DATE: 15/07/2024





Let us read through these testimony before we start to pray. May your own testimony also arrive speedily and gloriously to the Glory of the Lord alone in Jesusโ€™ Name. Amen. 

TESTIMONY 1: Last year Juicy July I prayed that God will settle me maritally. Of course I wanted to do his will because I know that Godโ€™s will is the best. Two weeks into the program my pastor called me that someone had met the marriage committee in our church for me. I asked God to convince me about the person before I get to know the person. Brethren, God granted my request and today I am happily married. I want to thank God because all that I desire in a man, God gave them to me in one man. He is indeed my gift from God.  Hallelujah.

TESTIMONY 2: Praise God!. It all started during the discipleship class, my eyes became open. I believed battles existed but I didn’t reason that as long as you are a believer there’s always war. Mama Yaks kept talking about battles but I wasn’t catching it at all, another mummy I looked up to kept saying the same thing. I was wondering what message God was passing across. Few days later after discipleship class commenced, I had a dream about my brother (dream withheld)โ€ฆKaii, that was when I had a full understanding of what the dream was. I then saw the bulletin on Recreation again, it was on point!!!. I prayed by God’s strength for my brother and I’m still praying for him. I believe that the prayer bulletin coinciding with the situation was not coincidental. I trust God for manifestation. I’ll be back with my full testimony. Praise God ๐Ÿ™Œ

TESTIMONY 3: I will be ingrate if I didn’t share my testimony,God has been faithful to me Praise the lord sisters. Last Juicy July= FREE INDEED, I wrote some prayers requests which God has answered: Firstly,God answered me martially. It was blurry vision before but after the July it was more clearer. Secondly, God FAVOURED me during my final project. I received divine favour from my supervisor and when the results was out it was an A. Thirdly,The final grades I want for my final undergraduate results was answered. Fourthly,my sister’s results that had issue was rectified. Fifthly, my second sister that we have been praying for her admission,God did it miraculous January. Sixth, God provide a new phone for me in January. Last but not the least, God has been faithful to me in all areas of life. I’m divinely FAVOURED and helped by God. I know this year juicy July will be more juicy and greater testimony are coming 


Praise the Lord for the testimonies. Ask the Lord to take all the glory for it. Ask that the Lord will glorify Himself the more in the life of the testifiers. And that the Lord will give everyone heartily participating in the Juicy July Prayer programme great testimonies to the glory of His Name. Ask for your own testimonies also. 


โ€˜Oh God, please cultivate my spirit and make it fertile enough to receive Your Word today, bringing forth much fruits in me in the Name of Jesus!โ€™

Hearing the word โ€œwisdomโ€, the first thing that comes to mind is being a good judge of what is right and what is wrong and haing the ability to choose the right thing always. But for Christians, itโ€™s not as simple as that. Nowadays, the lines between what is right and wrong have long since been blurred. This is why we need to call in extra help. And thereโ€™s really nobody else than God. He is our wisdom!

In Matthew 7:7, He says โ€œAsk and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to youโ€. That Bible verse, despite its popularity, is most often than not, underutilized. 


Biblical wisdom is the ability to make sound decisions and judgments based on Godโ€™s Word and His guidance. It is more than just knowledge; it involves understanding and applying God’s principles in our daily lives. 

Proverbs 9:10 says, โ€œThe fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.โ€ This indicates that true wisdom starts with a reverent relationship with God. If you lack a deep relationship with God, you can forget wisdom, because of course, youโ€™d never be able to trust Him enough to ask for His help. 

Wisdom in the Bible is often described as a person (e.g., Proverbs 8). This shows us how important it is fo us to have Him as our friend. As we go out, we go with Him, we consult Him, we turn aside to Him to see His react, His information, His choice etc. Wisdom is a gift from God that enables us to live righteously, discern truth from error, and navigate the complexities of life with godly insight.


Living for God: I donโ€™ know if you have noticed but it is impossible to live the Christian life for real without wisdom. Oh, so many activities call our attention everyday. So many things to do here and there. Yet, my spirit must not be neglected. I have had to always run to God for wisdom on how to plan my day so I am able to have a wholesome life. I always have to ask my Father which sermon Heโ€™d love me to listen to. He chooses for me. He leads me. He directs me to the people Heโ€™d love me to learn from and the people Heโ€™d love me to run from. Wisdom! 

Conflict Resolution: Ah, if you lack wisdom, your life would be full of conflicts here and there. You wll keep collidng with people and your life will be so complex and hard. But with wisdom, even if you want to respond to a seemingly hard message someone has sent to you, as you as Him for His counsel, He will provide you with biblical principles to resolve disputes that will many times lead to peace and reconciliation. 

Financial Stewardship: If wisdom is lacking in your life and you have 1 million naira cash right now, in a few hours, that money will be spent and invested foolishly, totally gone! But if there is wisdom available, even with 200,000 naira being available to you, in a few days, you can be able to realize a ten-fold. Wisdom teaches us contentment, He helps us know how to avoid debt (Proverbs 22:7), how to give generously (2 Corinthians 9:7), and how to save diligently (Proverbs 21:20). Itโ€™s amazing what wisdom can do with little to nothing and much more amazing what foolishness cannot achieve with everything! 

Parenting: Raising children is so deep. I am very surprised when I see Christian parents who are confident of their parenting skills. They have the best diet skills, the best school choices, the best movies selections, the best discipline methods- all curated by themselves, some psychologists, some coaches and so on. I do not have that much of a confidence in man. Oh, not at all! I know nothing about how to diligently raise a single child for the Lord Almighty, so I would always just tell Him how helpless I am and fall on Him so dependently for every single thing- even the choice of their vitamins. If we must raise Godly kids especially in this generation, we must heavily depend on the Wisdom of God! Heโ€™d   train us on how to teach His children Godโ€™s Word (Deuteronomy 6:6-7), how to discipline with love yet firmness, not wickedness (Proverbs 13:24), and how to inculcate in them godly behavior (Titus 2:7).

Health Decisions: You are heavily pregnant and you are not for instance relying on the Lord for the wisdom on which hospital to register at, how to pray for your health before, during and after the birth- you just make the best decisions based on your own eyes! Ah! Sis, you are so risky! Just a angle injection can end the lives of your children! Just single pill wrongly prescribed by the best doctor ever can destroy something vital in your body. How about asking the Lord for wisdom? Heโ€™d help us to know how to care for our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), how to make wise choices about diet and exercise, and how to seek God’s guidance in medical decisions. Letโ€™s not trust our brains too much, they are so limited. 

Relationship Choices: You thnk you know your specs? Oh, ss, you donโ€™t! It is when you get into it that you will realize that you do not even know yourself and your capabilities and the lack thereof, talk less of knowing another person! Our relationship- marital., friendship, partnerships can make or mar our souls and destinies We need the wisdom of God, sis! Who would You oh Lord, want as my roommate? Who would You dear Daddy want to be my prayer partner? Lord, how do I deal with this toxic family member? We need wisdom, dear sisters. I know you know by now that I can spend the whole day talking about this, so, let us just move, haha. 


What I have realized is that wisdom is heavily given by the Lord to people who have recognized their helplessness. And this category of people are the prayerful people. Oh yes! Only people who have recognized their helplessness pray! Oh yes! People that trust themselves, their clique of friends, their intelligence, their righteousness and all will never pray! If they do pray, maybe just to add to their spiritual CV like the pharisees. But for a truly helpless person who says โ€˜Lord, what should I say?โ€™, โ€˜Which housechore should I do first, Wisdom of God?โ€™, โ€˜How do I let my child know that what he did was wrong, Lord?โ€™, โ€˜Oh, Daddy, I am so hurt by that person but since You asked me to let it go, I will. Could you please comfort my heart?โ€™, โ€˜Father, who exactly is it that you have chosen as my husband?โ€™; โ€˜Father, how many children would You love me to have? Not my will but Thine!โ€™. It is someone who foolishly relies on the Lord this way that God bestows wisdom on! 


Solomon: Solomon asked God for a wisdom to be able to govern His people (1 Kings 3:9) and God granted him unparalleled wisdom, which he used to judge righteously and write many proverbs. Sis, you are in a place of leadership, but you never fall back on the Lord? You never weep before God for the souls Heโ€™s put in your care to lead? Wow! You trust so much in your charismatic leadership skills that you acquired from Greatest College of Leadership? Uh-oh!

Joseph: Josephโ€™s wisdom, given by God, helped him interpret Pharaohโ€™s dreams and prepare Egypt for seven years of famine (Genesis 41:15-36). His wise administration saved many lives. What about you, sis? When the Lord reveals a dream or vision to you, do you go back to Him to seriously pray about the interpretation? Or do you just interpret it the way your head gives it to you? Haha. You will make a lot of errors that way and you will not be able to get real information from Heaven. Wait on the Lord for the meaning of even the clearest vision He shows you. God many times speaks a line and you might think you have understood it all. Just give it a few more years, and that single line is still unfolding! 

Daniel: Daniel sought Godโ€™s wisdom through prayer and fasting. His ability to interpret dreams and his wise counsel to kings demonstrate divine wisdom at work (Daniel 2:19-23).

Nehemiah: Nehemiah demonstrated wisdom in leadership by seeking Godโ€™s guidance in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem. His strategic planning and reliance on prayer led to the successful completion of the project (Nehemiah 2:4-5).


Jeremiah 10:23 says: โ€œI know, Lord, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course.โ€

Can you see that, sis? If you have really become a child of God, your life is not your own. No matter how โ€˜Mrs/Miss Capableโ€™ you are, you ARE NOT ABLE to plan the course of your life. If you try it, it will end in regrets and tears because you do not know the way! Why not trust the One who knows the end from the beginning? Well, I know sis that the main problem you might be having is that you do not even know this God experientially enough for you to trust Him. So, how about starting to know Him, then? It is easy to do- just morning by morning- consistently opening your Bible to read, praying and being obedient to all He instructs. In a few months, you would have known Him to a degree. Start sis! 

Proverbs 3:5-6 says: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

Do you want a path that is straight and not zigzaggy? Do you want to follow the real GPS for your life? It is God! Oh yes, through His wisdom! He says you SHOULD NOT LEAN ON YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING, sis! Why are being disobedient to the clear instruction of the Lord? How about submitting to Him in ALL YOUR WAYS, sis?


The last verse I quoted above has answered that! IN ALL OUR WAYS: 

Spiritual Growth



Business Relations

Career Choices

Financial Decisions

Health and Wellness



Ministry and Service


Time Management

Moral and Ethical Decisions

Conflict Resolution

Personal Growth

Decision Making



Better Decision-Making: With divine wisdom, we can make choices that align with Godโ€™s will and lead to positive outcomes.

Peace and Stability: Wisdom brings peace and stability in our lives because it helps us avoid unnecessary conflicts and errors (James 3:17).

Prosperity and Success: Following Godโ€™s wisdom leads to prosperity and success in various aspects of life (Proverbs 8:18-19).

Protection: Wisdom protects us from harmful situations and guides us to safe paths (Proverbs 2:11).

Strength and Courage: Divine wisdom empowers us to face challenges with strength and courage, knowing that we are guided by Godโ€™s perfect understanding.

Favor and Honor: Living by Godโ€™s wisdom attracts favor and honor from both God and man (Proverbs 3:3-4).

Others include: Peace with God, Better Leadership Skills, Avoidance of eternal regrets, Becoming a better person (A wise person is always influential!) etc. 


The Holy Spirit is our divine Counselor and Teacher. He is the One who guides us into all truth and grants us the wisdom we need for every situation (John 16:13). This is why you must pioritize your relationship with the โ€˜God-in-youโ€™, sis! Give Him time alone every day so He can โ€˜growโ€™ in you! Wait on Him until you are baptized powerfully in Him. He imparts wisdom through different means, some of which are:

Revelation: โ€œBut it was to us that God revealed these things by His Spirit. For His Spirit searches out everything and shows us Godโ€™s deep secrets.โ€ (1 Corinthians 2:10).

Guidance: โ€œFor all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.โ€ (Romans 8:14).

Discernment: The Holy Spirit helps us discern right from wrong and truth from falsehood thereby protecting us from deception (1 John 4:1).

Empowerment: The Holy Spirit empowers us to live out Godโ€™s wisdom with boldness and strength (Acts 1:8).


Rejecting God’s wisdom leads to numerous pitfalls and dangers, as highlighted in Proverbs 1:24-33:

Disaster and Calamity: Ignoring wisdom brings disaster and calamity and distress (Proverbs 1:26-27).

Lack of Guidance: Without wisdom, we lack proper guidance, resulting in poor decisions and negative consequences (Proverbs 1:29-30).

Fear and Anxiety: Rejecting wisdom leads to fear and anxiety, as we lack the security and peace that come from Godโ€™s guidance (Proverbs 1:33).

Destruction: Ultimately, rejecting wisdom can lead to spiritual, emotional, and even physical destruction (Proverbs 1:32).

Missed Opportunities: Turning away from wisdom causes us to miss opportunities for growth, success, and blessings that God has planned for us- His Will, His purpose, His Expected End for us! (Proverbs 1:24).

Isolation: Rejecting wisdom often leads to isolation, as we push away godly counsel and relationships that could help us (Proverbs 1:25).


โ€œDo not ever forget to ask things from God. Difference between us and Him is that He has been around long before the problem and He will be available after. Move with the winning team alwaysโ€.

There is practically nothing as important as walking in wisdom. This is not just Sophia (human wisdom) but the wisdom that comes from above. The Apostle Paul in several instances while writing the epistles prayed for the people that they will receive the Spirit and workings of wisdom for them to live their lives to the fullest. The book of Proverbs from the first to the last chapter, spoke extensively about how important it is for an individual to live wisely and to discern rightly.

In fact, one of the proofs that you really have a relationship with Jesus is that you walk in a high level of wisdom, because the Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 1:24 that Jesus is the wisdom of God therefore if He lives inside of you, wisdom must be on display in your life.

Wisdom produces discernment, that is, your ability to perceive and always understand things by Godโ€™s Spirit and to judge wisely. When you have wisdom, you can understand Godโ€™s divine purpose for your life. Which is why Apostle Paul prayed for the church in Ephesus in the book of Ephesians 1: 17, that they may be filled with the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they may know the hope of Godโ€™s calling for their lives.

Even Jesus needed the Spirit of wisdom for Him to fulfil His mission on the earth. The book of Isaiah 11 tells us that a prophecy had already come before the birth of the Messiah revealing that He was going to possess different dimensions of the Spirit, one of which was the Spirit of wisdom.

The book of James tells us that if we need wisdom, we are at liberty to ask from God, who gives to all and upbraided from none- and it shall be given! 

Sis, have you come to an understanding that you can of your own do nothing? Do you have the conclusion that You desperately need the Lord in all your ways? Then, you are on track! We will need to cry for the Spirit of Wisdom today and we must ensure that we begin to make use of all that we have learnt today- to make sure He leads us henceforth in ALL OUR WAYS! 

HELP ME FIND IT by Sidewalk Prophets

I don’t know where to go from here

It all used to seem so clear

I’m finding I can’t do this on my own

I don’t know where to go from here

As long as I know that You are near

I’m done fighting

I’m finally letting go

I will trust in You

You’ve never failed before

I will trust in You

If there’s a road I should walk

Help me find it

If I need to be still

Give me peace for the moment

Whatever Your will

Whatever Your will

Can you help me find it

Can you help me find it

I’m giving You fear and You give faith

I giving you doubt

You give me grace

For every step I’ve never been alone

Even when it hurts, You’ll have Your way

Even in the valley I will say

With every breath

You’ve never let me go

I will wait for You

You’ve never failed before

I will wait for You

If there’s a road I should walk

Help me find it

If I need to be still

Give me peace for the moment

Whatever Your will

Whatever Your will

Can you help me find it

Can you help me find it

I lift my empty hands (come fill me up again)

Have Your way my King (I give my all to You)

I lift my eyes again (Was blind but now I see)

‘Cause You are all I need

If there’s a road I should walk

Help me find it

If I need to be still

Give me peace for the moment

Whatever Your will

Whatever Your will

Can you help me find it

Can you help me find it



Let us take some quality time to worship the Lord for His Word that we have just gone through. Thank Him for the specific revelations that He has given you today. 

Adore the Lord for who He is. Tell Him how wonderful His works are! Tell the Creator how excellent all He has made are. 


Begin to sanitize your life right now. Rid your life of every sins and iniquities with the Blood of Jesus. The Lord does not hear the prayers coming from the mouth of a sinner, but if such confesses and forsakes the sins, the Lord will have mercy, hear and forgive.


Now, take charge of your environment. Begin to cover where you are now with the Blood of Jesus. Cover yourself with the fire of the Holy Ghost.


  • Father, grant me the wisdom to discern between right and wrong according to Your Word and not the standards of the world from this day forward, in Jesus’ Name.
  • Heavenly Father, help me to have a reverent relationship with You from this day forward, knowing that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).
  • Wisdom personified, I invite You into my life to guide me in all my decisions and paths, in the Name of Jesus. Oh, I give up my life to You, Lord God. 
  • Lord, grant me wisdom to live righteously and discern truth from error in every aspect of my life, in Jesus’ Name.
  • Father, I seek Your wisdom for conflict resolution, that I may respond with peace and reconciliation, in Jesus’ Name.
  • Heavenly Father, fill me with Your peace and stability that comes from walking in Your wisdom, avoiding unnecessary conflicts and errors, in Jesus’ Name.
  • Lord, may Your Holy Spirit guide me into all truth, granting me wisdom for every situation, in the Name of Jesus.
  • Heavenly Father, you said in your word, in James 1:5 that if any man lacks wisdom that he should ask of you who gives liberally to all without reproaching. Lord, I therefore acknowledge that I need the wisdom that only you can give, pour upon me your Spirit of wisdom in its fullest measure in the name of Jesus.
  • Heavenly Father, I donโ€™t want to keep on making mistakes and wrong turns in life, give me the Spirit of wisdom so that I can know those hidden things that have been prepared for my glory. Sweet Holy Spirit according to the Word of God, I ask that You search the mind of God and reveal these things to me in Jesus name.
  • Father I ask according to the book of Colossians 1:9, that You fill me with the knowledge of your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding so that I may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him and increasing in the knowledge of God in Jesus name.
  • Lord, I ask that you give unto me a discerning Spirit so that I can make the right decisions at all times, that even when your instructions seem foolish I will obey them nonetheless, knowing that they will help me live directly in the center of your will in Jesus name.
  • The book of Luke 2:52 tells us that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature. Heavenly father I therefore ask that you will not just give me the Spirit of wisdom but that you will help me to grow continuously in it, so that I will not fall out of your leading in all seasons of life in Jesus name.
  • Lord, your word records that God granted Daniel and the other three Hebrew boys wisdom and understanding in all skills and because of this they stood out among all their peers, I therefore ask that you grant me this same spirit so that I can stand out in every sphere of life that I find myself in Jesus name.
  • Your word says in Proverbs that with wisdom comes long life. Father fill me with your Spirit of wisdom so that I can live long to fulfil your mandate on the earth in Jesus name.
  • O Lord, please teach me how to respond to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Let me be prayerful and sensitive, so that I can understand every instruction that the Spirit offers. Make me a sensitive servant that listens to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and make me an obedient servant that yields to his instructions. 
  • Dear God, please guide my steps not to seek counsels from ungodly people. Assist me to seek godly counselors who may guide me into making right decisions. Help me to prayerfully consider any counsel before I take an action. Do not let me rush into judgment and regret afterward. Rather, let your Holy Spirit counsel, comfort, and empower me to appropriately make decisions that will result in positive benefits. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
  • Heavenly Father, Your Word says that foolishness brings joy to those with no sense; whereas a sensible person stays on the right path. I pray that I do not indulge in reckless decision-making when I need to be decisive. Lord, I also pray that I seek You always so that the plans that You have for my life may be successful. Father, help me become sensitive to Your Holy Spirit so that I can be wise and aligned to Your will, Amen.
  • Dear Savior, I am lacking wisdom right now as I do not know what path will lead me to what You have intended for my life. I pray that You will reveal to me the things that will help me live a successful and fruitful future. I thank You in advance because You give generously and graciously to all who seek You. Have Your divine way in my life, in Jesusโ€™ Name I pray, Amen.



Could we please join hands together to raise our voices to the Lord on behalf of these sisters

Prayer for my project result. I was wrongfully marked C. It’s been addressed and if not worked on will affect my CGPA. I want to see the hand of God clearly in my results. Prayer for my parent’s health- Arthritis (dad), serious leg pain(mum). I want instant healing for my parents. Prayer for financial upliftment. Especially abundance funds for my final-year clearance.

Help me pray for our house help whom I have been sharing God’s word with. She has the desire for the things of God and I truly desire that she may encounter God .That she may grow in the love and fear of God.That she should see God as The Almighty,her Saviour, Master and her true Lover. 

I want this family to Join me in prayers for a woman from my ministry but in another state and parish. As reported, this woman (I don’t know her personally) was kidnapped together with her 4 children recently. The kidnappers demand a ransom of 300+ million but the the husband of the woman could only raised 9 million and out of anger the kidnappers killed the first son of about 14 years in the presence of the mother. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ Then they released the mother and held the other three children hostage, requesting her to join her husband to raise the complete money else the remaining children will be killed as well. And they were given a week to pay up. When I received the news, I couldn’t hold myself, infact I was broken, I just want God to intervene and save the life of the children. ๐Ÿ™

That God will lead my daughter, to the right man of her life bone of her bone and flesh of her flesh. She will not get married to the wrong man but he that will lavish her with true love, care, sincerity and that they will both make it to heaven at last. That God should destroy every evil pattern of delayed marriage in her life and after marrying if the Lord tarries no delay in child bearing in Jesus name ๐Ÿ™ Everything covering her vision should be destroy today and God will show her mercy and show up for her 

Please help me pray against the spirit of promise and fail that anything good that has started will not be put to a h halt that God should touch the heart of people he wants to use for me to work speedily in Jesus name and I also pray against any power of untimely death on my family that it shall not be our portion from now on. Amen


Let us raise our prayer list to the Lord and tell Him all about our requests. Let us ask the Father in the Name of Jesus to turn those requests into testimonies for us according to His Will in Jesusโ€™ Name. Let us pray fervently on them before we move on.


Take time to sing praises to the Name of the Lord for all He has done for you during the course of this prayer today.


Click here to drop your prayer requests and or testimonies

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