TESTIMONY: God stepped in and got it for me!

I’ll be an ingrate if I do not share this testimony to praise my dearest FATHER and edify a fellow BUDite πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Jehovah is turning things around for my good.


Again and again, I will be grateful to God for using this Juicy July to settle my wandering heart. Every day of Juicy July has always come in with messages for me, opening my eyes and softening my heart to what the Lord has wanted to do in my life for a long time. I thank God he is opening me up and I crave for more opening. πŸ”₯


So I have being trusting God for great provision and He started showing up for me.


I have some projects before me and I really need the fund, like humanly speaking, there is no how the money can start gathering o.


That’s how somebody I never ever expected just reached out with a business opportunity for me o. At first it was like I will loose the business because of so many reasons. But God stepped in and got the business for me. It might not be as large as I expected, but I trust God to perfect what he has started in me.


My pen cannot write all the Lord is doing in me at this time. But I’m coming back to pay my vows to Him.


I also have been having the numbness and indescribable feeling and pain in my right thigh area for some times now. At first I didn’t bother but I became inconvenient and the Lord totally took the pain away.


I am delivered!

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