The nature of a person is the character and behavior of a person. The ways by which you can identify a person, his fundamental dispositions. His way of thinking, acting, talking.
The nature of God is the attribute of God. The identity of God. The character that can be associated with God.
### What are some of God’s nature that we can identify:
We’re talking about His merciful nature. Mercy.
### What is Mercy
Mercy is compassion or forgiveness shown towards one who is within our powers to punish or who is deserving of punishment and judgment.
The merciful nature of God is one from which we are all recipients. We deserved punishment and judgment for we are all sinners. But God showed us mercy by sending Christ to die for our redemption.
From the scripture, we can see variously the mercy nature of God.
Exodus 34:6-7
Deuteronomy 7:9
Psalm 86:15;145:8-9
Ephesians 2:4-5
And in many other scriptures.
Our God is a merciful God.
We did nothing to qualify for His mercy.
His merciful nature is a central aspect of His character, expressed in His covenant relationships with us as undeserving people.
His mercy is expressed in his faithfulness to His covenant with us. He keeps His side of the bargain always, even when we are unfaithful.
His mercy never ends.
His mercy is fully expressed in Christ Jesus.
Jesus is the expression of the mercy nature of God. If not for Christ, we would be living in perpetual separation from God.
God chooses when and where to exercise his mercy. Romans 9:15-16
He decides how He would show mercy, to whom He would show mercy.
We can’t question Him or choose for Him.
We can but continually pray to be a recipient of His mercy.
God responds in mercy to those who call to Him.
Psalm 6:9
As we conclude, mercy is the nature of God and should be our nature as His children.
His nature of mercy is what gives us confidence to always approach Him when we have gone astray, for in His mercy He awaits us and He would receive us. This is however not a chance to take Him for granted. As He is merciful, He is a just God and a consuming fire.
Let’s bow our hearts wherever we are and call to God for mercy.
Let’s pray that mercy speaks for us now and always.