them and decide that you will not go back to them anymore.


I congratulate you for this decision that you have just taken; it is the most important decision in life, and I pray that it shall be permanent in your life, in the Name of Jesus. I pray that the Lord will uphold you with His hand or righteousness and you will not fall or fail in the Name of Jesus. I pray that the Lord will write your Name in the Book of Life and nothing shall by any means, rub it off in the Name of Jesus. Go and sin no more!


It will be a pity, if after reading this prayer bulletin, the Blood of Jesus does not avail for you. Check yourself very well; is there anything in your life that could hinder the move or the Power of God in your situation? 


Have you done or said something that you should not? Are you relating with people that you should not? Check yourself. Are there some things that the Holy Spirit has been telling you are bad, and you do not want to listen?


Today, as you plead the Blood of Jesus, His liquid raw Power, will come upon your life and strange and marvellous things will begin to take place in your life. God will release all sorts of blessings upon your life today.


Physical, spiritual, material blessings, marital and financial breakthroughs, will be released upon your life as you plead the Blood of Jesus into your situation.


Some people will pray the following prayers, and will never know poverty again. Many will be healed from even terminal diseases, and they will have testimonies.


Confess all sins, known and unknown, conscious and unconscious, parental, inherited, marital sins. God has all Powers in His Hands and is ready to move, even right there, where you are. Believe God for the move of His Power in your life.


Now that you know what the Blood of Jesus can do for you, it is time you engage in these deliverance prayers using the Blood of Jesus as your spiritual weapon. As you pray these prayers today, I see God changing your stories and giving you unbelievable and humanly impossible testimonies in Jesus Name amen.



Before we pray, let us sing our second song. Pray it in! Sing with all confidence. This is titled ‘


It is titled ‘The Blood Of Jesus Speaks For Me’ by Travis Cottrell


The Blood of Jesus speaks for me

Be still my soul, redeeming love

Out of the dust of Calvary

Is rising to the throne above

There is no vengeance in His cry

While “It is finished” fills the sky

Forgiveness is the final plea

The Blood of Jesus speaks for me

My heart can barely take it in

He pardons all my guilty stains

Surrender all my shame to Him

He breaks the curse of every chain

My sin is great, but greater still

The boundless grace His heart reveals

A mercy deeper than the sea

The Blood of Jesus speaks for me

When my accuser makes the claim

That I should die for my offense

I point him too that rugged frame

Where I found life at Christ expense

See from His hands, His feet, His side

The fountain flowing deep and wide

Oh, He did shout the victory

The Blood of Jesus speaks for me

Worthy is the lamb

Worthy is the lamb, Lamb for sinners slain

Jesus, Lord of all

Glory to His name

Heaven crying out, let the earth proclaim

Power in the the Blood, glory to His name

Worthy is the Lamb

Lamb for sinners slain

Jesus, Lord of all

Glory to His name (Glory to His name)

Power in the Blood, glory to His name


Oh let my soul arise and sing

My confidence is not in vain

The one who fights for me is King

His hope, His covenant remain

No condemnation now I dread

Eternal hope is mine instead

His word will stand, I stand redeemed

The Blood of Jesus speaks for me

Amazing love

Amazing love, how can it be

The Blood of Jesus speaks for me

(For me) Oh, precious is the flow

Thank You, Jesus

For me








Lord, I am so sorry for not really and fully using Your Blood which is a weapon You have delivered into my hands well in the past. 


Henceforth oh Lord, I will use the Blood of Jesus. I will pray in the Blood of Jesus. I will drink the Blood of Jesus! I will apply the Blood of Jesus and I am certain that You will avail for me. Amen. 


My environment is charged with the Blood of Jesus! (Repeat 7x)


I drink the Blood of Jesus!  (7x)


I bath in the Blood of Jesus (7x)


I cover myself with the Blood of Jesus! 


The Blood of Jesus (7x) avail for me! 


My own situation will not prove difficult for the Blood of Jesus in the Name of Jesus! 


Mountains in my life, I bring you before the Blood of Jesus, be uprooted and be cast into the sea now in the Blood of Jesus! 


Let the Blood of the Cross stand between me and any dark Power delegated against me.


I curse every work of darkness in my life to dry to the roots by the Blood of Jesus.


I defeat, paralyse and erase the spirit of demotion by the Blood of Jesus.


Let the Power of the Blood of Jesus be released on my behalf and let it speak against every dead situation in my life.


Let the Power of the Blood of Jesus be released on my behalf and let it speak against every irresistible mountain in my life.


In the Name of Jesus, I plead the Blood of Jesus over my entire family members in Jesus Name.


In the Name of Jesus, I apply the Blood of Jesus over my house.


In the Name of Jesus, I soak my business/career in the Blood of Jesus.


In the Name of Jesus, I apply the Blood of Jesus. My house is a no go area for demonic activities in Jesus Name


I draw a circle of the Blood of Jesus around me.


I overcome you Satan by the Blood of the Lamb.


You cannot put any sickness on me because I am redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb.


Let the Blood of Jesus speak confusion into the camp of my enemies in Jesus Name.


Let the Blood of Jesus speak destruction unto every evil growth in my life.


Let the Blood of Jesus speak disappearance of every infirmity in my life.


Let the Blood of Jesus speak peace unto every broken marriage in my family.


By the Blood of Jesus, I crush the head of every devil on my way in Jesus Name


Let the Blood of Jesus speak victory and prosperity unto my life.


I sprinkle the Blood of Jesus on all my properties.


Let the Blood of Jesus dry up every demonic spell and enchantment used against me.


You evil Power, I scatter you now by the Power of the Blood of Jesus.


I render every evil Power militating against me impotent by the Blood of Jesus.


I hold the Blood against you satan and declare that you have been defeated.


Let the Blood of Jesus minister defeat to every evil work in my life.


Let the Blood of Jesus bring down to nothing any evil work in my life.


I minister death unto the enemy of progress in my life by the Blood of Jesus.


I bind the staying Power of any problem by the Blood of Jesus.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against any evil spirit working against me.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against you, you spirit of lust (mention) in my life in Jesus Name.


I declare that I am sanctified by the Blood of Jesus.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against the spirit of stagnation in any area of my life.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against demonic delay of my miracles.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against failure at the edge of success.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against lack of good helpers.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against fruitless efforts in my life.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against occupying wrong positions.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against every delayed and denied promotion.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against dead accounts.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against evil diversion,


I plead the Blood of Jesus against lost foreign benefits.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against satanic prophecies.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against vagabond anointing.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against profit starvation.


I plead the Blood of Jesus against slow movement and progress in my life and destiny


 Let the Power of the Blood of Jesus be released on my behalf and let it speak against every dead bone in my life.


Let the Power of the Blood of Jesus be released on my behalf and let it speak against every stubborn mountain in my life.


In the Name of Jesus, I plead the Blood of Jesus.


In the Name of Jesus, I apply the Blood of Jesus over my house.


In the Name of Jesus, I soak myself in the Blood of Jesus.


In the Name of Jesus, I apply the Blood of Jesus. Demons, you cannot re-enter my house.


Let the Blood of Jesus speak confusion into the camp of the enemy.


Let the Blood of Jesus speak destruction unto every evil growth in my life.





Up Calvary’s mountain one dreadful morn

Walked Christ my Savior, weary and worn

Facing for sinners death on the cross

That He might save them from endless loss


Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer

Seems now I see Him on Calvary’s tree

Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading

Blind and unheeding, dying for me


‘Father, forgive them’ my Savior prayed

Even while His lifeBlood flowed fast away

Praying for sinners while in such woe

No one but Jesus ever loved so


Dying for me


Oh how I love Him, Savior and friend

How can my praises ever find end

Through years unnumbered on Heaven’s shore

My songs shall praise Him forevermore





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